
UPDATE (12/23/07): added the MBL 5011 preamp. After living with my Esoteric front end for almost 3 months without a pre, I came to the realization that a pre was definitely needed. Without a pre, the sound was a bit thin and lacking bass. The 5011 addressed these issues and so much more. I did not realize how poor my soundstaging was until I introduced the 5011. This pre does in incredible job of layering the soundstage as well as separating each individual instrument.

UPDATE (12/07/07): added the Ayre MX-R amps. These were broken in by my dealer for 2 weeks before I took delivery. I rarely am taken back by gear but I was startled at how much real these amps sounded to me than my previous amps. There is more detail, more immediacy of notes, very good separation of instruments, and a very nice holographic presentation. I can go on and on but by far these amps are the most realistic sounding I have come across. They are just so enjoyable to listen to!

UPDATE (9/29/07): added Esoteric P-03 transport and D-05 DAC. The D-05 has the latest 32 bit DAC from AKM. Even only after a few hours I hear much better separation between instruments and notes, better sustain and decay, and more authoritative bass. More updates to follow.

UPDATE (8/03/07): added the Oyaide R1 outlet for my amps. Everything is a bit livelier with much better detail. I am hearing so many little nuances I have never heard before!

UPDATE (7/24/07): added the Oyaide SWO-GX Ultimo outlet to my front end. What a difference! The bass now goes lower and there is more detail across the board. I will adding another outlet for my amps next. This is by far one of the best tweaks I have ever done.

UPDATE (7/13/07): I finally got around to adding some heavy silk drapes and they made a world of difference. Everything is much smoother. I will continue to look for ways to judiciously treat my room without making it look like a recording studio.


-The sound is just incredible. Vocals are holographic and textured.

-The MBL 5011 preamp is beautiful to look at. Luckily the sound is just as good.

-The Ayre MX-R amps are just gorgeous to look at. The casework is outstanding. And as my wife said, "they are so cute"!


-The Usher BE-10 speakers are big and thick producing a powerful yet delicate sound.

-The Esoteric P-03 transport is incredibly heavy (75lb) and big but it sure sounds good.

My system has undergone A LOT of changes over the last few years. This has been mainly to me figuring out my own listening preferences and understanding what I wanted to get out of my system. After swapping out a lot of components and spending too much money, I have finally settled down a bit.

I listen to all kinds of music but tend to favor anything with female vocals, particularly acoustic folk and vocal jazz. I also favor simple orchestration and basic instrumentation with a preference for acoustic guitar and piano. The less number of instruments between me and the vocals the better. I mainly go to listen to music in small, intimate venues where I am able to sit within a few feet of the band.

Given my musical tastes, I wanted to put together a system that is able to reproduce the sound as organically as possible. I want to hear every little detail like the quiver in a singer's voice, the sound of the guitar pick striking the string, the feeling of the hammer hitting the piano string. To me, these tiny nuances help to make the music sound as real (i.e. organic) as possible. To this end, I wanted a system that was detailed, dynamic, fast, and immediate with just a hint of warmth. I did not want anything that was too syrupy sounding though. My current system gives me everything I am looking for. It is as close to hearing musicians in my room that I have ever heard with any previous iteration of my system.

Components Toggle details

    • Esoteric P-03 Transport
    I love the Esoteric sound so much I had to get their P-03 transport.
    • Esoteric D-05
    Anniversary model with new AKM 32 bit DAC
    • Esoteric VRDS-Neo
    This transport is a work of art! By far, the best, most accurate transport available. The amount of detail it extracts is amazing!
    • Sonos ZP-80
    Wireless digital music system. Digital output is sent to Esoteric D-05 DAC, a huge improvement over internal DAC. I enjoy my music so much more now that I have instant access to my 40K song library
    • MBL 5011
    A very musical preamp with outstanding soundstaging and separation of each instrument.
    • Ayre Acoustics MX-R
    I am so happy with these amps. They make everything sound so real it is startling! The transparency and dynamics suit my preferences perfectly!
    • Usher BE-10
    Very dynamic and neutral sounding speaker. I am sold on beryllium!
    • Tara Labs The One
    Very transparent and "tight" sounding cable that also offers weight and solidity. These give me all the virtues I admired in my previous speaker cable, the Nordost Blue Heaven while providing what it was missing.
    • Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II
    Used between my source and preamp. Great detail without sounding bright or edgy.
    • Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II
    Used between my preamp and amp. Very smooth sounding.
    • Acoustic Zen MC2 XLR
    AES/EBU digital cable from Esoteric P-03 transport to D-05 DAC.
    • Acoustic Zen Silver Byte
    Used to synch the word clock from the Esoteric D-05 DAC to the P-03 transport.
    • Acoustic Zen MC2 RCA
    Digital cable from Sonos ZP-80 wireless digital music system to Esoteric D-05 DAC.
    • Virtual Dynamics Nite 3
    Being used to power by MBL 5011 preamp. Like all VD power cables I immediately noticed more dynamics, speed, and authority. The soundstage with the VD power cables are incredible!
    • Star Sound Technology SP-4 Sistrum Stand
    Great amp stand that helped to add smoothness to my system.
    • Oyaide SWO-GX Ultimo
    Double cryo'd outlet with 24K gold plating - used for cdp and preamp
    • Oyaide R1
    Cryo'd ac outlet with Beryllium/copper and palladium plating - used for amps
    • HiFi Tuning Fuse
    I added this "audiophile" fuse to my MBL 5011 preamp. I am not sure it made any difference but it was cheap and lord knows I have spent much more money on things that actually made my system sound worse! My previous preamp, Classe CP-700 did respond positively to these fuses though. I still may try some in my other components.

Comments 270

No worries Joey! Let me know about the TTs....

As for my chair, its some fancy looking armless chair my wife purchased as part of our living room set. It looks cool but is not very good for really sinking in and enjoying music. When I really want to relax I actually bring in my collapsable folding know the kind you can bring camping that has a builtin foot rest and beverage holder in the arms? I think we got it at REI or some kind of outdoor store. Ghetto I know...the best part is my wife hates it when I "forget" to put it away after my listening sessions. :)



What's your listening chair? I'm on this hunt for my perfect chair....

BTW, the Ref3 is bad-ass looking to me! Jealous that you have it.

My guys on vacation, so I am still waiting on the final quote on the Sonos for you, btw.

Joey :)


Sorry Mitch! Didnt mean to offend. Yes I do think the ARC Ref 3 is pretty nasty looking but the sound is beyond reproach. You dont need to pay to hear my modest system, how about a beer instead! If you are ever in the Orange County area let me know....


You hurt my feelings when you said the Ref3 is hideous looking. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder...geez, I think the Ref3 is one beautiful looking piece. All of your stuff is great looking. I'd pay money to hear it.

Great job.


System edited: updated pictures


System edited: updated pictures


Tbooe: Where are updated pictures of your system now??? I wanna see'em !!!!

Also, report on the new sound please!!!!!!!!


So it all comes together at last. Great to see it!


System edited: I recently changed my cdp to the Estoteric X-03SE and the ARC Ref 3 preamp. I have never been so satisfied with the sound.


Hey Dev...thanks for the nice words. I plan on adding the Sistrums to my speakers but just have not got around to it yet. I am busy upgrading my cdp and preamp. It is definitely on my short list of things to do.

As for the Sistrums and my amps. I "think" I heard an improvement in terms of smoothness. I am not sure. Even Starsound says that the biggest gains to be had are under the speakers. It the very least, they are great amp stands...very sturdy and not too bulky.

Would you mind letting me know how the stands work for your speakers?


Thoooe nice system, I noticed you have Sistrum SP-1 platforms under your mono's, did you notice any difference when you placed them underneath?

Someone I know just recently got the SP-101 and placed his JM-Lab Nova Be's on them and told me he is very happy with the over all improvement. Is there a reason why you haven't put them under your speakers?

I just ordered the SP-6 component rack along with platforms for both my mono blocks and speakers.


Ghasley, I sent you an email.


Tboooe, noticed you are selling your Cary. Would you mind sharing why and what you are changing to?


I know you are jammin the ushers and pass labs amps,Sound So Sweet! Right. My speakers are 8' apart and toed in very little. Had them toed in alot and the sound was not spacious and warm.


I know you are enjoying the Ushers I started a virtual system under Gettin Started pictures arent that great forgot the flash will edit later


dollar, funny i actually had the BW 802d with classe and i found the bass to be a bit loose, boomy, and uncontrolled. You are right about the sound. Highs have never sounded more real to me. Mids are uncolored, clear, neutral, and fast. Bass is tight. I look forward to checking out your virtual system.


My first choice was B&W Naultilus 800 with Classe
But there wasnt any bass and the music sounded to digital.
The Ushers has very good bass and the sound is real clear
smooth.I will set up a vitual as in a couple of days.


dollar, nice system. So what do you think of your be-10s? What other speakers did you consider before settling on the Ushers? It would be great if you set up a virtual system so we can check out your system.


Nice Speakers I recieved my BE 10s in Nov.2006.
I have Dave Belles 350A Reference Mono Blocks 1000 watts
Belles 28A Reference pre amp.
Exemplar Audio 3910 cdp
Shunyata Research Hydra Model 6
Shunyata Research Hydra Model 2
Dedicated 20 amp service
Shunyata Cables All I can say is I can finally appreciate listening to music. This my first investment and first response. Yes I'm a new comer, And enjoy Audiogoners.


How good is the Cary 306SACD Dac? I'm thinking of going Squeezebox into the Cary....

Also, what do you think of the Sonos? Is it easy to setup? My local audiophile buddy has the ability to get Sonos at factory price so I'm tempted to sell the squeezebox and go with the Sonos.



mitch4t: thank you for the kinds words.

I use my Sonos to listen to internet radio and Rhapsody. Considering the bitrate is usually 128kbps, I think the sound is pretty good, definitely good enough for my purposes. I have the sonos connected to my Cary DAC which helps to improve the sound since the internal DAC of the Sonos is merely decent. Mind you, I do not listen critically when streaming internet radio or Rhapsody. That being said, I am very happy with this setup. Not quite CD quality but very good. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Wow, great system!

Do you ever listen to internet radio or internet music services like Rhapsody through your Sonos system? If so, how does it sound?



Make sure to let me know what you think of the PPP... looking forward to your comments on that piece of hardware! :)

Also, glad that you're happy with your current setup, looked at the equipment list you have and it seems to be quite a ways above the 805s that you started with a few years back.

Lastly, I would like to know how the Cary is able to be used as a standalone DAC... I've been looking for a DAC for the Squeezebox3 as I think this is a better way to go than to get the SlimDevices Transporter. If you have any other ideas on DACs, let me know. Thanks!




I prefer the sound through the Cary vs the Sonos. Note that encode at VBR256 since I have so many songs (40k). If I use the digital out of the Sonos into the Cary DAC, then the sound is VERY good and very close to the original cd. I can imagine if I was to use a lossless format like FLAC that the sound would be on par with the original cd.

That being said, the Sonos DAC is not too bad. Even at VBR256, the sound is 90% there. What's missing are the microdynamics, soundstaging, and a bit of air. This compromise is worth it to me since I now have instant access to my large music library. For critical listening I keep a stash of cds handy and use the Cary.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.


how is the Cary sound, compared to the Sonos in your system?


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