OLD SYSTEM: A musical journey & love

Long time - no update Kevin. Hope you are well? Ralph.

posted about 10 years ago

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Dedicated Acoustic Listening Room

Hi Lwhitefl,Yes, I quite agree. The new tweeters on the Raidho's really are an advance in clarity and resolution.I am enjoying the new tweeters in my latest

posted about 11 years ago

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Simple in Shanghai

Hi Shanghait,Long time no updates!Any developments in your system or room?Still enjoying the Raidho C2's?I recently upgraded to the D2. It is a wonderful speaker and...

posted about 11 years ago

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North Florida Office

Great to see progress at the "East Coast Office".Looks like a much better space than you were previously working with.How is the loudspeaker evaluation going? You mentione...

posted about 11 years ago

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Pass me some Zu

Lovely. Nice homely colors and lighting. Just not sure about the position of your equipment rack. It looks to parked at an early reflection point and in such a position that your TT etc will be imp...

posted over 11 years ago

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Dedicated Acoustic Listening Room

Just read your thread and noticed you upgraded the tweeter on the 3.0. and have some questions - if you don't mind.Was the upgrade done by your local dealer? How longer did it take? Were th...

posted almost 12 years ago

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milpai's system

Congratulations Milpai. I remember the excitement of my first audio room too - and I am here to share with you that this excitement never goes away. You will find that there is much more that can b...

posted almost 12 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

One interesting side effect is that I seem to be in love with whichever speaker is running. After I've re-familiarized myself to it, I think, it's the better of the two. Then I ...

posted about 13 years ago

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Simple in Shanghai

Hi Shanghai,Yes, i have QX2 and QX4 in my system and they make a huge difference for the better. Much bigger and more airy soundstage to pick on two positive differences.Raidho use ...

posted almost 14 years ago

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Simple in Shanghai

Love your choice of color. If it was a struggle to chose the color then it looks to be a worthwhile struggle...What are the dimensions of the room? Were you able to try the Raidho C-2.0 spe...

posted almost 14 years ago

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Sunnyboy in 2007

Nice set up. Out of interest did you audition any other ESL speakers before buying the 2905's? If you were to pick a weakness with these speakers what would it be? Ditto for strength?

posted over 15 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Kiwi, I don't want to lead you on in terms of the timing of the review. The amps just came in so it will be a while until the review appears, likely next year.

posted almost 16 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Up until this week the Pathi were my "champs" in terms of overall listenability. Now they have a serious contender, a "dark horse" which I can't reveal yet. ...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Hi Doug,Perchance, have you had a listen to the AMR integrated? It was reviewed positively by one of your colleagues.Thanks

posted about 16 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Hi Doug,Thanks for your reply.You write well.I hear what you say about "tuning" sound and i guess that i hope against all hopes to find "the amp" - perha...

posted about 16 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Hi Doug,Thanks for your comments. I would also be interested in your expanded thoughts on the Pathos MKIII vs. the Jeff Rowland 501 mono's driving the LFT-8's, all components of which i und...

posted about 16 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Many Thanks for your reply.Yes, i believe it was Robert Harley who made the comment of being able to live with the 840C at the front end of a $100k rig. Robert's heard a few players in his ...

posted about 16 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Added to the above have you replaced the ET's with Legacy speakers? What did the Legacy Focus speakers do better than the ET's? Are the Legacy speakers an easier or harder load for the Pathos mono's?

posted about 16 years ago

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Doug's Audio Den

Hi Doug,I think the world of the Cambridge Audio 840C player. It offers great resolution with neutrality - which for me are the two most important attributes of a source. I still have my LF...

posted about 16 years ago

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