For The Love Of Music

Nice looking rig: congratulations. Curious as to how you like the Andra's, and also: what size room are you using them in?

posted over 12 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

System edited: Upgraded tonearm and cartridge.

posted about 13 years ago

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Small Sunroom System

Agaffer: This is a great looking room and rig. How do you like the Lyra Helicon cartridge on the VPI Scoutmaster? Oh, and superb job on the fireplace!cheers,Jim

posted over 13 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

Heyitsmedusty: Sorry for the much-delayed reply. Good call on the displayed Sufjan Stevens record. It's the inside flap of "Come on Feel the Illinoise."Updates: Dynavector XX-2 Mk...

posted over 13 years ago

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A Lot Of Work To Do (Revisited)

Nice clean installation, and I'll bet it sounds great. Congratulations on putting it all together. Looks as though you've gone from a VAC amplifier to VTL. What are your impressions of the change?

posted over 14 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

Vernneal -- Thank you for the good suggestions. No HT issues here, so I recently opted to exchange the AR linestage for McIntosh C2300 preamplifier, mainly because I wanted to try a tube preamp wit...

posted over 14 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

System edited: Added REL Stentor II subwoofer.

posted over 15 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

System edited: Added Richard Gray Power Company 400S. Major improvement to soundstage and musical detail.

posted about 16 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

System edited: Added Gingko Cloud 11 isolation platform under VPI Aries Black Knight turntable. A significant upgrade for vinyl playback.

posted over 16 years ago

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Trying to get inside the Music

Beautiful room! Looks like a great place to listen, and the system is excellent. You mention that you've used as little acoustic paneling as possible. But is the wall behind the speakers made up en...

posted over 16 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

System edited: added Bright Star Audio isolation bases (under CD player and preamplifier).

posted over 16 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

Zigonht: I've had the Rega Planet 2000 since it was first introduced, about 5 years ago. Probably it's time for a change, but it's been a decent player all that time and still works great despite b...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Back to Mac version 2.0

Nice looking system, and going analog will, I suspect, make you even happier. What kind of difference did you notice after going with the Zu power cord on the MC275? I do agree with you about the c...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

System edited: pictures updated.

posted almost 17 years ago

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To Rosemarie

What an interesting well-conceived system. Congratulations and best wishes for keeping the music alive in the absence of your old listening friend.

posted almost 17 years ago

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my bedroom system

party on, dude! Love the pin-ups in the sweet spot. Does that affect the imaging, I'm wondering...

posted over 17 years ago

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Simple and sweet

Great to see a real music lover with a fine collection. You've got enough tunes to last several lifetimes. But have you thought about upgrading your CD player? Without going crazy with spending on ...

posted almost 18 years ago

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7.1 - Not exactly off the rack

Holy subwoofers, Batman!! This is an unbelievable system that you've put together. Hearty congratulations on your ambitions and project execution. You've not said anything thus far about your music...

posted over 18 years ago

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Fairly Mainstream System

This is in my opinion a most attractive set-up, and very neatly executed, especially given the relative narrowness of your room. If echo is a problem, and you are hesitant about putting uglifying a...

posted over 18 years ago

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Tubes, vinyl & movies

Great looking system. How do you like the Sumiko Blackbird? I'm currently using a VPI Aries Black Knight (pretty similar to Scoutmaster) with a Dynavector Karat 17D2, and have been pleased with the...

posted almost 19 years ago

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My Man Room: Quads+Arcam

Nice, clean-looking installation. Have you considered placing the video monitor in a lower position for easier viewing?

posted over 19 years ago

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The good old college try...

Nice to see a fellow Penn Quaker enjoying the music. I arrived there with my Bose 301's, Onkyo TT, JVC receiver and set everything up in my Quad dorm room (Coxe). Thought I had the whole audio thin...

posted over 19 years ago

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Aatish's Final Frontier

Congratulations on an extraordinary system. Along with the fine equipment, I'm impressed with your attention to room treatment. But do feel that the small room size limits the performance somewhat?...

posted over 19 years ago

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Showing 26 - 48 of 48 posts