
Bought my first Zus in 2006 (Druid MkIVs), they subsequently were updated to MKIV/08s and then sold for a pair of Essences. I was fortunate enough to be in a position to pull the trigger on a pair of the Definition MkIIIs recently. They have really completed the system. True output below 20 Hz really haves everything sooo much better, everything has a sense of weight.

I also have had an affliction for Class A solid state amps, for many years preceding that with a tube pre (Modwright). Recently having the opportunity to demo the Pass XA30.5 after using a First Watt F3 for a few years opened my eyes to what a bit more power (and gain) did on the Zus (the Essences at the time). One thing lead to another an I have a great Pass INT-30A on the rack.

My sources cover the spectrum of formats at 'reasonable prices', as I enjoy getting the best version of whatever particular music interests me, be it analog, hi-rez or redbook CD.

Analog - Not looking at any real upgrades. Really a great table cartridge and phono stage.

Digital - Recently both upgraded and simplified to the Lumin T-1.

Room Details

Dimensions: 22’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Zu Definition MkIII
    IMO great combo with Class A SS
    • Pass Labs INT-30A
    XA.5 Series amp... makes music
    • Pass Labs XP-15 Phono
    Synergy with the 30A
    • VPI Industries Classic 1
    Love it!
    • Lyra Delos
    0.6mV MC
    • Lumin T1
    Fed from a Synology NAS running Minimserver.  FLAC for PCM and DSF for DSD files.
    • Zu Event
    Spade to speakON connections
    • Mogami 2534
    RCA or XLR depending on the applicaiton
    • VH Audio Flavor 2 and 4
    Power Cables, good quality components, good price
    • 20A Power Feed
    Dedicated Subpanel to Equitech 20A balanced power transformer.  Balanced Power Technologies Pure Power Center at the rack to distribute the power.

Comments 16

Yes - No changes, still enjoying everything as is, just adding more music!


Is the Eames the current seating?


Added some updated pictures, XP-15 and Lumin T1 in the rack.  Also built a wall mount for the turntable and got a Eames a while back, my relaxation room!


Beautiful Set-Up Enjoy...


Nice. With the opening to the dinning room behind the speakers, the soundstage and depth must be cavernous.


Great collection of equipment and a spectacular room. Thanks for posting enjoy


System edited: Added XP-15, pictures later, enjoying the sound at the moment...


Nice system. I also have upgraded to the Def IIIs recently (I don't see many others that own them) and they are fantastic. The IV's are out of my reach, so I am afraid to listen to them! I have the Defs paired with an all Wyred system (mAMPS, STP/SE and DAC2) and agree, the Defs seem to like the extra power (and the lack of heat for the AZ summers). Would like to try Pass on them some day.


Thanks for the feedback. I would love to jump to the Def IVs, but that's probably out of the question for a while. The only upgrade for me may be in the digital realm. I'm trying to keep current with all the DACs out there and may move up the ladder there at some point.


What an awesome setup you've got! I've heard a few Zu models, although no the Definitions, and they always impress me. I also love drooling over Pass Labs on a regular basis.

I'm sure it all sounds amazing; great looking room too!


Hi Dblount, have been running Zu Definitions for 5 years now (originally 2s, in last 3 months the new 4s).
IMHO, unmatched at the price and likely to give spkrs 3x the price a run for their money.
Do give serious consideration going up all the way up to the 4s, you won't be disappointed.


System edited: Music Server added.


Thanks, I hear you on the rack location. My only other options in the room are corners, which are of course worse from a TT interaction perspective. In theory, the rack at the first reflection might be an issue, but in practice it mixes a bit of diffraction in front of the panels behind it. The soundstage is still balanced and wide.


Lovely. Nice homely colors and lighting. Just not sure about the position of your equipment rack. It looks to parked at an early reflection point and in such a position that your TT etc will be impacted by soundwave from the right speaker?


Thanks for the feedback, I need to update this a bit as I have indeed made the move to a dedicated music server. I built a CAPS V2+ (actually very similar to some of the new V3 versions on CA, except I am running it via firewire), and now also have the ability to rip my SACDs to DSD versus a PS3.

DSD is truly eye opening, playing an SACD through the OPPO is good, but DSD through the mytek is just wonderful and IMO basically on par with my analog rig. Now it really just gets down to the recording/mastering to me.


I was glad to see you're enjoying the Mytek with some high-eff speakers. Love the setup!

I think you'll definitely appreciate the benefit of adding a proper music server (like the Mac Mini) to the lineup. The Mytek should shine using a good USB output. It can even play true DSD rips from an SACD, as I'm sure you know.

Instead to the Mac mini, you might go the same route I have and build (or buy) a Computer Audiophile CAPS server. They play very nicely with the Mytek, and using a good player like JRiver, it can stream digital bits better than anything out there.


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