Jazz and Bluegrass

No big changes lately, except the Dynavector XX2MKII returns this season to the system after an excellent rebuild.  Sounds sweet as ever. Kleos SL rebuilt and waiting her turn. Looking next to rep...

posted 11 months ago

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The Summit

Hi Dan — System looks awesome. Glad it’s sounding right to you.  Did the Herron replace a ModWright line stage? Curious about the differences you’re hearing after the upgrade.  When I was choosing ...

posted over 2 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

Added 3 dedicated AC lines. 10 gauge wire, hospital grade receptacles. Reduced noise floor, and improved resolution.

posted over 2 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

New listening room photo.

posted about 4 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

At last made the move to a Lyra Kleos cartridge (Soundsmith has rebuilt my Dyna XX2MkII).  This is an upgrade that provides a smoother, more refined, an slightly more detailed sound, at least to my...

posted over 4 years ago

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sfseay's System

OK, now I see the second system. Still wondering if you have tried the Sony with an outboard DAC

posted about 6 years ago

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sfseay's System

Are you running the Sony HAP-Z1ES through the PS Audio DAC?

posted about 6 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

OK, I have to admit: this rig finally sounds great.  Not sure what to change at this point.  Maybe just keep listening to records? Digital gets the job done, but I know it's not state of the art.  ...

posted almost 7 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

@ije Good to meet another ModWright PH-150 user.  And a Vandy 5A user as well!  Not too many of us in these parts, so far as I can tell.  I've had the PH-150 ins...

posted over 7 years ago

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Just the Music Remains.

Looking fantastic, system-wise.  Would love to hear your impressions of the AR monoblocs with the Vandy 5A's.  As a new 5A owner, I'm looking for the "ultimate" amplifier to drive the top ends.  Yo...

posted almost 8 years ago

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A Lifetime of Buying and Selling Brought Me This

System's looking very nice.  Your set-up caught my eye because we both have VPI and Vandersteen 5A in the mix. Are you using the stock power cords with the Vandersteens?  Curious as to whether this...

posted about 8 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

Vandersteen 5A loudspeakers replace Spendor SP1/2E. ModWright PH-150 Reference Phono stage added.

posted about 8 years ago

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Painless Storm

We seem to have similar tastes in equipment. This is a fine-looking setup. Can you specify which Soundsmith cartridge you've selected for use on your VPI Aries Extended?Also, are you using ...

posted almost 9 years ago

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The Summit

Dan -- Thanks for comments on the Dyna XXII MK2 cart. Mine's hanging in there, but I'm anticipating a change in the next year or so. Good to hear yours held out for so long and tolerated the Sounds...

posted about 9 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

System edited: Added edenSound brass footers, dedicated AC lines, and PS Audio power ports. Improvements across the board . . .

posted about 9 years ago

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The Summit

Curious as to how many hours you got from the Dynavector XX2MK2 before retipping. Mine is pretty well used, but I'm not sure where it is ready for replacement. And how was your experience with the ...

posted about 9 years ago

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Actual System

Really nice looking system, and it's beautifully set up. Admirably clean. It appears you've gone from using the built in MC phono on the McIntosh c2500 to the new Audia Flight phono pre. Like you, ...

posted about 10 years ago

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Rethm Saadhana Haniwa VPI Bricasti

Very nice system, with interesting component choices. Corner placement should work fine. But: the fireplace. I've never understood the placement of large video monitors above tall fireplaces. Espec...

posted almost 11 years ago

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7.1 - Not exactly off the rack

Ken -- Can't wait for the photos! You may recall that I was the first to reply to your post, years ago. Just happened to notice it once again.Hats off to you for dedication. And now let's t...

posted almost 11 years ago

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Bill's Main System

Nice looking system and obviously a carefully selected one. How do you like the B&W 802d paired with the McIntosh 352? Any desire to supplement its low end with a subwoofer?Thanks!

posted over 11 years ago

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From Ecuador

Clean and stylish room set up. Hats off to you. Everything is arranged just right, I think, and I'll be it sounds fantastic. What are the room dimensions?Cheers and good listening.

posted over 11 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

Dan -- Thanks for the note. We agree on the cartridge. Mine is pretty new and breaking in, still. And by the way your Garrard DYI looks incredible, as does your carefully designed system. W...

posted over 12 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

hi Rusty --Thanks for the kind words. You know, as a matter of fact I lived in Durham (Morehead Hill) for several years, and I'd take you up on the offer if was still in the area. Looks lik...

posted over 12 years ago

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Blake's System

Nice job putting together a clean and attractive system. I'm familiar with the Thorens TD-160, and from my experience it is rather susceptible to footsteps, vibration, and other acoustical feedback...

posted over 12 years ago

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Jazz and Bluegrass

Alan: the VPI Aries is a solid player. I've got the Aries II Black Knight, which has a black acrylic platter. The arm is recently upgraded to the VPI 10.5i with Dynavector XX-2 mkII cartridge, and ...

posted over 12 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 48 posts