My Timeless Passion

You seem very much a DIYer. Your system looks well integrated especially the stand. Many here spend $$$$$$ on electronics but neglect the stand. Your Mac amp is nice

posted about 14 years ago

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TTHoa's playground: Tannoy Kensington

Nicely set up. I find the Avalons as a whole to really sound good with vocals

posted about 14 years ago

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Undergraduate Hi-Fi

Nice setup. You can never have too many McIntosh pieces. Get a job and move out

posted about 14 years ago

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System good for a while.

nicely done

posted about 14 years ago

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Phil's System

Nicely done. Never met a Avalon I did not like

posted about 14 years ago

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Mojo Audio, Nu-Vista, Spendor

I agree a stand can affect the sound. I would question your outlet set up. Is it just laying on the floor?

posted about 14 years ago

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Hemingway makes it perfect..

Your friends are right. Listen to them more

posted about 14 years ago

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2 Steps from Heaven...

Lots of time and thought seems to have gone into tweaks. What one or two do you recommend to everyone? And...Nicely done

posted about 14 years ago

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My college system

I had LaScallas in college 1980. I miss em but moved on -boy are they big. Was never happy with thhe bass

posted about 14 years ago

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slowly evolving

Classe makes some fine preamps. A good used Meridian CD player would fit in. Nicely arranged

posted about 14 years ago

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High Tech Water Cooled System.

Nice system. Why throw such nice equipment on the floor? You should issolate them

posted about 14 years ago

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VAC, Vitus, and Montana

Nicely done

posted about 14 years ago

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Audio Destination

Nicely done

posted about 14 years ago

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Canoa's audio system

One of the nicest setups I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted about 14 years ago

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Music to my ears

One of the nicest setups I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted about 14 years ago

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Congrats on a nicely laid out system . So many look like listeners just thru componets into a room. Yours gets a A+

posted about 14 years ago

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Star Wars Theater by F1 Audio


posted about 14 years ago

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The Rhyno's Den

McIntosh and Wilson's=NICE!!!

posted about 14 years ago

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Small Footprint - Big Performance!


posted about 14 years ago

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Tu-be or not tube

no tube on da tv

posted about 14 years ago

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Library listening room

McIntosh and Thiels usually sound wonderful togethernice setup

posted about 14 years ago

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Almost Audio Nirvana for me anyway!

ProAcs are acurate speakersnicely done grasshopper

posted about 14 years ago

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Wilsons, darTZeel, Vinyl and Tubes

Nice set up . Spend a few bucks on a qua;ity stand

posted about 14 years ago

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Modified system over the years.

Blue Jean Cables -speakersKimber Kable-PBJ Interconnect

posted about 14 years ago

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1957-1962 All Out Assault

with efficent speakers vintage wquipment can SOUND VERY GOOD

posted about 14 years ago

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Showing 101 - 125 of 200 posts