aussienut's System

Damn that looks like a great room and a fun immersive listen! Cheers and happy new year!

posted over 3 years ago

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airairy's System

So tell us about the amp? And what's the rest of the system? And more pics please!

posted over 3 years ago

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wiscoguy's System

Cool little system! Is it possible to pull your speakers out a bit from the front and side walls?

posted over 3 years ago

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Bob Carver meets Zu

Love both your systems very cool! And great looking room too!

posted over 3 years ago

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toxlevel's System

Cool system love the look of that Nak preamp!

posted almost 4 years ago

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almos11's System

Love the look of those speakers! Is that a super-tweeter on top? Nice overall system too I bet it sounds lovely.

posted almost 4 years ago

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jdimonte4's Two Channel Office System

Nice system and cool pic of the tube glow!

posted almost 4 years ago

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dj_xwing's Office System

Killer wall unit/desk and love the record storage too!

posted almost 4 years ago

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Willgolf's System

Will those Viking horns look awesome! Would love some system details as well and congrats!

posted almost 4 years ago

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bob82's System March 2020

Really well put together system! I've been curious about Neat speakers for years but have never had a chance to hear a pair.

posted almost 4 years ago

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psf4972's System

Love the new pics gorgeous system and lovely room! Nice AN cops in your Croft :) Also love those Quads just stunning and that table wow!

posted almost 4 years ago

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Two-Channel All-Digital Living Room System

Really nice system and great looking room, It looks really well thought out and love the tweaks I have an MC-0.5 myself and was very impressed at how more relaxed things sounded.

posted almost 4 years ago

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gjrad's 2nd System

Dear lord I can only imagine how great your first system is!

posted almost 4 years ago

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hilde45's System

Nice system! Love the exposed brick and those Salks look cool, are they as deep as they appear in your photo?

posted almost 4 years ago

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gjrad's System

Three killer systems! How do you choose which to listen to?

posted almost 4 years ago

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don_chisholm's System

Really great looking system and cool room it really does look like a showroom. And it must sound amazing in the fully tweaked room and love the Pass Class A/Harbeth pairing!

posted almost 4 years ago

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NYC railroad listening area

Really cool little space, it looks great I would think the Crites crossover would be more a good low cost way to improve your sound rather than just maintenance. Also rolling better tubes into that...

posted almost 4 years ago

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psf4972's System

That is a totally fantastic looking system great components the sound and synergy must be wonderful. And I agree with Jeff more pics please!

posted almost 4 years ago

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adrianleewelch's System

Totally awesome! Love the horns and the zebrano? finish on the cabinets. Serious crossover too it must sound amazing!

posted almost 4 years ago

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ianellis's System

Cool system! I feel like I'm seeing Audia Flight gear pop up a lot lately, how do you like the phono stage? Killer rack too!

posted almost 4 years ago

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zigonht's System

Holy crap dude! You win the most posters award for sure and man cave of the year! I failed to even notice you have a system. ;)

posted almost 4 years ago

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jamiek's Accuphase Avantgarde

Jamie it's likely the wide angle shot is making it look further than you are. But certainly fool around with speaker positioning it's a great, and free, way to better sound.

posted almost 4 years ago

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Shak's System

Hey Shak awesome looking system and very cool theater room! Love the seating and the atmosphere and lots of great gear. You list the Simaudio P8 in your gear list but I see a pic of a Pass preamp a...

posted almost 4 years ago

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Deja Vu all over again!

Dan I would say keep checking the listings AN stuff does pop up used from time to time. The Dac was a total fluke btw it popped up in an auction on here I bid the minimum $1500 on a flyer neve...

posted almost 4 years ago

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jamiek's Accuphase Avantgarde

Nice system and that amp is a P-4500 btw says right on the faceplate. :p May I ask how far away you sit? Might be a trick of the photo but your speakers look very far away.

posted almost 4 years ago

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