
A dream come true. A room within a room, decoupled from building and floor with acoustic rubber, with independent AC lines. 
Front Wall Diffusers are QRD17 42cm deep
Back Wall diffusers are QRD11 24cm deep 
Front side diffusers are AGS type diffusers are wheels, behind them thick velvet curtains hiding additional gear & speakers. 
Ceiling is slanted from 330cm front wall to 350cm back wall
Room doubles as office & living space. 
Windows are the compromise I couldn’t live without. Have thick velvet curtains for listening mood. 

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 11’

Components Toggle details

    • Linn Klimax Kontrol
    Special edition 10th anniversary
    • Linn Klimax DS
    Special edition 10th anniversary
    • Apollon Audio PNC 1200 monoblocs
    • REL Acoustics Reference 31
    • Magnepan 20.7x
    Upgraded external XO designed by Mick of Magnepan.
    • Innuos Zenith MK3

Comments 13

@botanicasound Beautiful room with what seems like the right amount of diffusers and curtains for good sound. Love the attention to detail, congrats!


Nice room / system. Looks just amazing, I bet it sounds incredible.


Lovely room.  My former home had a dedicated custom built listening room 25X23X11.5 max vaulted ceilings.  My current (and final) home has only a 20X15X10 dedicated listening room which is decoupled except for the ceiling which has only 2X8 beams so I couldn't build-out my 16" to 17" thick wall/door structure.  It does have a 12" thick, 3000 psi steel reinforced floor.  (Construction visible under Fleschler on Audiogon).  

Because of my speakers (and system) I don't miss having the larger, more spacious room for sound.  The built-in bass traps in the walls help.

Yours looks fantastic with ample seating (I have only 5 seats across) and multi-purpose use.  


Room Acoustics 👍


This room blows me away! I wish I could experience it!


Always like seeing someone paying attention to the ROOM.


Love it!


Isn’t it surprising how class D amps have evolved. If you have to compare your previous class AB amp to the Apollons, what would be the strength and weaknesses?


Milpai. The apollons keep on surprising us all, the way they are able the hold & control those humongous speakers is quite astonishing. I might upgrade to the new purifi ones as I find nothing remotely close in terms of performance & price


That is just spectacular! Great job on the room and system and it looks great and big too. And love the tropical view too!


Congratulations on an all out effort! Custom rooms are splendid and well worth the effort. I'm sure the modification in the crossover of the 20.1 brought a large improvement to the speaker's performance. It's nice to see a worthy subwoofer mated to such speakers. 

For a change of perspective, you may wish to try the speakers with the tweeters on the inside and the speakers turned outward a bit more. It should give you a more tightly focused center image. But individual preference is in play and you may love the super-wide imaging. As your desk is off-center, you may find it sounds more balanced with the tweeters on the outside. 

Either way, lots of fun!  


Wonderful room. Excellent attention to detail. Kudos.


That is a humongous room! Good for your speakers, that they get all the breathing room. I am sure the music must sound spacious and gorgeous in there. Please tell me more on how the Apollons drive the Mangepans and if they are able to fill that room.
I feel that Apollon makes some of the best looking Class D amplifiers. Have not heard one, not see much reviews. Their Purifi is what I would be interested.


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