Vintage (mostly)

Excellent system @noromance and so much tube goodness going on here! Really like your Garrard 401, I’m thinking of adding some of the upgrades you have to my 401.

posted 16 days ago

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Ant's tape vinyl digital system

@noromance the Garrard 401 is fantastic, you have good taste! 🤣. I used to have a 301 as well but had to downsize my system. I’ve been over to your page in the p...

posted 16 days ago

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SUT Info

Thank you for sharing, I have an FRT-4 on the way.

posted 17 days ago

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SUT Info

Both of my cartridges are LOMC with outputs of approximately .25mV.I’d like to see if adding a SUT in front will lower the noise and sound better than going straight into the MC input. Do you ...

posted 18 days ago

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SUT Info

@elliottbnewcombjr I have always wanted to try a SUT but have never had the need for one.  Curiosity is real!This FRT-4 is one of the models that interest m...

posted 18 days ago

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Rekindling Analog spirits!

Be sure to post pics when it's all put together.I had a 301 with DAS plinth that I sold recently, if I were putting another 301 together I'd probably be going for the same walnut burl plinth a...

posted 23 days ago

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Ant's tape vinyl digital system

Thank you @lalitk, appreciate the kind words!

posted 23 days ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

@jond Lovely system! I've had a chance to listen to Audio Note speakers driven by tube electronics years ago and it left quite an impression. I can imagine your ...

posted 24 days ago

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Rekindling Analog spirits!

@lalitk My system is not as well put together as yours but here is my latest system

posted 24 days ago

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Revel Ultima2 Studio

Excellent system @frozentundra! A lot of good equipment here and I'm sure they sound great through your Revel Ultima II.

posted 24 days ago

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Rekindling Analog spirits!

Agree, the metallic black is cooler. I can vouch for the DAS plinth, I've had two and both were excellent. I also have a Reed tonearm on my DAS plinth so yours will look somewhat like what I have. ...

posted 24 days ago

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Folkfreak's System

@folkfreak Wow, magnificent room! One of the most impressive I've seen here. The diffusers, layout, styling, equipment really complement each other. Congrats!

posted 24 days ago

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Bliss Hifi Reference System 2024

Beautiful system! really appreciate the styling and attention to detail from equipment to room.

posted 24 days ago

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Ultimate blvckmvge's System

@blvckmvge Magnificent system! interesting combination of D'Agostino and KEF. If I may ask, who makes the white diffusers behind the rack?

posted 24 days ago

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House of Hathor

@botanicasound Beautiful room with what seems like the right amount of diffusers and curtains for good sound. Love the attention to detail, congrats!

posted 24 days ago

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Rekindling Analog spirits!

@lalitk I appreciate the attention to detail you put into your system, it makes for a nice visual experience and I'm certain audible experience as well.The ...

posted 24 days ago

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Ant's tape vinyl digital system

@frozentundraI’m still in the discovery stages of the Reed but so far the Reed has a very seductive midrange that makes vocal a joy to listen to. Instru...

posted 2 months ago

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Ant's tape vinyl digital system

Thank you @jond and @mmcgill829

posted 2 months ago

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Ant's tape vinyl digital system

@bob540 Thank you for your kind words, I’ve upgraded slowly through the years, started with a home theater in a box, lol!My gear is nice but nothing compare...

posted 2 months ago

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Chauncey's Living Room

Wow, gorgeous system, meticulously selected components, with a view I can only dream of for my audio room. Congrats!

posted 2 months ago

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Tubes meet Transistors

Very nice system! You have many components that are tastefully presented and seems to work well together.

posted 3 months ago

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mmcgill829's System

Beautiful system mate, congrats! The wood and component colors really complimented each other well.

posted 3 months ago

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Ant's tape vinyl digital system

@tubegb thank you! I appreciate your compliment. Yes, the difference first reflection diffusers make is as drastic as a major component upgrade.

posted 3 months ago

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Ant's tape vinyl digital system

For the critical first reflection, I'm actually using an older diffuser product that works much better, the first reflection is SO important!  The GIK hybrid product I have is diffuser/art so ...

posted 3 months ago

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Ant's tape vinyl digital system

milpai, thank you for your comment. The room is 14x18x9, I think the camera angle makes it look larger than reality.

posted 3 months ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 93 posts