
Pretty much a total system changeover

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Lumin U1 Streamer
    • Sansui TU-717
    • Belden 8402 IC
    • KCI Silkworm +
    Pure 24K gold with Xhadow rca connectors. A remarkable cable
    • Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Speaker Cables
    • Shunyata Research Denali S-6000
    • Found Music GiFT Power Cords

Comments 457

Thanks, Art. Hopefully, soon :-)



You have an open invitation anytime you are in the area Sam! :-)


Diyaudio and Hifilistener,

I'm envious :-)



Thanks guys, you are very kind. It was a really great listening session this past weekend and I'm thrilled to read your thoughts on the outcome of our project!


It was with great anticipation to have been invited to hear Art’s system in his newly renovated room this past weekend. The months of waiting were more than worth it. Quite frankly, previous listening sessions were very enjoyable in his gorgeous looking room, with no major issues that were distracting to the overall experience regarding gear he’s selected, set-up, or the room itself. I’m not one to use sweeping statements, but I was simply not prepared for the improvements I heard. Using all the same components as before, the differences noted were the result of the meticulous use of structural and acoustic treatment enhancements.

The image presented was clearly better focused, allowing the music to come through with a greater sense of ease. One was aware that the music was not just coming directly from his line-array speakers, but was flowing towards the various seating positions by getting “off” the speakers as well. This allowed the speakers to create much of the heralded, “disappearing act.” Listening off axis provided as much enjoyment I have ever encountered in a system, and never had me feeling that I was missing out on much until it was my turn to take the center chair. The sweet spot was HUGE!

What was clearly an impressive system before has clearly jumped to a new level of involvement and listening pleasure. The listening room is always any audiophile’s/music lover’s limiting factor. Art is fortunate to have such a launching pad that this room provides for his existing set-up and for any future equipment changes. Lastly, the incredible visual impact when you first walk into the room will immediately have you feeling serene and excited at the same time. You just know that you are about to experience something very, very special…


s w e e t


I was fortunate enough to be among the early visitors to Art's "new" room. For the last few months while it was under construction, I have been thinking to myself, "What's really wrong with the room anyway?" It's always sounded good in the past. For sure, I've heard different sonic flavors as different brands and models of equipment, speakers, CD systems, etc. have passed through his room. After an extended listen Sunday I have to say... Well, WOW! what an improvement. His new room's sonic signature has changed the whole presentation from a few months ago, but with the same speakers, amps and CD system as before. There was less of an urge to grab that center sweet spot for serious listening. As a matter of fact, I noticed that I was REALLY listening to the music no matter where I sat or stood. I was being pulled back into the music more than I remember from past visits. Conversation became a secondary task. As a matter of fact, we were chatting and one guy said something like "hey, I want to listen to this". Pretty cool that all the work and construction that was done to rework the room made the room more of a silent partner to music enjoyment. What a important piece of audio gear a great room can be! Guess it's time to get out my hammer and saw. And Art says he isn't quite through? What!? He's going to improve on this? "What's really wrong with the room anyway?" jim...


Thanks George! Maybe this is the year we actually pull off a get together! Let's check schedules soon....



Absolutely stunning room redo Art!

Hopefully I can make my way down your way and get a chance to experience it sometime this year.



Thanks John, appreciate the kind words. You know you have an open invitation to come on up if you're in our neck of the woods. The change in sonics is not subtle at all, better balance, better imaging and staging, control on the low end is taught, and we achieved our goal of a little more lively sound without going too far over the top...


Hi Art,

WOW, NICE!! That is beautiful, what a transformation. So how does it sound? That looks fantastic, hopefully next time I'm in your area I can give that baby a listen, of course then you'd have to throw me out because I wouldn't want to leave! Congrats Art, outstanding job!



Verrneal - t h a n k s !

Sam - couldn't be more pleased with the sonic improvements to the room, Jeff Hedback was great to work with and yep, it came out looking pretty good as well! Always appreciate your kindness - Art


Hey Arthur,

Room/system looks fabulous...just like last time :-) I expect it sounds no less!

Best regards,


n i c e


Thanks for the kind words Rhljazz. the VAC gear does sound incredible and the new design of the room just lets it shine through even more than before.


Brian/Harve - thanks for your positive feedback! I'll post listening impressions and some design information from Jeff in the next week.

I will say you are correct Harve, the room is sounding beautiful. It was good before, but this is a whole other level! More extensive notes to come....


Mark - thanks for the kind words! Pretty excited how things turned out here. I may be up your way in february, I'll keep you posted!

I do want to correct my earlier post, Jeff Hedback did the acoustical design and his company is I can't recomend him highly enough.


Very impressive! Your room looks like a very comfortable and relaxing space to listen and enjoy the music. Some of the rooms I've seen photos of look more like a prison cell. I love your VAC gear as well. I enjoy my more affordable VAC equipment also.


Great job ART!! Knowing the engineering that went into your project, I'll bet it sounds even better than it looks. Congratulations!!





WOW! Congratulations.

Looking forward to your next visit to the Pacific NW.


Thanks Pdreher. It's a big change from the old room. Acoustic engineering was provided by Jeff hedback at Hedback Designed Acoustics. That backlit floating wall in the front is actually a chambered and tuned treatment.


One of the best looking rooms & systems on Audiogon! Love the custom room treatments.


System edited: The room changed a little....


You are very kind to extend the invitaion to share information...I ACCEPT :-) Same here, of course, on my end!!


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