
Pretty much a total system changeover

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Lumin U1 Streamer
    • Sansui TU-717
    • Belden 8402 IC
    • KCI Silkworm +
    Pure 24K gold with Xhadow rca connectors. A remarkable cable
    • Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Speaker Cables
    • Shunyata Research Denali S-6000
    • Found Music GiFT Power Cords

Comments 457

He's a good kitty though (Albert has to be checked before he leaves whenever he comes over as we think he might try to smuggle Romey out)

Absolutely true, I'm an animal lover and even those that are not could hardly resist Romeo the cat.


Call me at CES, I'm covering THE Show and after that I'm free to roam CES for fun and maybe short show coverage for PFO.


Albert - I'm finding smaller is better these days so maybe just a handful of us. I don't think before CES is going to work as I have a pretty full travel plate and then will be heading to CES on the 7th. We'll figure out sometime after the show and make it happen.

Roc - Romey Cat is a Napolean breed, meant to basically stay the size of a large kitten with shorter front legs that make him appear to always be ready to race. He's a good kitty though (Albert has to be checked before he leaves whenever he comes over as we think he might try to smuggle Romey out) We have tried different placements with him, but suspect we'll need to bring in a cat-room tuning specialist to make sure we get the right synergy between Romey cat and listening space.... ;-)

Zephyr - thanks for the invite and I will definitely take you up on it if travels bring me your way! If you want more information about room treatements drope me an e-mail, happy to help any way I can.

Happy New Year all!


Art: Thanks for your response and Happy Holidays! I'll have to look into those as WAF is something I must live with and those panels could be the answer I am looking for. If you are ever in the western side of SC, please let me know; you are always welcome for a listening session!


Beautiful system! What brand is the cat, and have you experimented with different room positions for it? :)


Albert - I thought I invited you over to hear the Vitus and H2O amps, but in any event you let me know when you want to make it by and we'll have a listen!

Are there any plans for another group get together or do you want to keep it small? I could come before CES and maybe a couple of the regular guys ride over with me.

I wish Fred Crowder could listen with us. Do you know him? He writes for Dagogo and has a top flight system. He visits and listens with us at my home from time to time.


Happy Day after Christmas!

Albert - I thought I invited you over to hear the Vitus and H2O amps, but in any event you let me know when you want to make it by and we'll have a listen!

Sam - Happiest of holiday seasons to you and all of yours!

Mapman - You hit the nail on the head on one of the things that really attracted me to Peter's designs. The image is just exceptional and very focused/layered but you also get the muscle of a big speaker and multi-drivers. Soundstage is terrific as well. My previous line arrays maybe staged a tiny bit wider and did the overall disappearing act just a hair better, but the compromise was guitars the size of station wagons and singers with giant heads and an image that lacked as much layering or focus.


The symmetrical driver configuration of those speakers is ineresting to me. I'd envision that approach would enable something like more monitor like focus, imaging and soundstage but with the muscle and impact of the larger multi-driver design.

How off-base am I with that assessment?


Happy Holidays, Art!

:-) Sam


Who is this using Art Smuck's name and wishing everyone Happy Holiday?

It can't be the real Art because he no longer comes around nor does he throw parties so friends can hear his new wonderful speakers.



David - thanks for the kind words and congrats again on your fine system!

Zephyr - thanks to you as well for your comments. The treatments on the side walls are RPG BAD ARC panels, part diffusive and part absorptive. The large floating wall in the front with the shelves cut in it is an actively tuned membrane as well, so the whole thing kind of ties together.

Happy holidays all!


You have one very beautiful room and system! What acoustic treatments are on the walls/in use in the room?


Hi Art, to say you made my day by commenting on my system is an understatement. To me, your system is one of my favorites on the site.

When I chose the KAS-2’s, I also heard the WAS-2’s; they both sounded unbelievably good (natural, unlimited dynamics, engaging) but the WAS-2’s did have more authority and impact. However, I though the KAS-2’s would work better in my size room.

You system is just amazing; The WAS-2’s make such an authoritative statement and has to excite the waiting listener. The Walnut face and black peal body are stunning but also inviting like a handcrafted piece of furniture. I love your choice of amplification, the VAC Tube combo running in bridge mode has to produce fast, rich, full, involving sounds with the authority of 300 watts; great system synergy for the speakers. Your room is just off-the-hook, I love the way your incorporated room treatments as art which makes the room more inviting.

Congratulations on your achievement.


Jeff, thanks for your kind words. I obviously agree with you on Peter's speakers...very happy camper here!


I love your system. I'm a huge Montana fan, Peter makes some of the best sounding speakers on this planet.



Hi Dev and thanks for the kind words, but I truly do feel like an amateur in this hobby comparatively. That said, I really do enjoy the system and room I have put together, and it's also great when others come by and enjoy it as well.

I agree on the 450's but those will have to wait.....for now... :-)

The new speakers are incredible, and someday when I get the time I will write about them at length. Tonally balanced, with a very clear sound and just a hint of glow to them. They play big and have a wide and deep stage, with very good imaging and separation. The bottom end is the best I've had so far, just seamlessly integrated and natural sounding, not thunderous or overwhelming, but really visceral and woody...Duelund caps was a great add and Peter at PBN is simply one of the best in the business to work with...he kept his design intact but did some totally custom things for me that I really think brought them together for my room. The chassis work is just gorgeous to boot. You can't see it well in the pictures (maybe Albert will take some professional pictures for me someday) but the walnut face is set on a body that is black peral with gold mist in it. They are beautiful...but I am biased of course. No speaker is perfect, but these come pretty darn close for me, in my system and for my tastes and listenign habits. :-)

Great to hear from you, I'll report out after Albert's gathering on 10/18...don't be a stranger Dev!


Lewisg - your experience and taste matches mine. I do like Kevin's KT88 (although I have some Winged C 6550 I like from time to time as well) but have heard the best from my amps with Black Treasure CV-181 and 1950's Sylvania combined in the 6SN7 lineup...


Hi Art,

just coming over from Albert's system posting, thought best to do so.

You were too funny when you mentioned just tagging along, your room is gorgeous and your system components are very fine indeed and I can only imagine how sweet it must sound.

The VAC Statement 450's would be right at home, I look forward to learning more about your new speakers mentioned above.


I have a vac phi 200 using audio physics virgos 25 speakers and I find the kt 88's that kevin uses with his amps are very good but the biggest improvement comes from the changing of his 6 sn7 front line tubes.I have 3 sets that I change around from time to time.a 50 year old set of brimar a 40 yr old set of sylvania and a set of rca red base 5692 about 70 yr old military tubes


Mitch, the tall things in the back of the room are either bass traps in the corners and Real Traps diffusors, no spare speakers back there....but you can't rule it out as a future possibility! :-)


Art, do I see speakers in the rear corners of your room? If so, what do you use them for?


He sure does Sam...we're a few weeks out from being ready for company, I'll keep you posted....


Thanks, Art!

If I can't be there, perhaps Albert can convey his observations...he has a terrific facility for characterizng the sound of a room/system :-)


I'll figure out a time Albert, they are definitely a different speaker than my a good way to me.

Sam, you are always welcome if you'll be in the area!


+1, Albert.


Seriously, I'm excited about your new speakers and looking forward to return visit to hear what they do.

You had terrific sound with the custom line array, if this is better it will be a real treat.


Showing 126 - 150 of 457 posts