
Pretty much a total system changeover

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Lumin U1 Streamer
    • Sansui TU-717
    • Belden 8402 IC
    • KCI Silkworm +
    Pure 24K gold with Xhadow rca connectors. A remarkable cable
    • Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Speaker Cables
    • Shunyata Research Denali S-6000
    • Found Music GiFT Power Cords

Comments 457


Yes it's R2R.  Differences are thicker faceplate, upgrade IC sockets, AC filter, Copper chassis, two superclocks, KR rectifier, Mundorf caps in power supply and output, upgrade footers, flight case, etc. 

Sound?  More liquid, lit from within than other DAC's I've owned.  Texture, tonality and 3D are all noticeably better than my previous situations.  All my perspective of course, it's a total keeper!


What is the difference between the Lampi Atlantic and the "Golden" Atlantic? Also, how would you characterize the sound quality and how does it compare to previous DAC's you've owned?  Does your DAC have R2R ladder capability?   Sorry for the barrage of questions.


Added Shunyata, Lampizator and Finale Audio equipment.  Also added Belden IC and Duelund speaker cables.


Thanks for your note, no questions at this time.  



Arthur, did you track down the engineer from Chalice Audio?
agear September 28, 2015 04:17  Hello, I am the engineer you are looking for. What would you like to know?


Added Duke's Swarm Subs to fill in the last bit of low end. Great guy and superb product.


Charles - I'm going to hang onto it and look at building a second system around it in 2016.  I commute from Ft. Worth to Pittsburgh during the week so would like something for while I'm there.  Now to start to think about what speakers, any suggestions?  Total greenfield and the Tannoys should tell you how my taste in speakers run.  Thanks, Art


Sent you note just now, sorry for the delay!



I sent you a PM to the address you provided.

Not sure if you got it? Could you confirm, please?



Hi Arthur,
Your reply makes a lot of sense to me. I can see where both the Shindo and the Thoress are superb in their own way yet each has its unique positive attributes and character. They must be really special as they've kept your Line Magnetic amplifier on the sidelines. I don't believe you'd have a problem selling that beast on the used market.



Thanks Charles, the Shindo and Tannoy combo was great, I sure enjoyed that iteration of my system.  The Thoress setup has less romance and pure seduction than the Shindo and instead draws you in from a black background and purity of tone, openness and dynamics, while still maintinaing good liquidity.  They're more alike than different in many ways but in the end I wanted to go Thoress for now.  Both terrific, just different. 

To be honest the Line Magnetic rarely gets in the lineup anymore so I haven't done a comparison. I likely need to find a second system for it or sell it, if you know anyone, send them my way!  :-)


What do you hear differently between the Thoress 845 vs the Line Magnetic 219 845 tubed amplifier?


Hi Arthur,
I thought your system was fabulous with the Shindo and Tannoy combo. I've always read very positive comments regarding the Thoress components. What have you gained musically with the move to Thoress? Congratulations!



Outstanding system, and it is my inspiration.

Funny enough- your move from Shindo to Thoress is something, I've been seriously contemplating lately.

I went from Tron Syren II Ultimate to Shindo Vosne Romanee.

My power amps are LAMM ML2

Tannoy Westminster is the speaker, that I always wanted to hear and to have  (I have Avantgarde Duo Omega G2 now)

Needless to say, I'd love to chat with you, possibly off line, about your system, if at all possible.

Please, let me know.

Best regards



Changed primary system setup from Shindo to Thoress pre and 845 SE Amps


Thanks Andrew, I really do enjoy these speakers. The Chalice are probably outside what I would spend but I had a demo of Thoress 845 and pre in my sytpstem recently and they were spectacular with the Tannoy, that would be more realistic event for me...more to come!


It would/will be interesting to hear something like the Chalice amps on your speakers. I plan on getting some when the time (and $) avails itself.

Once again, I enjoy looking at pictures of your room. Visually beautiful, and those speakers are a work of art. They have a vintage charm and appeal that sends my mind to a happy place.


Thanks Arthursmuck. Awesome to have several top level amps. When the mood strikes you have different amps for the types of music you want to hear. Life is good!


Jetrexpro, missed your question. They sound fantastic. These are pretty nice 2A3 amps with some big power supplies and are so pure and quick sounding. Do the Tannoy like more power? Yes, but on smaller combos, singer/songwriter, quartets, etc the Found Music are otherworldly...I love them and recommend Scott and his design highly.


Yeah, let's connect and schedule up some time to get together, it will be good to catch up and I can invite Mark by, he lives just a few miles from me. I'll shoot you a note with some options, likely in late October / early November. Be well my friend!


That stands reads like it would be a great addition here, I need time to think about it and would be nice to see yours at some point. I'm not in a hurry so no issue with that.

I miss seeing that crazy cat of yours and correct, have not met Hurley the dog. Not surprised they don't get along :-).


He does not Albert, he's local to me and just a friend who likes to work with wood and is a perfectionist (my favorite people to work with) It's MDF wrapped in 2" of White Ash with any remaining air gaps filled with foam, so it's very dense and heavy (we think around 400 lbs. Measures 62"W x 24"H x 25"D and is unfinished as I like the Ash as it looks naturally and have no light or humidity issues in my room. I can connect you to Mark if you are thinking of a project, drop me a mail or give me a ring.

I really need to get you over someday soon but my schedule is very challenging these days. I commute to Pittsburgh now so time at home is less than usual and more focused on family. Romey cat misses you and you haven't ever met Hurley the dog, he is also awesome, although they are not friends.


Art, I tried looking up Mark Crowley to view specifics of your equipment rack but no luck.

Does he have a website?




Arthur, Dave Smith has it...I will get him to pass it along...


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