
I might actually be done. I find that this is the system sound I have been looking for. It can be played from very low volume levels to very high volume and gives me what I am looking for. The mid range defines the system and it is all there. The low end is present but not overwhelming and the system can be listened to for hours without being fatiguing. I have it tweeked with my room. My concentration has been on buying music. . Thats it for now. Stephen

Components Toggle details

    • Tyler Acoustics Woodmeres Loudspeakers
    • Jeff Rowland Capri Preamplifier
    ss preamp
    • Luxman D-06 CD/SACD Player
    • Cardas Golden Reference Cables IC/SP/PC
    Golden Reference Speaker cable, Interconnects: Golden Reference amp to pre am, Golden Reference CD to Pre Amp, 300B Microtwin DVD to Pre Amp, Power Cords: All Golden Reference except Twinlink on DVD Player
    • Running Springs Audio Haley & Duke Power Conditioners
    Power Conditioners Haley for pre-amp, cd player, and dvd player Duke for amps
    • GIK Bass Treatments
    Bass Treatments behind speakers

Comments 240


Those all sound like great possibilities. Is there any chance you can demo any of them. Anyone near you that has any of these or a dealer that will let you try them. Where are you located? If you want to email privately, my email is [email protected]. Or I can give you my cell phone if you want to speak. By the way, I will be making a change in the amp section of my system. Talk to you soon .stephen


I sort of narrowed it down to 4.

Pass Labs XP-20
Audio Research Ref 3
Esoteric C-3
Accuphase C 2400 as the dark horse

The Pass makes sense because it would get married to a Pass amp and more importantly, the word is that this pre works especially well at low volume.

The AR is a reference standard, works great presumably with any future amp such as amps that aren't heaters like my X350.5, discourages tube rolling and will always have a high resale value

The Esoteric is a very neutral, high performance highly regarded amp in its own right and you don't have to buy tubes

The Accuphase is wickedly handsome, has a lot of functionality and reportly solid performance just can't find any comparisons with the fore mentioned top flight pre's.

Others I thought about were the
Aethetix models
Your capri
The Dude
and Audio Horizons.

I owned the Cary SLP-05. It was a great preamp but some idiot (me) sold it.



What pre amps are you thinking about ? Solid State Or Tubes? I have the Rowland Capri and like it very much.


Pettyfeversk, They shipped yesterday. I'm hopeful to have them by the end of next week.

I'll need to sell my MBL's and look for a preamp as I'm preampless at the moment.

I'll put together a "system" in the Audiogon system forum soon.


When you have the speakers, I look forward to seeing your complete system up on Audiogon. Send me a link so I can take a look at it and let me know your thoughts about the D1's. When do you anticipate having them?


My room measures about 15' X 20' with a large opening at the rear. Lot's of room treatments - bass trap at all corners and acoustic panels in the usual spots. My wife is very forgiving when it comes to stereo. She'll be the one opting for the bigger speakers.. a very dangerous combination.

I've got to post my system here one day soon.



Thank you for the nice comments. I look forward to hearing your thoughts about the D1's. The D1's are very efficient and you have a very powerful amp so you will easily drive them. I had the D1's about 56 inches from the wall behind them. They were very easy to place so I would think you would be fine. How big is your room? I am thinking about the Pass XA 60.5 monos for the Woodmeres.


Pettyfeversk, Nice system, very nice. The Woodmeres look BIG and I'm sure give what I've been missing since I sold my line arrays, top to bottom extension.

My Decade D1's have shipped. I had Ty build me outboard crossovers then sent him a set of Jantzen Superior Z1 caps to install in the fore mentioned crossover boxes.

I too am running a Pass Amp, the X350.5. My current speakers are MBL 121's so I except a very differnt musical presentation. The MBL's are awesome really, but need a second sub I don't have room for. I have 1 JL Audio F113 which should perform nicely with the D1's, you'd know better than I. I am hopeful that the D1's will perform well close to the rear wall.

Congrats on building a beautiful system.


I actually meant that they looked wider than the original Woodmeres.



Yes, they are a bit wider than the D1's, about the same height and a bit deeper. Really enjoying them. Stephen


They are certainly beautiful to look at. They seem to be wider than the previous version, is that the case?


I posted this on the Amp thread and thought I would add it here also:

I currently have The Pass XA 30.5 in a 12 by 23 foot room and have my speakers on the short side. The speakers,as mentioned above are Tyler Acoustics Woodmeres which have Seas Drivers: 2 ten inch bass drivers, 2 seven inch mids and a tweeter. They are 4 ohm and have a sensitivity of about 90. When I listen to the Pass XA30.5 ,there comes a point when the needle moves and it goes into class ab operation. It is of course when the volume level is high. To those of you who have had experience with the Pass XA 60.5 Monoblocks,how much of a difference do you think they would make in my system.I would be interested in your thoughts about the amps playing at low volumes as well as high volumes. Thanks so much for your thoughts.


Hi Steve, you might want to join a local high end forum in your Country and ask one of the friendly members who has a room measurement program on a laptop & mic's etc if they can give you a hand testing the room response. That can be an excellent tool to quantify the changes you make with much greater accuracy.


System edited: I have made a few tweaks to the room that would seem minor but do effect the sound. One is that I moved my listening position back about 4 inches and it made a big change. The other is that I got a larger carpet so the area that is between the speakers and my listening position is now all carpeted instead of some amount of hardwood floor. While the hardwood floor looked more attractive in some ways, I get better sound by having the area where I listen covered with the carpet.


Hi Steve, i'm from Melbourne, Australia which is quite similar to MA actually. Btw, that name "Woodmere" is doing my head in..for some reason it keeps reminding me of a Northern Exposure episode where Chris keeps dreaming of a Hotel called "the Woodbine"! lol.

Will drop you a pm.



I think you hit on it. The synergy between the components is very important and I would throw the room in as another component. You are right, the Rowland Capri is very musical and adds quite a bit to the system. It works really well with the Pass amp as well as with the Woodmeres. Its hard to believe that the Pass XA 30.5 is rated at 30 watts as it is easily pushing the Woodmeres at all volume levels. I look forward to hearing more about the development of your system. Have a good weekend. By the way, where are you loacated, I am up in Massachusetts. Stephen


Your room looks terrific Steve. It's great to see your system developing. I agree with the CD-2s, a separate pre is a good idea, and the Capri is simply great value and a good sonic match to your other gear. Will drop you a pm to fill you in my own system's development!


Thanks Melbguy1,

Once I get some hours on the loudspeakers, I will try to get more specific comments up on my experience with them. Right now, I am really excited about the sound I am getting from my system and enjoying my music collection. Stephen


Well, I reloaded a number of new photos and a few of the room. Many times we forget that the room is as much a component and driving force in the way the system sounds as much as any piece of equipment. My room is 12 feet by 23 feet and i have the speakers on the short side. From the back of the speakers to the wall is 56 inches and the speakers are a little less than 7 feet apart and about 2 feet from the side walls. I sit about 10 feet back from them for serious listening and have a couch that is farther back for listening also. That is about 20 feet back.


03-31-11: Pettyfeversk
Well, I received the new Woodmeres and what can I say, Tyler has done it again. I have only been listening for a few hours but the sound is wonderful. The voices are so lifelike and the sound is very smooth from the highs to the bass. I will describe more as they break in but the imaging is fantastic also. I will be posting new photos tonight of the system. Thanks again Tyler.
That's fantastic PF! It's great to hear you are enjoying your new Woodmeres :) They are certainly statement pieces & should bring you many years of pleasure. Post a follow up comment once they're burnt in...



I just updated with new photos of the Woodmeres. Enjoying my first night with them. Stephen


I am anxious to see what they look like as compared to the old ones, or the Decade series.


Well, I received the new Woodmeres and what can I say, Tyler has done it again. I have only been listening for a few hours but the sound is wonderful. The voices are so lifelike and the sound is very smooth from the highs to the bass. I will describe more as they break in but the imaging is fantastic also. I will be posting new photos tonight of the system. Thanks again Tyler.


Ive had mine since January 2008 and a day hasn't gone bye that I have not been more than pleased with them. Every time I've upgraded the electronics in my system the Woodmeres have always allowed me to hear the improvements.

As far as what I think?..I can best sum it up by plagerizing myself from my system description...

"They possess an impeccable naturalness that's totally non-fatiguing. Seamless, clear tonal balance over the entire musical spectrum. Thoroughly satisfying performance at low and medium listening volumes, yet capable of tremendous dynamic range when called for. Beautiful cabinetry with veneer choices to match any room furnishings. Deceptively small footprint for truly full size loudspeakers. Remarkable price/performance ratio.
I honestly think that these speakers can compete head to head with the very best.And lastly..Ty Lashbrook is great to deal with!"

If the new version is anywhere near the original, you'll be VERY happy.



Thanks for writing. How long have you had your Woodmeres and what do you like most about them? Have a good day. Stephen


Showing 126 - 150 of 240 posts