
Still a work in progress.

Just recently painted the listening room. ( Choosing a color might have been the hardest decision thus far )

Some of my comments:

Biggest Gains:

Raidho Ayra C2's - Insanely precise and fast! However, it took alot of tweaking/component matching to get the sound I was looking for.

Audio Research Reference 5 - After looking at several alternatives, this complemented the Raidho's quite well by breathing life back into the system.

Room Treatments: Helped tame the bass as the listening room is quite small.

Moderate Gains:

Linn Akurate DS: Wonderful streamer and integration with ipad/computers was very convenient.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research Reference 5
    Audio Research Reference 5
    • Bel Canto Design Ref500m
    Reference 500 Monoblocks
    • Linn Akurate DS
    Akurate DS streamer
    • Raidho Ayra C 2.0
    2.5 Way Raidho Ayra Speakers
    • Nordost Thor
    Power Conditioner
    • Finite Elemente Pagode Signature
    4 tier version

Comments 5

How's it going with the raidho. I got a quick question. Have you thought about putting a ref 150 to match your ref 5. Reason I ask is I have been thinking about your speakers and I'm want to make sure my ref 150 would push em. Beautiful system. I like the paint a lot. Has a clean look to it. Anyways hope all is sounding good.


Hi Shanghait,

Long time no updates!

Any developments in your system or room?

Still enjoying the Raidho C2's?

I recently upgraded to the D2. It is a wonderful speaker and i have written a bit about it here

Hope to hear from you.


Hi Shanghai,

Yes, i have QX2 and QX4 in my system and they make a huge difference for the better. Much bigger and more airy soundstage to pick on two positive differences.

Raidho use Nordost cable to internally wire their speakers and i feel good synergy exists by using external wiring of the same brand.

I understand you comment on the bass. Some would say the bass is a tad lean and certainly this would be true if compared with the Wilson Sashas. The Raidho's trade bass depth for speed and pin point accuracy which in a small room (like we both have) is highly beneficial.

I live in Singapore; but originate from NZ.


Thanks for the feedback. The color did come out quite nicer than expected.

The room is rather small at about 3.5m X 3.7m. I had purchased the C2s for my living room. That was an odd shaped room and rather large, so bass response was uneven and on the low side. On several songs, I started to miss the lower frequency response I enjoyed with my older B&W's

After talking to my local dealer, he suggested we try a dedicated room. The bass response then became quite prominent, but I was glad to know the C2's could reproduce alot of the lower frequencies. To tame the bass, We employed several bass traps. ( More are on order ).

I did get to listen to the 1,2, and 3s before my purchase. The 2.0s were then demoed in my house, and I was quite happy. I would be really curios to see what the C1.0s do in this room now.

I was only considering the new Wilson Sashas, I demoed them as well, but was really taken by the accuracy of the Raidhos. The Raidhos seemed completely unconstrained, albiet abit on the cooler side when compared to the Sashas. Gaining that warmth back was another struggle, but the ARC took care of it.

Im using all Nordost at the moment. A mixture of Vishnu, Shiva, and Red Dawns.....Im considering upgrading these now too. Also considering the Quantum Q'4s you have. Are you a fan?

These are the newest versions, only 3 months old. I really did not consider much else at the time I bought them.

Are you in NZ by any chance?


Love your choice of color. If it was a struggle to chose the color then it looks to be a worthwhile struggle...

What are the dimensions of the room? Were you able to try the Raidho C-2.0 speakers before purchase? I bought some C-1.0 speakers in part because i thought the C-2.0 might be too much for my small room.

I'd be interested to know in what your previous speakers were and what else was considered before buying the C-2.0?

Looks like you are using Nordost speaker cables? What are your other cables?

I see you are driving the C-2.0's with Bel Canto mono blocs. Are these new and if so i'd also be intested to know in what else you considered?

Sorry for all the questions....


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