mmcgill829's System

hey @mmcgill829 not sure how I missed this gorgeous system just wow! Those Coherent speakers are drop dead gorgeous I've seen pics of their speakers before but n...

posted 13 days ago

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Zlone's System

Ah ok I remember some of my friends were pretty obsessed with curling during the last Olympics very cool Zlone!

posted 14 days ago

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normb's System

Cool speakers normb and a new brand to me they look like interesting omnis. But you need that man cave alright they need room to breathe!

posted 14 days ago

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markmuse's System

Cool system and excellent speaker collection you have Mark!

posted 14 days ago

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silverfoxvtx1800's System

Nice system silverfoxx love Volti speakers heard the Razz at CAF a few years ago I can imagine how good they sound with those Class A Pass watts! Cool room too love that plank wall behind your system.

posted 14 days ago

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Zlone's System

Gorgeous room Zlone I like the wall color and art very much btw what is that thing on the floor in front of the rack? I thought pottery but there's a spigot or something? And killer looking system ...

posted 15 days ago

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Ozzy System

Congrats on the new amps Ozzy was just reading your review and came to check them out. The system is looking great and those Clarisys speakers look fantastically well built for planars.

posted 15 days ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

Thank you @scar972 that is much appreciated and liquid and organic is just how I'd describe it! :)

posted 19 days ago

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akg_ca's ā€œCā€ system - mancave HT 7.2 home theatre

Nice setup akg I've been fascinated by YBA since reading all the J-10 reviews back in the 90s but still have never heard any.

posted 21 days ago

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jrunyon52's Final System

Kick ass speakers and great system man your dream finally came true!

posted 21 days ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

Hey thanks @pallad4024 such kind words are appreciated. And yes I am jonwoody over at SHF! ;)

posted about 1 month ago

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shredsled's System

Nice Marantz stack Shred!

posted about 1 month ago

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Hifi PC

Nice my friend just got a pair of desktop Fynes on closeout and loves them!

posted about 1 month ago

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pallad4024's System

Nice system a lot of classic good sounding budget components!

posted about 1 month ago

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coppy777's System

CJ/Wilson is not a combo you typically see but I bet it sounds great!

posted about 1 month ago

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karlss0n's System

Really nice system Karlsson those Verity's are lovely was bummed to hear they closed up shop. And that Luxman is a stunner of course and nice to see an Auralic user big fan here!

posted about 1 month ago

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Ray's System

Nice simple system and cool cabinet!

posted about 2 months ago

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Ant's tape vinyl digital system

Wow quite the collection of gear Ant and some very nice sources you have!

posted 2 months ago

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Sound room System

Please don't take this the wrong way but what a glorious mess! I love it from the artwork to the tubes all over the place to those cool speakers. Not to mention that Tandberg and that awesome PBN t...

posted 2 months ago

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john_g's System

Nice job on the rack John and cool system I'd assume the Vandersteen amps are a perfect match with the Quatros and love tubes in front of them!

posted 3 months ago

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terracat's System

Ummm holy crap Terracat you sure do like big gear! I've always loved the industrial design of that big MBL preamp and that Ayon is one gorgeous space heater! And the Trio's are as much a work of ar...

posted 3 months ago

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myopia2's System

Always nice to see those ol' school B&W robots! :D Nice system myopia2!

posted 3 months ago

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My Listening Room

Gorgeous room and that system must fill it with thunderous music!

posted 3 months ago

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sccaracerx's Living Room v2

Huge subwoofer!

posted 3 months ago

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stephens770's Current System

Woah Stephen that is one serious set of Panels! Between those and that stack O'Rel I suspect your sound is both full range and loud as needed.

posted 3 months ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 899 posts