
Pretty much a total system changeover

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Lumin U1 Streamer
    • Sansui TU-717
    • Belden 8402 IC
    • KCI Silkworm +
    Pure 24K gold with Xhadow rca connectors. A remarkable cable
    • Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Speaker Cables
    • Shunyata Research Denali S-6000
    • Found Music GiFT Power Cords

Comments 457

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That stands reads like it would be a great addition here, I need time to think about it and would be nice to see yours at some point. I'm not in a hurry so no issue with that.

I miss seeing that crazy cat of yours and correct, have not met Hurley the dog. Not surprised they don't get along :-).


Art, I tried looking up Mark Crowley to view specifics of your equipment rack but no luck.

Does he have a website?


Art, you are welcome to attend any of our Tuesday night get together and listen with us.

Your friend (and mime) Jim Rivers (FM Tuner Info) is due this Tuesday as well as John Semrad, the Spence brothers, Chris Owens and Eric Whetstone. Could be others as well.

My system has changed so much since you were here last you would not recognise it. The Focal are so beautiful and musical it’s amazing and I finally got my digital where I’m excited about it.

No, digital is still not up to my analog but it’s really good :-),and I think would surprise you.

The Westminister were Ronnie’s favorite (Koetsu importer) before his death. I was always drawn into his room at shows and often sat and listened when I was supposed to be getting photos done.

I would love to hear them in your room and hope you can find time to visit us here.



Time for you to host a listening party. I want to hear the Tannoy.


He's a good kitty though (Albert has to be checked before he leaves whenever he comes over as we think he might try to smuggle Romey out)

Absolutely true, I'm an animal lover and even those that are not could hardly resist Romeo the cat.


Call me at CES, I'm covering THE Show and after that I'm free to roam CES for fun and maybe short show coverage for PFO.


Albert - I thought I invited you over to hear the Vitus and H2O amps, but in any event you let me know when you want to make it by and we'll have a listen!

Are there any plans for another group get together or do you want to keep it small? I could come before CES and maybe a couple of the regular guys ride over with me.

I wish Fred Crowder could listen with us. Do you know him? He writes for Dagogo and has a top flight system. He visits and listens with us at my home from time to time.


Who is this using Art Smuck's name and wishing everyone Happy Holiday?

It can't be the real Art because he no longer comes around nor does he throw parties so friends can hear his new wonderful speakers.



Seriously, I'm excited about your new speakers and looking forward to return visit to hear what they do.

You had terrific sound with the custom line array, if this is better it will be a real treat.



Art's cat is Romeo, the Napoleon breed of cat. That cat owns AT&T and Art works for him.

If you're nice, Napoleon will run over to you, flop on his side and beg for pets. After that you are free to listen to Arts system.

I'm in like Flint over there, cat gave me full approval.



Are the new speakers breaking in, sounding like you expected?



When's the party so I can come hear the new speakers, or are you going to break them in first?



We'll be listening until late, hope you make it. I think the Stillpoints stand will be in the photo studio rather than in the system when you arrive. We had it in the system last week and will put in again soon.


My open thank you to Art for having us over tonight. Great food, great music and great friends, not to mention Romeo the cat.


BBQ party at Art's mañana, I'm looking forward to the music and GIANT speakers he's trying out.


That is a beautiful kitty, thanks for adding some fun to Audiogon.

I need to come listen again, your system was sounding wonderful last time.


Hello Art, this is Napoleon cat.

Why have you not taken a photo of me lounging in your music room?

Audiogon visitors could see what great taste you have in picking family pets.



Your system was sounding really excellent the last few times I heard it. No doubt the new (sensational) room treatment brought big improvement.

I don't think you've been over since I did my last acoustic treatment have you? I also reset the subs again after experimenting with Ish who came for a visit.

I don't know where you have your new subs set, but I keep lowering the crossover and sharpening the curve.

Presently I'm at 30 Hz and 24 DB per octave, it may be set too low, but I'm going to live with each adjustment long enough to learn what each setting brings to the music (both good and bad).



Congratulations on the new subs, probably take some time to get right (like I went through) but well worth it.

I hope I'm invited to come listen again soon and experience the upgrade.


Markevans, guess what? It sounds as good as it looks and Art is a nice guy too.



How is the listening test going, 6550 Wing C tubes in your VAC?



it's worth the trip. If you listened before Art upgraded room, speaker cable and changed crossover you have not heard his system.

I like it a lot and I'm not a digital guy.



I too had a great time listening to your system, one of many for me but a first for Sam. I'm sorry it took me so long to post, I was editing the 600 + images for Audiogon of the Salon Son Canada audio show.

You've taken a great system and made it superb. The room, crossovers and new cables portray your custom line array in the very best light.

I'm coming back for a listen again as soon as possible and looking forward to seeing Napoleon cat and feasting on Mexican food again.

Your obligation is to come listen again with me and tell what you think about the changes I've made, which are many since your last visit.
