Hi Muralman1,
I saw that discussion on Horns. But "horn" is a very general term and includes all sorts of rubbish speakers under that mantle.
I have found on my travels that many people out there have usually missed the point and have homed in on one particular aspect or strength of their sound at home. I have heard some awful sounds from people who you would think would have it all sorted out.
I have never heard my Trio sound "honky". Quite the opposite. I did have some issues when I first got them with balance. But some time setting them up and common sense soon made them sing. Even more so with the introduction of a 45 tube amp.
Right now my system has the best sound I have ever had. I would even go as far to say that I have heard at all.
Rather than discussing horns we should discuss the speaker. ie A Trio or a whatever. It is far too general otherwise. It is another reason why there are so many confused audiophiles. I could make my system sound ordinary by changing just one thing in the chain. So you have to be real clear about what you are discussing or chasing or changing.