
Finally got my amp.  Amazing.   Added Horning PM65 speakers.  Driven by Lampizator GG3 DAC.

Room Details

Dimensions: 18’ × 22’  Large
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Akustika Eterna Lucet Amplifier
    AD1 based bespoke custom DHT amp.  3 chasses.  The left chassis is the high voltage power supply. The right chassis is the low voltage power supply.  Center Chassis is the amp.
    • Grimm Audio MU-1
    Streamer.   Extremely clean and accurate.  Works with roon.  Onboard roon core.  Built in upscaling.
    • Lampizator Golden Gate 3
    Single Ended DHT DAC with Volume Control,  feeds directly into amp wihtout a pre.   What a game changer.  I'm starting to think all preamps should be DHT based.  Currntly running EML 300B solid plate tubes with a KenRad CKR 5U4G WW2 rectifier.
    • PS Audio P10
    Older PS audio regenerator that weights 85 lbs and handles any load, dynamic and never limits the amp.  Even Paul said in an interview that the older copper-based model is slightly better to supply your amp.
    • Audio Sensibility Silver Signature AES/EBU Cable
    Solid silver conductors.  Great construction.  Highly recommend.
    • AudioQuest Vodka Ethernet Cable
    All digital cables are silver plated.  I use audioquest vodka between the switch and the streamer. Pretty much all Audioquest.  All I ask for is a good silver plating and good construction.

    Digital is just 1's and 0's.  The key is to not lose any more than you have to.  Streamers can't use error free FTP.
    • Analog Cables and interconnects Akustika Eterna and self made
    Self made using quality components.  Power cables are minimum 10 awg for amps and  high power components.  12 awg for low power components.  

    Interconnects are generally KLEI low mass.  speaker cables are woven 10 awg.  Speaker connectors are low mass BFA and attach to self made low mass speaker binding posts on the back of the crossover.  

    Cables from the crossover are all Duelund DCA and use Neutrik commercial power connectors (see photo).  
    • Townsend Audio Co. Townshend Seismic Podium
    Springs are the only way to isolate your speakers from the floor.  Townshend does the physics behind it to select the right spring constant for the mass of your speakers.  

    If you can't cut loose of enough cash to buy them and want to make your own, make sure the spring are in the middle of their extension range when loaded and you'll be close.
    • Chord Electric 8 switch
    Runs cool and clean.
    • Tekton Design Encore
    Moved to a surround speaker.

    Significantly upgraded. Tweeters replace with Be by SB acoustics.  

    Crossovers removed and discarded.  Replica built external (walnut boxes on the rack) using Duelund, Mundorf, Jensen foil inductors, path resistors.  

    all wiring in speakers was upgraded to Duelund DCA .  16 for the mids and tweeter, 12 for the bass drivers.

    The difference is amazing.  even expensive speakers skimp on crossover components.  This is what gives the best speakers the open airiness and extreme accuracy.  Pull back the curtain in front of your speakers.
    • Audiolab 6000CDT
    Not a bad transport.  Coulld use more output options.  Very seldom play CDs.
    • Tekton Design Double Impact
    Rear surround speakers
    • Tekton Design Electron SE
    Side surround speakers.
    • Horning Hybrid Eufrodite PM-65
    Awesome 98dB 3 way speakers in Ebony.  Bass drivers (8) on back and internal.

Comments 15

@mmcgill829 I had my rack modified to accept the Lampi.  that also allowed a bigger center speaker for HT.  Don't let the tail wag the dog. --Jerry


The Golden Gate 3 is very serious. How do you like it? I heard a Poseidon recently and I'm afraid I loved it too much. Thankfully for my wallet the Lampi's are too tall for my rack!


January 2024, deleted Chord DAVE DAC and replaced with Lampizator Golden Gate 3.  

Thanks for all the kind comments.

Yes, I made the boxes for the crossovers from a couple of solid walnut planks sourced at a hardwood specialty store.


Nice system and room. I really enjoy reading your comments in the forum. Sometimes I feel like we are a kindred spirit.


@carlsbad2 hahaha! My incoming new speakers are quite a bit larger than my current ones, so I understand!


@mmcgill829 Size does matter.  Smaller speakers are generally a compromise to make the wife happy.  I fired my wife for poor performance.


Those are some big speakers! :)


I wouldn't say that the M scaler is needed, but it does a function that the DAC does not.   You need a good streamer and internet source to appreciat the M-scaler.  Garbage in, garbage out.  When I first got the M-scaler, it degraded the sound rather than improving it.   When you are dropping bits and losing detail, upscaling to higher resolution just makes it easier to hear.   Now with the hard wired internet, audiophile switch, and Innuos streamer, it definitely gives DAVE  better raw materials to work with.  

thanks for your comment.


Confused about the M scale being needed on top of the Dave?


Interesting display. I am very impressed by your audio work and somehow envious. Nothing I have ever sank my teeth into. Enjoying the fruits of your work in audio has to be the ultimate satisfaction. My contribution to my enjoyment of audio was mainly in the building of the house of stereo, the foundation of my system. After that, I just buy ready made equipment. Enjoy!


Amp is temporary because I have a custom amp being built which is very special.  But I just sold a 300b and a Decware ZMA, I have a 6c33c amp for sale and got rid of all my solid state amps.  The little Decware SE84 was the amp that made Steve Deckert famous and it is a giant killer.  Of cousre I have 20x the amp's cost invested upstream of it and 3x the amps value in just crossover upgrades for the speakers.  

The custom amp is almost done and I have heard it in "breadboard" construction and it is amazing.  Output tubes are AD1.  Power supply and amplifier circuit are next level.



Yes interested in hearing more. Are you saying the decware plays the tektons sonic bliss? Maybe I'm confused by the post but definitly a nice system.


Yes, I made the boxes myself from walnut planks.  I grew up in MO and am fond of the walnut that grows there.

Simple design box made with just a table saw (with a good blade and fence).



Nice work, did you build the crossover boxes Jerry.


Nice looking system Jerry and great job upgrading your speakers.


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