ronkent's System JULY 2024


View comment by ronkent about 2 hours ago

ronkent's System JULY 2024

Beautiful rack for rock & jazz , the rest of your system is pretty damn good too.

View comment by vair68robert about 3 hours ago

imarche's System

@milpai Oh, my speakers are slightly more than 6ft apart. My room is very small and I'm at nearfield listening

View comment by imarche about 22 hours ago

imarche's System

Thanks for your comments! @lostbears - I felt the older V140 might be a good match for the "newer" Ref5SE. These have been recapped and modif...

View comment by imarche about 22 hours ago

imarche's System

I really like your system. I had a V70 for years and it was an excellent amp. I always wanted a pair of the V140 monoblocs.

View comment by lostbears about 24 hours ago

imarche's System

Very nice!I see you have 2 DACs in your system - Eversolo and Cen.grand. Are these being compared? If yes, can you share some thoughts on the differences and similarities between th...

View comment by milpai 1 day ago

imarche's System

That's an enviable system my friend. Well done.

View comment by doyle3433 2 days ago

Zlone's System

 @audiogon Thank you for the System of the Week recognition!

View comment by zlone 3 days ago

Zlone's System

@emergingsoul Thanks for the kind words. The KEF Reference have internal jumpers that are controlled by the set of knobs between HF and LF. I am in the northern forest, but just...

View comment by zlone 3 days ago

Zlone's System

Really love the space and gear.  Posts on back of speakers are really nice looking, hf don't seem to be connected.  Appears you live in a Canadian forest because no one understa...

View comment by emergingsoul 4 days ago

Knownothing's Office System

Thanks @stereosanctity, this has been a work in progress.

View comment by knownothing 4 days ago

Knownothing's Office System

Love seeing nice desktop systems.

View comment by stereosanctity 5 days ago

What now ???

I love this system.

View comment by mitchb 6 days ago

MY Place sbayne

I've recently added a Mr. K autoformer based passive preamp.Its hand built and extremely high quality. Excellent soundstage and dynamics....

View comment by sbayne 6 days ago

Doug's Audio Den

Those who are pursuing a new digital front end may wish to read my latest comments about the past year's search for a digital source. My brief description of the type of systems I am building now i...

View comment by douglas_schroeder 7 days ago

markmuse's System

mipai, they are RCA 12SN7 GTA

View comment by markmuse 7 days ago

InAGgroove's System

Our systems are remarkably similar.  I too have Vandy 5A speakers and the same Ayre preamp, power amp, and CD player.  Differ a bit in analog front end, where I have Origin Live Resolution turntabl...

View comment by dawgfish 8 days ago

markmuse's System

Got it. Thanks Mark.BTW, which brand of 12SN7 tubes are you using?

View comment by milpai 8 days ago

Vintage (mostly)

Excellent system @noromance and so much tube goodness going on here! Really like your Garrard 401, I’m thinking of adding some of the upgrades you have to my 401.

View comment by scar972 8 days ago

Ant's tape vinyl digital system

@noromance the Garrard 401 is fantastic, you have good taste! 🤣. I used to have a 301 as well but had to downsize my system. I’ve been over to your page in the p...

View comment by scar972 8 days ago

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