
I might actually be done. I find that this is the system sound I have been looking for. It can be played from very low volume levels to very high volume and gives me what I am looking for. The mid range defines the system and it is all there. The low end is present but not overwhelming and the system can be listened to for hours without being fatiguing. I have it tweeked with my room. My concentration has been on buying music. . Thats it for now. Stephen

Components Toggle details

    • Tyler Acoustics Woodmeres Loudspeakers
    • Jeff Rowland Capri Preamplifier
    ss preamp
    • Luxman D-06 CD/SACD Player
    • Cardas Golden Reference Cables IC/SP/PC
    Golden Reference Speaker cable, Interconnects: Golden Reference amp to pre am, Golden Reference CD to Pre Amp, 300B Microtwin DVD to Pre Amp, Power Cords: All Golden Reference except Twinlink on DVD Player
    • Running Springs Audio Haley & Duke Power Conditioners
    Power Conditioners Haley for pre-amp, cd player, and dvd player Duke for amps
    • GIK Bass Treatments
    Bass Treatments behind speakers

Comments 240

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I've been a collector of Native American Indian artifacts as well. I'm a rocker too and looking for different music to play on our extensive system.

Porcupine Tree, Shiny Toy Guns, Sia and B-Tribe are a few to look at. I think I have every Neil Young album, CD, DVD, and blue-ray disc available.


Stephen. Looking at "The Room", I noted that we have/own the same Indian blanket, fortunately, it's not currently hanging in our audio room like yours. Instead there's one with a different pattern in a similair location. I found that by hanging Native American Indian artifacts in the audio room increases natural aural awareness and therefore adds to the audio experience, didn't you? This of course along with our Shumann frequency generator set at 7.83 Hz...

I need a new hobby.


I agree with Timrhu, post in the amp section. It's certainly interesting to me owning the X350.5.

Excellent review and much appreciated. Darn it I'm thinming of downsizing amps and now you got me thinking about mono's.

What have you been playing Stephen? What is your musical passion?

The D1's are making music, serious music. I just spun John Klemmer Touch. Never sounded better. This followed Frank Sanatra "The Concert Sanatra". Pretty special evening and I just learned that Bin Laden has been killed. A special evening indeed.


Took delivery of the D1's yesterday. According to Ty, he put ~100hrs on them. I've put ~8 hours.

Slight damage on 1 speaker where the finish was rubbed smooth. Bummer.

These speakers are so transparent I'm blown away. Familiar music isn't so familiar anymore. I can hear so deep into the recording. I wonder if part of this is the Jantzen Z-Superior caps? More breakin to come!


I sort of narrowed it down to 4.

Pass Labs XP-20
Audio Research Ref 3
Esoteric C-3
Accuphase C 2400 as the dark horse

The Pass makes sense because it would get married to a Pass amp and more importantly, the word is that this pre works especially well at low volume.

The AR is a reference standard, works great presumably with any future amp such as amps that aren't heaters like my X350.5, discourages tube rolling and will always have a high resale value

The Esoteric is a very neutral, high performance highly regarded amp in its own right and you don't have to buy tubes

The Accuphase is wickedly handsome, has a lot of functionality and reportly solid performance just can't find any comparisons with the fore mentioned top flight pre's.

Others I thought about were the
Aethetix models
Your capri
The Dude
and Audio Horizons.

I owned the Cary SLP-05. It was a great preamp but some idiot (me) sold it.


Pettyfeversk, They shipped yesterday. I'm hopeful to have them by the end of next week.

I'll need to sell my MBL's and look for a preamp as I'm preampless at the moment.

I'll put together a "system" in the Audiogon system forum soon.


My room measures about 15' X 20' with a large opening at the rear. Lot's of room treatments - bass trap at all corners and acoustic panels in the usual spots. My wife is very forgiving when it comes to stereo. She'll be the one opting for the bigger speakers.. a very dangerous combination.

I've got to post my system here one day soon.


Pettyfeversk, Nice system, very nice. The Woodmeres look BIG and I'm sure give what I've been missing since I sold my line arrays, top to bottom extension.

My Decade D1's have shipped. I had Ty build me outboard crossovers then sent him a set of Jantzen Superior Z1 caps to install in the fore mentioned crossover boxes.

I too am running a Pass Amp, the X350.5. My current speakers are MBL 121's so I except a very differnt musical presentation. The MBL's are awesome really, but need a second sub I don't have room for. I have 1 JL Audio F113 which should perform nicely with the D1's, you'd know better than I. I am hopeful that the D1's will perform well close to the rear wall.

Congrats on building a beautiful system.
