
Line magnetic amp 518ia Se, Tubes ; 845 power, 7581A tung sol driver, Nos 5ar4 Mullard, labeled  Amperex 7notch ,serrated edge,  nos Tesla ecc 803s preamp tubes.
Cayin Cd17A tube output cd player with  tungsram E88cc .
Coherent audio GR10 full range speaker. Duelund 16awg tinned copper   speaker wire, and RCA interconnect.
12 inch high speaker stand made by me.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 11’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Cayin , Coherent audio full range speaker,line magnetic amp Speaker stand made by me.
    Cayin CD17A tube output player,
    Coherent Audio (Canadian ) full range GR10 speaker
    Line Magnetic 518ia Se amp.

Comments 6

Nice, another Coherent owner!  I own Coherent Model 10s but mine are floorstanders.  What finish is that on your Coherents? Your room looks like mine with CDs strewn everywhere.  Well done!


Coherent Speakers, very nice!


At first, I thought you had DeVore speakers....never heard of yours but I am sure they sound great!


Very impressive by all accounts.


Love the look of those speakers! Is that a super-tweeter on top? Nice overall system too I bet it sounds lovely.


Beautiful speakers!  Depending on how far your seated position is from the rear wall and your options for repositioning your chair/bookshelf, you might enjoy playing with the placement of the speakers -- either farther apart, further from the wall -- to enhance your holographic soundstage.


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