
I got into music as a kid and into great sounding music a year ago. I started out with headphones and as they say, "the rest was history". I live in my parents' house while doing my undergrad so I'm able to live comfortably. My system makes changes every month in the search for the perfect sound but I'm slowly getting closer. I'm going to focus more on my source as the next few months go by. I'm looking to get another Squeezebox and move the computer into the room behind mine (it serves purpose as a media center as well). Other than that I'm very happy with my system. Happy listening!

Components Toggle details

    • Quad 11L2
    Very musical. They'll hold me over until I find a good deal on some B&Ws.
    • Counterpoint SA-220
    Way more power than I really need...
    • Counterpoint SA-2000
    A nice, smooth tube preamp.
    • Cambridge Audio Dacmagic 2
    Great little DAC!
    • Paul Speltz Anti-Cables
    Not much to say - very solidly constructed cables.
    • Sony KDL-46W4100
    I watch TV 2 hours a week, so this does the job!

Comments 9

Thanks! Yes, the setup is a bit of a pain but certainly well worth it in the end.


Nice and simple set up!! I love my maggies as well. It took me a while to get the staging/sweet spot just right but I knew it once I hit it.


To be honest, I'm mostly of the cables-are-cables group. The anti-cables are solidly constructed and the banana ends work perfectly for the Magnepans. So I can't really give much insight. My system isn't to the level yet, I believe, that I will start hearing major sonic differences between cables.


What is your opinion of the anti cables?


The Emotiva CDP is excellent and I only have good things to say about it. I won't go into the audiophile blabber on it but it's great. Listen for yourself to determine, though. For the price I've not heard better...

I will be moving out soon - and I do have a job (how else would I pay for this!?).


Nice setup. You can never have too many McIntosh pieces. Get a job and move out


Yeah that's the only reason I don't own a pair...they wouldn't work in my living room.

Hey how do you like the Emotiva CD player?
I was thinking about picking one up...


Not very big - literally a few inches in either direction. But to be honest, I'm the only one that ever does serious listening and the sweet spot is right where I sit, so it's fine by me! They still sound great but imaging is cut down severely from side to side.


That's a very clean setup...I like it!

How big is the listening area on the Magnepans?
I always hear how small the sweet spot is compared to "regular" speakers.


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