
I'm a proponent for using the same manufacturer regarding pre and power amplification. I've come to this conclusion from experimenting with various amps and preamps. I've found great synergy in using the same brand for pre and power amps. My preamplifier is a NAT Audio Symmetrical Balanced Line Stage.

In the picture from behind the listening position, a fellow audiophile was listening to the rig. In this picture, I was using Dynaco MK-IV mono block amplifiers while my NAT Audio 805 Generator mono blocks were getting repaired. Unfortunately my technician finally advised me to move on from the Generators. He said they could be repaired but several reasons led to his decision. The Magma M's are the best sounding yet.

A master artist and furniture maker, Jeff Meyer of Anaseer, assembles my new rack in the listening room.

My stereo was in hibernation for 15 years before getting the Yamaha A-S3000 integrated amp. This is what my rig looked like when I upgraded from Infinity RS-4b's to Magico A3's.

In 2019 I took my dead amp (Yamaha A-1000) to a hifi shop to see if anything could be done. I saw a Denon TT but I wasn't able to purchase it because it was on lay away for somebody else. I won the DP-62L from ebay that week. After the TT arrived I borrowed an amp from the hifi shop and that's what brought my rig out of hibernation. 

The A-S3000 came shortly after that. After getting A3's, my next amp was a PrimaLuna EVO 400 power amp with a Dynaco PAS-3X preamplifier. After that came the Generators and now the Magma's. I'm done with power.

I also have a second rig. I call it my "apartment" rig. Components are: McIntosh MR-55a tuner, Scott A 436 integrated amp, Sony CD/DVD player DVP S550D, Furman Elite 15 DM power conditioner, Infinity RS-4b speakers.


Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 12’  Medium
Ceiling: 16’

Components Toggle details

    Comments 1

    @vuch very clean setup, I love the attention to detail! Magico with tubes makes an excellent combo; I've been down that path. Congrats!


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