
I might actually be done. I find that this is the system sound I have been looking for. It can be played from very low volume levels to very high volume and gives me what I am looking for. The mid range defines the system and it is all there. The low end is present but not overwhelming and the system can be listened to for hours without being fatiguing. I have it tweeked with my room. My concentration has been on buying music. . Thats it for now. Stephen

Components Toggle details

    • Tyler Acoustics Woodmeres Loudspeakers
    • Jeff Rowland Capri Preamplifier
    ss preamp
    • Luxman D-06 CD/SACD Player
    • Cardas Golden Reference Cables IC/SP/PC
    Golden Reference Speaker cable, Interconnects: Golden Reference amp to pre am, Golden Reference CD to Pre Amp, 300B Microtwin DVD to Pre Amp, Power Cords: All Golden Reference except Twinlink on DVD Player
    • Running Springs Audio Haley & Duke Power Conditioners
    Power Conditioners Haley for pre-amp, cd player, and dvd player Duke for amps
    • GIK Bass Treatments
    Bass Treatments behind speakers

Comments 240

As A long time owner and user of the original Woodmeres, i look forward to hearing your opinion and comments on the new version.I'm sure you'll have very positive things to say about them...right out of the box.


I will be adding the Tyler Acoustics Woodmere loudspeakers and will post pictures once they have arrived. Stephen


That solves the mystery, Thanks.



Tyler has a new Woodmere Loudspeaker that he has developed. It is not yet on his website but will be soon. Stephen



That sounds like a great system. I wonder where you are headed.


PF, I haven't posted a virtual system as yet as I want to wait until my system is fully completed in about a year. My rig is a 'work in progress' after I decided to re-build my system around my CD-5s. This is my system right now -
- Ayon CD-5s with upgrades (digital front end/tube pre)
- Transrotor Fat Bob Plus, SME-5009 arm, Miyajima Shilabe cart, Bladelius Heimdal balanced phono stage
- Oppo BDP-83SE (DVD)
- Modwright KWA-150 dual mono amp
- Marten Coltrane Alto speakers
- Power cables - Acoustic Revive Power Reference
- Power conditioner - Acoustic Revive RTP-6 Ultimate
- Racks - Solid Tech ROS 4/Solo 2
I have several other upgrades in the works, but all to be revealed down the track ;) I can certainly tell you the synergy between the CD-5s, Modwright & Martens are a match made in Heaven! I must say I am very content where my system is heading, though i've still got a long way to go :)
I really admire your system Greg which is a fine example of a good value, minimalist high end system. Let us know your thoughts about the Woodmeres once they arive.


Why are you considering the Woodmeres as an upgrade when they are discontinued, and the Decades represent Tyler's latest thinking?



What is the rest of your system ? Any pictures? Are you content with it at this point. I am hoping the once I have the Woodmweres, I can call it quits to system changes for a period of time. It will be interesting to hear the interaction between the Woodmeres and the Ayon CD2-S. The Ayon give a good amount of detail and i find it neutral sounding. I have heard great things about the Woodmeres and how musical they are .


Hi Steve, the Woodmeres look grand & should be a good upgrade from your last TA's. Am looking forward to reading your review of the TA's after they've played in :)


Hi Melbguy1,

Thats neat with the turntable. I just cant seem to get myself to go in that direction. I am getting a different set of speakers. I will be getting the Tyler Acoustics Woodmeres. Take care and have a good night.


Hi Steve, firstly I wanted to say your last comment was very humbling and true. You're right, we need to pause and think how lucky we are to be able to even have disposable income, let alone pursue a hobby in high end audio.

Anyway, looks like you've been making quite a few changes. Re: moving back to vinyl; as you know I used to own a CD-5 (and now CD-5s), but I have to say I was blown away by the sound of a vinyl rig I heard on a recent visit to my Dealer which comprised a Transrotor Fat Bob Plus table, SME-5009 arm, Miyajima Shilabe cartridge & Bladelius Heimdal balanced phono stage. Quiet, dynamic, warm, live, "real" sound...amazing bass..just lovely sound! In fact, I liked it so much I now own that rig :)

Don't get me wrong, I still love my Ayon player (which is a superb high end value given its tube preamp), but I am sold on the sound of good vinyl. The TR is a belt-drive table with an inverted hydrodynamic bearing & magnetic drive which makes the table very accurate & quiet. It is a pretty hefty table too at 28kg. Happy days!


I posted this as a response to an Audiogon Thread in which a member commented how he was diasapointed that when he had company over to his house, the people were not impresssed with his primary audio system in which he has invested much money in. This was my response:

03-21-11: Pettyfeversk
Everybody has different priorities in their lives and what is a passion for one person means nothing to someone else. Whether it is audio, cars, clothes, food, homes etc, people look at the world differently. When people see my system, they might make a comment or wonder why someone would do this. Music has always been a core to my spirit and that is outside of other people. What I will say is that anymore who has any disposable income for anything should feel very lucky and very grateful. There are many people out there who are worrying about having food on the table or a roof over their heads. In addition, many people do not have their mental or physical health and in that circumstance none of these material things mean anything. We are not entitled to anything and many people out there struggle much more than thinking about what cable would better compliment their amp. Enjoy the hobby and dont worry about what anyone else thinks. It should not be ego oriented but more enjoyment oriented. Just my thoughts. Stephen


Speaker Evolution

I read a thread on speaker evolution and was trying to think about all the various speakers I have owned through the years. I have always maintained that if you had to pick out one element that defines the sound other than the room, it would be the loudspeakers. I cant recall all the model numbers but this is some of the loudspeakers that have been in my system. I started with Superscope which in the 1970's was a division of Marantz. I have also owned Monitor Audio, Triangle, JVC, and then got JBL 100's which was a milestone if my memory serves me correct. I had a very large Klipsch speaker system. I got into Polk and had the RTA 11T which I recall were very clear and nice sounding. I owned the Dynaudio Contour 3.0 speakers and the Dynaudio S5.4. I then owned the Von Schweikert VR-1, the Von Schweikert 4JR and then the Von Schweikert 4 Sr. Since then, I have owned Tyler Acoustics speakers. I enjoy them very much and have owned the Decade D2 and then the Decade D1. I am looking forward to acquiring the Woodmeres.


Getting another pair of Tyler Acoustics loudspeakers within the next month and will post pictures when I receive them.


Thanks for the update. One would expect the Ayon to best the Arcam pretty handily considering the price differential. It's nice to have your son help out with the experiment.


Hi Tim,
I did an experiment and had my 23 year old son listen to a bunch of disks back and forth between the Ayon and the Arcam. His feeling was that the Arcam had a much more compressed sound. He felt the Ayon was cleaner sounding and presented more of the information from the disks. While the Arcam had a nice sound, the Ayon was another level in terms of its presentation. Stephen


Hi Tim,

I played a little with a few HDCD's and went back and forth between the Arcam with HDCD capability and the Ayon. When I listened to the Arcam, it was very warm and smooth. The soundstage was decent but not incredible. Very nice sounding, nonetheless. When I listened to the Ayon with the same disk, I just got more from the disk. The music felt more present and more alive. The soundstage was better but I think the thing i noticed more was more of an immediacy of the music. The music had a more toe tapping type of engaging sound. I hope this helps. Stephen


I dont believe the Ayon does. I can go back and forth with a few HDCD's between the two sources and see what I hear. I just have to get some time to do it. I will let you know what I hear. In general, I have been comparing the Ayon CD2s with the Arcam DV 88. The Arcam has a nice warm sound. The soundstage is not incredible and the detail is not astounding but it has a very nice sound overall. The Ayon has much more clarity, much more directness, and a much wider soundstage with the ability to har much more in the music.


This probably sounds crazy but I would be very interested in your opinion on the difference between the Arcam and the Ayon when playing HDCDs. I'm assuming the Ayon does not decode HDCD.


Hi Tim,

It does decode HDCD. Interesting question as I have not tried the player with one of those disks. I do have some so I will have to try it and let you know. I wonder if I will notice much difference than with the regular disks. Stephen


I'd be curious to hear your opinion of the Arcam with HDCD encoded cds. Assuming DVD-88 decodes HDCD.


I recently added the Arcam DVD-88 player to my system. I had the Arcam DVD 79 but it was starting to go (the transport). It had served me very well for many years so I bought another Arcam player. The DVD 88 is I believe from 2001 but it plays both DVD's and red book cd's very well. I believe it has a ver good DAC as it gives me a very nice sound.


I understand what you are saying, especially as it relates to rock performed live. You would be a good candidate for exploring horn speakers, if you haven't already. They have that bold dynamic headroom.


I am going to post this in another category so some people see it but lately I have been going out to see live music. Most of the concerts are Rock but none the less, it really makes me think about listening at home vs what i hear when i go out. I read with the respect the vinyl supporters and how the digital sound will never touch the warmth and other special qualities of vinyl. Well, when you go out and hear live music and close your eyes, believe me, it does not sound like a vinyl rig. Un my opinion, the sound while has a in your face kick that is more like solid state systems. You can hear the bass lines and the pounding of the drums and the fire of the guitars. There is no tube glow and and warmth to it. It is alive and much different. In fact, I think the closest to it is a system with lots of in your face feeling that is realistic without all the mumbo jumbo descriptions we audiophiles tend to use in our quest for the holy grail of sound systems. Just go to some live shows, really listen to what you are hearing and your perspective should be clear about what real music sounds like.


I am posting this comment on my system thread as well as the Digital forum. I have been doing some thinking about the future of high end sound. Where will it go? What will happen in the digital arena? As a audiophile who primarily listens to a CD collection, I am not sure. With about 1000 CD's and a good CD player, I thought that was it for me. Recently, I tried a external hard drive connected to the cd player and while the sound is not quite a cd, it is pretty close. I run a USB cord into the Ayon and control selection via the computer. I was surprised how good the quality is. However, that could also mean the CD quality is not that terrific if the sound is that close. 32 bit may be the next change and music servers are happening. Will digital continue to evolve. Of course, but will it really jump to another level or will the audiophiles continue to move back to vinyl? I am not sure. Your thoughts?


Showing 151 - 175 of 240 posts