
Pretty much a total system changeover

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Lumin U1 Streamer
    • Sansui TU-717
    • Belden 8402 IC
    • KCI Silkworm +
    Pure 24K gold with Xhadow rca connectors. A remarkable cable
    • Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Speaker Cables
    • Shunyata Research Denali S-6000
    • Found Music GiFT Power Cords

Comments 457

Hi Agear, I never did, what was his info again?


Arthursmuck, How do those those big Tannoys sound being driven by 2A3's? Thanks Jet


Arthur, did you track down the engineer from Chalice Audio?



Did you add 2a3 SET amps? Let us know how they do with your Tannoy's. Also seeing Line Magnetic amps - Thanks Jet


Thanks guys, I sure do enjoy these speakers and have a good set of options to run them with!


Wow just seeing this system for the first time and what an amazing system it must be! Very thoughtfully put together quite obviously from speakers to all your amps to your source and to the elegant and tasteful room itself! Totally gorgeous Arthur well done and my naked lust for a pair of big Tannoy's intensifies! Thanks for sharing I can only imagine the hours you log in front of that rig just grooving!


To add to the correct comment by Charles:
And such a phenomenal pair of speakers
in a fittingly nice sized room, as well.
Very nicely done!!


You don't allow anyone to ask you questions or make comments on your system, so I why are you doing it to other members? You comments are obviously meant to stir the pot as usual anyway.


I understand, you're in a situation that allows the use of two excellent amplifiers. Continue to enjoy for a long time.


Thanks Harve...

Charles, they are both great amps the Shindo just does that Shindo thing but stops just short of the SET magic that you get from the LM, and I have a soft spot for 845's...I have both so I can swap in and out when I feel like it.

Cdrc - if you'll clarify, I'll try to respond...


And real and organic musical engagement too Chuck??..... Lastly art, how would they sound driving a pair of speakers on 14 ohms of steroids?


Hi Art,
As I've written before I really like your system configuration, it must sound fantastic. How does your Line Magnetic with its 845 tubes vary found your Shindo amp driving the Westmister? do you clearly prefer one over the other in terms of pure musicality and emotional involvement?


Hey Art-
You've been busy and the system looks great! I'll have to figure out a time to get down there to hear those great speakers with the Shindo gear. My guess is that the sound is probably pretty spectacular. Your room looks like it was actually designed around the Westminsters, a really nice visual fit. :-) Congrats.


Happy Fourth of July, Art!
Miss you all down Texas way :-)


Come on down Sam!


Hey Art...seriously, no joke that it's quite a change! ;-)
I can only imagine you're in midrange bliss -- ahh.
Tannoy loudspeakers can be intoxicating.

I had the privilege of spending a small bit of time in a couple of mastering rooms in L.A., which featured custom Tannoys with Tannoy super tweeters and some non-Tannoy custom subs...the room and sound were terrific!

I'm due for another tour of Texas to visit the good people there. :-)


Thanks Albert, I do need to get back over and I will have you by for a listening session sometime soon. My schedule is a bear and Kathy is in Chicago quite a bit helping out her family so finding the time is the challenge! I will make both happen though before the summer is out. I can't wait to hear your changes and catch up. Soon my friend!


Art, you are welcome to attend any of our Tuesday night get together and listen with us.

Your friend (and mime) Jim Rivers (FM Tuner Info) is due this Tuesday as well as John Semrad, the Spence brothers, Chris Owens and Eric Whetstone. Could be others as well.

My system has changed so much since you were here last you would not recognise it. The Focal are so beautiful and musical it’s amazing and I finally got my digital where I’m excited about it.

No, digital is still not up to my analog but it’s really good :-),and I think would surprise you.

The Westminister were Ronnie’s favorite (Koetsu importer) before his death. I was always drawn into his room at shows and often sat and listened when I was supposed to be getting photos done.

I would love to hear them in your room and hope you can find time to visit us here.


Dev - I have not heard the Horning, but have read many good things about them. I'll be interested to see where you go with your setup, enjoy the journey!



Time for you to host a listening party. I want to hear the Tannoy.


06-21-15: Arthursmuck
System edited: A total reboot from my previous system(s)

Hey Arthur, how ironic that both you and I are doing similar with efficient speakers - TW GR speakers were on my short list too - looking good in your room but still look large.

I have never owned a high efficient speaker before and always wanted to, I experienced for the first time a speaker which is 98db and plays 20 to 20 with no crossover on 7 of the octaves, very nice indeed. Have you ever heard one? It's a Horning speaker, looking forward to matching them up with appropriate amplification.


Thanks Mike, not a bad amp in the lineup and certainly the FM 2A3's are amazing, your note to me about "speed inside the note" certainly is evident in their presentation.

I appreciate your kind words on the room, I aspire to have a space as incredible as yours someday....

Happy listening!



glad to see the amazing Found Music 2a3's have 'found' (pun intended) a good home. glad that worked out for you. Congrats!

really; your listening room looks very elegant and a great place to listen.



Hi Sam! Yeah, quite a change huh? :-)

It's a real departure from my last couple setups but really brings the room to life in a way the others did not.

Hope all is well with you, let me know if you're coming to DFW and we'll get together!


Jeff, I haven't had anything done to mine yet. Jim Rivers from the FM Tuner Info site is a good friend and I'm waiting to have him advise me on how far to go with it. I'll let you know what he says.


Showing 51 - 75 of 457 posts