Carlsbad2's Primary System

Nice looking system Jerry and great job upgrading your speakers.

posted 10 months ago

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dogberry's System

Cool system dog and nice tables but would love to see your Quad speakers also!

posted 10 months ago

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pdspiegel - Primary Audio System

Fantastic looking DIY gear pdspeigel and very cool system overall!

posted 10 months ago

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avanti1960's System

Looking great Tony and good to see your system on here!

posted 11 months ago

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rocketiii's System Updated

Looking good Rocket! Can you detail the rest of your system besides the Gan monos and Avant-Gardes?

posted 11 months ago

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Oleg’s Escape

Really nice Oleg btw how was your Plinius modded?

posted 11 months ago

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jeffrey125's System

Nice looking system Jeffrey! How about hipping us to what all is in it?

posted 11 months ago

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james633's System

James was perusing your thread on your JBL happiness and stopped by to ogle them looking good my friend!

posted 11 months ago

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ditusa's System

Love this ditusa! Those JBLs look amazing as does that Micro Seiki table!

posted 11 months ago

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jpan's system

Wow fantastic looking system jpan I've only heard Borrensen once some standmounts last CAF, but they sure sounded good. And so your phono stage has enough gain to drive your amps? Is that a quality...

posted 11 months ago

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jheppe815's System

Woah that is some wall of blue and those JBLs look like they could blow your house down! Very cool @jheppe815

posted 11 months ago

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hailx's System

Really cool looking room halix but I have no idea what gear you're running, I see Maggies maybe? A gear list would be more helpful!

posted 11 months ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

Another update added it to my system almost a month ago now an Auralic Aries G1 to take the pace of my beloved Mini. No issues with the Mini just Auralic had a demo sale and the price was too good ...

posted 11 months ago

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corvettejim1968's System

Jim that looks awesome but the pic is kinda blurry I'd love to see more of that system and also a gear list would be very helpful thanks!

posted 11 months ago

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Audia Flight + Wilson Audio + dCS + Kuzma

Nice system and beautiful room! And you don't often see a rack put next to a grand piano very unique!

posted 11 months ago

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desktopguy's System

Nice office systems!

posted 11 months ago

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Folkfreak's System

@folkfreak Thanks for the explanation on those cool room treatments and yes foam sounds much easier to work with than wood! And with that veneer it still looks a...

posted 11 months ago

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MountZ's System

Awesome system and that table is absolutely stunning Manrique!

posted 11 months ago

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mdalton's vintage system

@mdalton I finally found your vintage system! This may be my favorite yet Leben gear is so gorgeous and sounds fantastic. And those Altec Santiago's look stunnin...

posted 11 months ago

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Cool looking room but some system details please? Obviously Tekton speakers and I see a Bluesound Node what's the rest of it?

posted 11 months ago

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Folkfreak's System

Folkfreak that is totally spectacular and I love the room within a room idea way to build a perfect listening environment. Needless to say I'm very intrigued by what appear to be curved wood slats ...

posted 11 months ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

Hey @mdalton Not as of yet he's had the amp for a while and my AN Dac Sig-3 for a lot longer waiting for a donor transformer. I am not too bothered they always l...

posted 11 months ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

Thanks @mdalton what you see is more of an evolution I ran the Deja Vu EL34 amp for 15 years but it died on me. Traded it for the Deja Vu PP 2a3 amp that also we...

posted 11 months ago

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mdalton's family room system

And you even have a great 2nd system @mdalton the family room looks great and I love the look of that TRV amp. Try rolling in some GL KT-77s if you can my fave E...

posted 11 months ago

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mdalton's big rig

@mdalton That makes sense thanks for the explanation and awesome that you were able to do that with Synthesis!

posted 11 months ago

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Showing 101 - 125 of 899 posts