
Pretty much a total system changeover

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Lumin U1 Streamer
    • Sansui TU-717
    • Belden 8402 IC
    • KCI Silkworm +
    Pure 24K gold with Xhadow rca connectors. A remarkable cable
    • Duelund Coherent Audio DCA16GA Speaker Cables
    • Shunyata Research Denali S-6000
    • Found Music GiFT Power Cords

Comments 457

Thanks Programmergeek. The stands can be found here, mine are just different with frosted edges and lighting installed

You can also get in touch with Joe Jurzec at and he can help you out.


Nice set up all around, who makes the amp stands? I like the lighting but couldnt fine a dealer there web page is all screwey, where did you get them?


Bummer on the work deal dude, sorry to hear that. The Mandarina are a nice step towards the Silkworm, I think they are likely a nice step better than Soundbolts but you should give John a shout and talk with him.

Be well my friend, better times ahead!


Hey Art
Doing well except for the work thing .currently laid off but enjoying the music more then ever
I like the Silkworms and they would be my first choice but the cash outlay is a bit steep at the moment, how about the mandarina's if I recall you had a pair of those in your system ?


Thanks for the kind words Anthony, that was a fun listening session!

Pat, how the heck are ya buddy?! I use the Silkworm as my phono cable and it is wonderfully rich and full. I have only limited experience with John's Soundbolts, and that was not on my phono. My guess is they would sound terrific but you'd be wondering if you should have done Silkworms! :-)


Looking Good Art
I had a question about the Soundbolts you had in your system (KCI cheaper ic)
I'm looking for an additonal ic from phono to pre and considering the Soundbolts or the Silkworms
I would love to hear your impressions on these 2 cables
When you have a moment to respond


Went to listen to this system couple of weeks ago.
One word Awesome! very fast, tight and in control. I love the VAC amps matched with your custom speakers. Congrats on a great setup.



Viper, you'll need to get in touch with Tate at Custom appears he builds the LED implementation with an AC/DC Adaptor and hooks the LED up to that...


Hi Viper, sorry about the delayed response, been on the road a bit. Thanks so much for your kind words.

The LED's are actually built into the stands so I don't know who the manufacturer is. I'll have a look when I return home (finally) and let you know if I can get a brand off them. You also might drop Tate at Custom Isolation a note, I'm sure he can steer you to his source for them.


Hey Art, this is definitely one of the best looking listening room system on earth!! Can you tell me what kind of "LED" light bulb you used to light up your acrylic rack/ampstand? That's really classy!



Thanks for the kind words Jhardyjr! The lighting is made by


Beautiful system, I also love the lighting, who makes them?


System edited: Added RS Duke for the Phi 300.1's Added DCCA Passion Masters SC's


Hi Harve! The differences are some that you would expect, better low end control due to doubling up the power, the extra headroom gives things an effortless ease even when you drive them a bit, and the imaging and space between things is improved, downright spooky soundstage and images. An added surprise was the overall tonality seems even fleshier and full than before, Kevin made some adjustments to these for me, may have something to do with those, but regardless I couldn't be happier...

Drop me an e-mail and let's catch up!



What differences have you noticed by adding a 2nd Phi 300.1? I'm really curious about this since I have also considered a 2nd to drive my VR-7s. You have a great system and room, by the way. Tate and I are still working on the lighting...




Thanks Kirk, the Phi mono's are pretty much otherworldly, I'm about through the break-in and things are really getting interesting in the lounge these days!

I'll definitely ping you and catch up!


Greetings Art! I see a few things that must be a change for the better! Phi monoblocks! Very nice!

I must admit I like your system title "VAC Lounge."

However, after looking at your first system photo, "House of Blues" came to mind as well! :)

I would imagine you are blessed with some stellar sonics!

Drop me a line when you can, I look forward to catching up.


System edited: Pics changed...


System edited: 300.1 Monoblock's are here! 100 hours into break in.... Couple new pics of the room and system....


Dwberryman - thanks for your kind words and yes, my wife and I made the bass traps. Also ranging from 22" to 9"

Like you, we saved thousands and they have really made the room sound terrific. Diffusors are next for the rear of the room...

BTW, your ceiling diffusers are a really cool idea!


KUDOS on your system. Curious...did you fabricate your bass traps? I built in my audio room ones exactly similar to yours with Knauf 1000 pipe foam insulation. I built eight ranging from 22" to 9". Saved thousand fabricating them myself and they sound great. Can't imagine how nice your VAC attack must be.


Right Gerry, hope you can get by on your "close and play" :-)

Should be a couple weeks and we'll be good to go on mono's, I'll post some comments after break-in. You'll have to stop by when you make it up our way!


Art: I am really looking forward to reading your comments once you get the other VAC Phi 300.1 and go to a monoblock configuration. I'm down here drooling at not only what you have assembled, but what's in-store for your system.

Like I told you, I'll go back and listen to my "close and play" waiting for your comments. Hopefully Kevin and crew are working diligently :)


Hi Trillerman,
Arts crossovers were built by Bill at Response audio. He does fantastic work using only top quality components. Hope this helps you.



Hi! Awesome system, I'm a VAC fan and would love to hear!

Can you pls provide to me the contact info for the outfit that built your crossovers? I need to have my G-200 xovers modified to drive the upgraded BG mid-range ribbon used in the G-201. (I can obtain specs for the new ribbons).

I'd like to see if they could either modify my G-200 boards or provide new versions.



[email protected]


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