
"nothing left to do but smile smile smile."---Jerry Garcia

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    • Magico S7
    Monsters. big speakers create big problems (had to elevate my listening chair 4" as i sit ~ 10ft away in a medium sized room) but after 2+ months of dialing in, these are  end-game speakers and create an event every time they're on. give up the n'th level of detail vs M3s but have more power / foundational heft via 3x10". heroic build quality, berrylium tweeter is a revelation, my last speaker and will be for those who can afford it (replaced Wilson Sasha 2s--no slouches, but no S7s). --between wilson, rockport and magico you have to pick the house sound you like best and live with the drawbacks. i think this model magico has the fewest---smaller magicos have considerably more which i wouldn't own (again).
    • Luxman C-900U
    world class SS preamp, immaculate build quality, perfect ergonomics (1db increments via full function remote), tone controls (seldom used, but nice option) and 'loudness' (which does come in handy for bass boost on badly recorded live discs), but 'line direct' is an open window. a true reference.
    • Luxman M-900U
    Solid state class AB, 150wpc, impeccable build and sonics to match. runs cold to just a tad warm, but has treble fidelity i've never heard from AB. has proven a wonderful combo with speakers such as Wilson Sasha 2s and now Magico S7s, never running out of power and always musical and inviting. 
    the ideal match for the C-900U preamp, and the combo is a last stop for not-outrageous sums. 
    • JAYS AUDIO CD3 Mk2
    excellent, beefy (30+#) top loading transport (no moving parts!) for redbook. upsamples to 192k via I2s interface to dac. my last transport.
    • SMSL M400
    replaced the Gustard X26 and compares favorably to uber$ dacs; gives up some bass depth and leading edge, and requires top notch accessories (Shunyata Omega digital and AC cords--into an $800 dac!), but having done so it punches well above its weight. 
    • AudioQuest Wild speaker cables
    step change improvement vs the Redwoods. ---low level detail in all frequencies is now clear, no sense of silver-related brightness. tonality is spot on, and incredibly quiet. fantastic cables
    • Kenwood KT-8300
    highly modified per; custom power supply, output stage, opamps (biased to class A), IEC adapter, lots and lots of mods.
    • PS Audio P-10
    excellent power regen that works wonders on front end gear (not so much for amps--sucks out dynamics). a godsend for apartment dwellers.
    • Shunyata Research Everest 8000
    was meh when using alternate brand AC cords, or even the Sigma XC. But the Omega XC? oh baby, this is the bees knees of AC treatment under 20k, and without a single part to break. this is an item you hate spending the $ on, and every day after you're glad you did
    • High Fidelity Cables MC-1 Pro Helix+
    i've one Pro Helix on the output of the PS-10 feeding line level gear, one MC-1Pro on the wall (which feeds a distribution box that powers the amp & PS-10) and one MC0.5 helix on another circuit. 
    i think most HF products are wildly overpriced and can be equaled elsewhere. but the AC magnets are a wonderful item and do more for AC than you can imagine. both the PS-10 and the synergistic UEF-12SE benefited from them. highly, highly recommended. 
    • Stillpoints LLC Ultra 5
    3 ultra 5s under the Luxman M-900 U amp (resting on a BDR Source shelf) were a shocking improvement in low level detail.
    Added 4 minis under the C-900U and 4 Ultra SS under the DAC. every time more detail and no etch. indispensible under SS gear. 
    • ASC 16
    ten total, four at 4' tall, balance at 3'. big improvement over my DIY Risch Q&D Tube Traps
    • Relax The Back Zero Gravity Chair
    wonderful addition to room, no apparent acoustical downside despite headrest
    • OC 703 Acoustic Panels (18 of them)
    now at 18 in the room (three 24*48*6" deep, 9 as 24*48*2). the added 6"ers did wonders--gotta go thick!

Comments 79

@rhyno beautiful system.. I have some of similar equipment. The C900U and the M10x. I recently swapped the 595ASE with a T+A 3100 HV.. In the next few weeks I'll be swapping the A3s with A5's. Your Magicos are beautiful..


Thanks for the post on my system.
Your system is also excellent!
I have a relax the back chair. Is it one that goes all the way horizontally to the floor?
I am using Silversmith Fidelium speaker cables.
I replaced $6000 Stealth cables with the $1200 Fideliums and the Stealth are now relatively junk! I believe they are the best regardless of price.
User comments and reviews all say the same.
They have a 14 day or 30 day return but you will keep them.



updates for the destination reached


Very nice work, Rhyno!  You may dig (more than most) the covering on my own DIY 703 panels.  :-)


Knghifi, I enjoyed my time running a tube linestage with a ss amp & tube rolling. In fact, I debated keeping my Boulder 1060 and modded Ayon CD-5s when I moved to my current S5's, but settled on the SIA-025 as I loved its sound and also had a desire to reduce my box count, so the SIA-025 was a godsend. I don't think you can say full stop Magico sounds best with some tubes in the chain, as there are exceptions as i've found. VA (especially the Signature Series gear) offers the best of both worlds between tubes and solid state imho, and has an unusual synergy with Magico. Still I accept tube fans will likely dismiss such alternatives.


Melbguy1, my solution is I bought both a SS and tube amp. They are more different than much superior to one another. Depending on my mood, weather (tubes to heat up the house in the winter), occasion ... I just rotate them in the system.

BTW, I find Magicos sound best with some tubes in the chain.


@knghifi, I know Myles Astor is very happy with his CJ Gat/Art amps driving his S5's, though they are very good amps with a commensurate price tag. I rolled the output tubes of my modded Ayon CD-5s with DR's & got good results, so i'm sure Rhyno could achieve very good sound. It's all relative. For sure the Boulder 1060 & 1010 are quieter and faster than the Ref 150/Ref 5SE, then again the Boulder amps don't have the same tube virtues of warmth, harmonic richness & midrange bloom of the ARC amps. I recall Infinity recommended using solid state amps to drive the bass panels of their classic Infinity IRS speakers, and ARC tube amps to drive the midrange/tweeter panels. I went for Vitus amplification which gives me all the current/drive, speed & resolution I need, as well as many of the desirable qualities of a good SET 300B tube amp such as tonal purity, warmth, harmonic richness & a slight 'rounding' of vocals. Kind of best of both worlds. But as I said, at the end of the day you only have to please yourself.


Nice system.


The Ref 150 won't have the really deep bass of your Boulder, however if you're running subs that won't be an issue. The only reservation i'd have is i'm not sure your ARC gear will keep up with the S3's fast drivers. Upgraded NOS 6H30-P DR tubes would help a bit. In any case, you only have to please yourself :)
I have a friend that's driving his S5 with VAC SigMKIIa and VAC Phi200 mono and there's no problems keeping up with drivers. Before the VACs, he was running Ref 5SE pre & the Ref75 which is faster than the VAC. He wanted more power and switched to VAC instead upgrading to bigger ARC amp.

He rolled 6H30-DR in both ARC pre and amp and made a huge improvement.


Rhyno, congrats are in order for your new tube amp! Having previously run a 1060 with a tube linestage, I can understand the incongruence between the warm up time of the Boulder vs a valve linestage. There should be natural synergy between your Ref 5SE pre & the Ref 150. The Ref 150 won't have the really deep bass of your Boulder, however if you're running subs that won't be an issue. The only reservation i'd have is i'm not sure your ARC gear will keep up with the S3's fast drivers. Upgraded NOS 6H30-P DR tubes would help a bit. In any case, you only have to please yourself :)


System edited: swapped boulder 1060 for ARC Ref 150. really just got tired of duration required to get Boulder hot (ie sounding good) whereas Ref 150 is up to its peak in ~ 30min. and its peak is very very good...


You've certainly put together what I consider a very good "bang for the buck" high end system Rhyno! The Boulder 1060 & ARC Ref 5SE are a very good pairing. The Ref 5SE would add much needed tube virtues to the Boulder's excellent neutral ss sound. I actually considered this combo myself, but went with the matching 1010 pre instead in my system. The Modwright Oppo Sony is another great bang for the buck choice. I don't really have room on my rack for the external tube psu as i'm trying to keep my box count down.

The Magico S3's are great speakers in the right room. I heard the S3's recently in my Dealer's showroom & was impressed by the midrange and top end clarity and focus. In a small(ish) room they shouldn't require subs, especially being driven by your Boulder which has subterranean bass. Nice choice there! Good job also with your room treatments. The ASC products are tested and proven products. Overall great attention to detail & a really impressive setup you have there Rhyno!


System edited: updated to reflect latest gear. a few things left i'd like to hear, but no hurry.


System edited: have just reconfigured my layout to position main equipment racks (which were 2 shelves tall, as seen in the 'before' pic) from between the speakers to stage left, and maybe another 18" recessed from where they were before relative to front baffle of speakers. in short, this was a dramatic change, and convinces me that the difference between a good system and a great one is a favorable room...folks, get the gear out from between the speakers to get the most out of your rig (with a small room like mine, its more dramatic than a component change).



good call!!! i have heard the 1060 and very much respect the Boulders. I also have heard your speakers which are sensational. I was just talking to a senior guy from Transparent Audio who has been to Rockport's place in Maine...tremendous respect is all i can say.



System edited: have replaced mac 501s with boulder 1060 on my rockports. lower specified power than macs, but clearly specs matter not..boulder has total control and ease, with rockports quite beguiling. amp has tremendous clarity without character, just telling you what else upstream is doing. staging and detail retrieval are world class. an amazing amp.


resolution is almost a push, maybe the CDSA is slightly better. MW has better dynamics and bass. CDSA is far more plug & play, whereas MW requires more work to coax out good sound (tubes, power cords, isolation). very happy w/ change overall, and MW is a great player...i bought several spare laser assemblies to the 5400, if that tells you anything.


I would be most curious to hear your opinion on the CDSA-SE versus the Modwright Sony 5400ES, and why the change?


fair point...the Gryphon Antileon is 800 watts (full Class A) but it is stunning. Not sure about Vitus, but its also pure Class A. (Jeff Fritz) has reviewed both Antileon Signature and the Vitus. He owned Wilson X2s at the time, but did end up with ARrakis at one time or another. Good luck and pls keep us posted...and enjoy!!!!!


had pass XA.5 series in while i owned diff speakers, excellent amps, sweet up top and very natural tonally, but got the impression i'd have to go to 100.5s or higher to get enough current to control the sheritan, and i dont want 600W idle heat dissipation. and even then, the XA.5s are not what i'd consider a 'control your speakers' amp.

will have to look into gryphon & vitus. mahalo.


Yes, newer is not always better!

I have heard good things about the Herron. I wonder if you might consider Pass, Vitus, Gryphon...all SS amps with good power and the reputation for having extension while maintaining a natural tonality. Good luck and enjoy!!!


Rhyno...congrats on the Rockport Meraks. Haven't heard them but I have heard the Miras, the Ankaas, the Aquilas and the Altairs and by far Andy makes my favorite speakers ever. Enjoy them in good health and for a very long time. Good luck with the amp search to do them justice.


thx lloyd. and you're right, the Merak is the last model to use the monocoque chassis until the Altairs, @ $90k. while the driver materials are a bit dated, they still have awesome motor assemblies, world class x-overs, and a SOTA cabinet.

i find it a bit amusing that folks are creaming in their jeans over the new magico Q series, as valin was waxing on about their non-resonant cabinet---ideal combo of mass, stiffness & damping, or things which andy @ rockport has been doing for 15yrs+....funny that no one else has gotten the memo!

i've changed the jumpers that came w/ the M/S setup, and its gotten appreciably better, far and away best sound i've had in my room, and certainly livable forever. but i will be auditioning amps..i'd love a high powered stereo amp that throws off little heat and sounds like a SET...the 501s never fail to satisfy, but they're the weak link at this point. treble attenuation, minor loss of clarity, shortened stage depth and a rollicking bass won't drive you from the room, but with these speakers, i just have to do them (& the music) justice.

the herron preamp is a remarkable overachiever. in direct A/B w/ the passive ypsilon, it was cut from the same cloth in almost all ways, but maybe down 5% in absolute terms. if you kept my eyes closed and told me one unit was Rev 1 and the other Rev 2, i'd have believed it in a heartbeat. and so would my buddy who owns the yp.


Hi Rhyno,

you've got awesome speakers...i've heard them before. You probably already know this, but the materials used in this speaker were not used in the subsequent high end models of Rockport---deemed too expensive and reserved for the super-high end models like the Arrakis.

I think you will find that if you choose to audition different amps, the sin of omission may not be much of any omission. the 501s are very good...there just may be a doubling up of treble treatment where it is getting more rounded off by both components. as you say, really not a bad thing at all, as both components are really excellent.

If you can find a piece of Gryphon gear, you also likely already know that much of Rockport gear is auditioned/tested/voiced and showcased with Gryphon...just check out the website and you'll see pictures of their electronics at Rockports HQ in Maine. Enjoy your system...stunning speakers!


thanks. most expensive thing i've ever bought that didn't have a roof or a gas tank, but strike me as a good exit point to speaker hunting.

there is no music the rockports are not capable of reproducing very very accurately. fidelity to the source, freedom from coloration & congestion at any volume, a cabinet that gives rise to unheard of levels of staging and detail retrieval for a monkey coffin, and overall ease of listening, rockports are simply amazing.

sins of omission (top end extension per older esotar tweeter) are my biggest gripe, and its not nearly as objectionable as sins of commission---the rockports have none.
(i also have some more work to do on leading edge attack, but thats also my amps---501s have lots of power, but not much drive, per the autoformers).

i've known two folks who owned rockports. they died owning rockports. i suspect i will to...but at 38, i hope it will be a while...(and yes, i can easily envision owning these speakers for the rest of my life. they do not make errors which annoy).


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