
October 2024: Replaced the generic fiber media converter with a Sonore opticalModule + linear power supply and all the detail & transients that went missing with the addition of the ARC Ref6SE preamp have fully reasserted themselves.  While the preamp has < 100hrs on it at this point, it’s incredible to me that something as minor as a fiber media converter can have such a meaningful impact on sound quality. 

Dedicated room that is music first movies distant second.  As a classically trained musician, I believe the Proac-ARC combo produces a very good approximation of the timbre/texture/harmonics of stringed instruments. I also appreciate how the soundstage and dynamics correctly scales from chamber music to orchestral works.  The DEBRA array not only provides seamless/smooth bass but does also contribute to reproducing the ambience of the recording venue.  Thanks to dcpillai for the inspiration to pair the Proac with Townshend podiums (a great match!) and to ghdprentice for his thoughts on the ARC mono vs stereo 160s.

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 17’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • ProAc Response D48R Loudspeakers
    • Audio Research Reference 160M MkII
    • Audio Research DAC9
    • Audio Research Reference 6 SE
    • Auralic Aries G2
    • James Romeyn DEBRA distributed bass array
    • Shunyata Everest
    • Adona Corporation Av45cs4 Rack
    • GIK Acoustics Broadband absorbers and QRDs
    • VTI Manufacturing Amplifier stands
    • Townshend Audio Seismic Podiums and Platforms
    • Sonore opticalModule Deluxe

Comments 13

You are welcome @classicalreflections. Glad to know that you were able to reposition the loudspeakers. I say, do more experiment with placement and you will be able to arrive at a final position when vocals, instruments, etc appear to come outside and behind the speakers. It is kind of uncanny, but real fun.It took me many many hours to arrive at my current speaker positioning where I was finally satisfied. I am getting this with my Oppo player. Next month I am targeting to get a highly acclaimed stand alone DAC. Let’s see if that improves the situation further. Good luck and enjoy your music!


Thanks @honeyooi for stopping by.  I’ve long admired the aesthetics and build quality of Air Tight.  If I can ever assemble a second system…I know who to ask for help!   Enjoy.


@milpai I’ve increased the toe-in such that I can see just a sliver of the inside surfaces of the Proacs from the listening position.  The images within the confines of the speakers have gained further solidity, and I can now perceive a modest degree of imaging taking place outside of the speaker boundaries.  Thank you so much!!


Thank you @classicalreflections. But if you ask me, all you are missing is some toe-in, that all. Your room size will probably make your music far more detached from the loudspeakers, than mine. I love it when it appears as if nothing is coming out of the speakers and sounds are either coming from spaces in between and around the speakers. I wish I had your size room.


That room look rock solid performance's & the tubes gear make it perfect . Salute 👏


@scar972  thanks very much for the compliments on the design, and appreciate you stopping by.  The room started out life as an indoor swimspa (which explains the cedar paneling) but was basically a giant hole in the floor by the time we moved in!  So what started out as a lemons -> lemonade ordeal turned out to be a really fun project where I can now unwind after a long day or we can enjoy movies on the weekends. 

Just checked out both of your impressive systems.  Mind me asking what tubes you were running before the D’Agostinos and how you would characterize the main differences in your system?  Thanks!


@milpai very interesting I will have to try increasing the toe-in in that case. I played the piece you suggested just now (the remaster streamed via Qobuz) and the voice appeared to come directly from the right speaker and no further.  Very cool and agree with your friend - your system must sound amazing!


@classicalreflections love the room! the wooden ceiling, walls, and diffusers, with dark room treatments, and lighting make for a really nice vibe.


I have arrived at a toe-in position where the inner walls of the speakers are slightly visible at the seating position. So the speakers are toed in such that the axis of the tweeters cross slightly more than a foot behind my head. At this position the sound stage is widest for me. Example is the "I Want To walk You Home - Remastered" by Fat Domino. His sound will surely appear outside the right loudspeaker. But with the toe-in I have it appears a good 3 foot outside the right side of the right speaker. a friend who was recently at my place was amazed that "such a thing can happen" (his words, not mine).


@milpai will keep that in mind re: room treatment.  There are 6” thick bass traps on either side of the projection screen but the equipment rack is covering the one on the left. Someday I’d like to add some treatment to the ceiling like you have in your room.  

The ARC preamp is still going through the breaking in process. Thus far the sound is a bit too round/soft so I’ve been toeing in the Proacs a bit more to compensate.  Do you have a preference for more/less toe-in?  Thanks. 


Thanks for sharing your story. One thing to keep in the back of mind is that if you feel the bass from the ProAcs is too strong, then additional room treatments in the front corner and sides will definitely help to bring out the bass definitions. At least that is what I found out a few months ago.
But your room is more treated than mine and I am sure your system sounds stunning. I really like that room, especially since you have provided so much breathing space for the speakers. Enjoy your music!


milpai thanks for stopping by and for the kind words, I appreciate it.  I definitely studied your system as well when thinking through which Proac would fit best with my room - and your ebony veneer looks stunning!  Very much agree re: the ability for the D48R to bring out that “full sound” especially on orchestral music.  I started with a pair of Proac 1SC over a decade ago as they were the only standmounts I had heard correctly reproduce stringed instruments.  For the D48 the only concern I had during the audition was the tendency towards boominess across the lower registers of the cello.  While I haven’t experienced that same boominess in my room, I’ve since plugged the ports and am relegating more of the bass duties to the distributed bass array (which to my ears sounds more cohesive and also more dynamically capable).


Very nice setup @classicalreflections . Good to see some love for the D48Rs. I am sure this setup sounds stunning with a carefully done room like that. 

I have not heard much from dcpillai lately. Hope he is doing alright. He had the D30Rs and we discussed in detail about the D48R, after which he upgraded. I like how these speakers bring out that “full sound” to your listening experience. Have fun with your music 🎼


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