
I might actually be done. I find that this is the system sound I have been looking for. It can be played from very low volume levels to very high volume and gives me what I am looking for. The mid range defines the system and it is all there. The low end is present but not overwhelming and the system can be listened to for hours without being fatiguing. I have it tweeked with my room. My concentration has been on buying music. . Thats it for now. Stephen

Components Toggle details

    • Tyler Acoustics Woodmeres Loudspeakers
    • Jeff Rowland Capri Preamplifier
    ss preamp
    • Luxman D-06 CD/SACD Player
    • Cardas Golden Reference Cables IC/SP/PC
    Golden Reference Speaker cable, Interconnects: Golden Reference amp to pre am, Golden Reference CD to Pre Amp, 300B Microtwin DVD to Pre Amp, Power Cords: All Golden Reference except Twinlink on DVD Player
    • Running Springs Audio Haley & Duke Power Conditioners
    Power Conditioners Haley for pre-amp, cd player, and dvd player Duke for amps
    • GIK Bass Treatments
    Bass Treatments behind speakers

Comments 240


That would be fantastic to hear from someone who combined the Corus with the Pass XA160.5. Thanks so much, I look forward to hearing from him. My email is [email protected]. If he is in usa, let me know and I will provide a phone number. If not, email or my system board is great. As always, I enjoy our conversations and your assistance. Take Care. Stephen



The Capri has the following qualities:

Good Soundstaging
Good imaging
Good Bass Response
Excellent sound weight and Density (not talking tube like qualities but sound weight)
Sound in my system is laid back

Why do I like most about the Capri? When I listen to the variety of music that is my collection, the weight and realism of the sound is the quality that I value the most. I am not interested in having a collection of audiophile recordings that display quality sonics but are not my music. With the Rowland Capri, I feel uplifted by the sound. The music just sounds right, not that it is doing the ultimate in audio tricks but that its sound is real and has wonderful musicality. My sense would be that the higher priced Corus would add even more resolution and greater transparency.


Yes i've heard the Corus on a couple of occasions, on both occasions with the 625 power amp. The sound was wonderful; sweet, open & airy. But to what extent the 625 am contributed is hard to say. I have a friend who has Pass xa-160.5's & used to have a Capri pre before upgrading to the Corus. I'll pass on your details to him & ask if he can get in contact with you..



Have you heard the Corus?


Hmm seems like you like Rowland's warmth & sweetness ;) If you have a Rowland Dealer, you should try to borrow a JRDG Corus Steve..


I Decided to keep the Jeff Rowland Capri as my preamplifier at this time. Stephen


Hi Steve, I know with my Class A preamp I attributed the long(ish)(250hrs) break in time to the large power supplies & caps. With Class a power amps, I would have thought the higher bias would speed up rather than slow down the burn in process? It also depends on the parts bin; ARC's Ref5SE apparently takes 400+hrs to break in due to its teflon caps. Am heading away on a short holidays soon & plan to finish setting up my current system with my new tt. Will email some photos when i'm back.



Thanks for your thoughts. Still in the break in period. Why do Class A components take so long to break in. The lack of watts is what I have been told. If you ever get a chance, send me a photo of your system, would love to see it. Stephen [email protected]


Congratulations Steve, your system looks pretty serious now. I think the Pass xp-20 should sound very coherent and resolving & complement your xa-100's well. I think you've chosen well & i'm sure the xp-20 will bring you many years of enjoyment!


Posted a few new pictures of the system. Stephen


Received the Pass XP-20 today and it arrived late this afternoon. It will need some break in time as it was out in the cold and is a like new demo unit. It is a very attractive preamp and I look forward to hearing it.


Hi Steve,
Yes there are many different paths to achieving system synergy and getting the right tonal balance, dynamic response, quality/level of bass etc. I respect Nelson Pass. The Pass monos are real sweeties & produce wonderful sound. It's funny, I would apply the same sound description you used to describe the Pass amps to the Ayon preamps. In my set up, the Boulder provides tremendous power & authority, transparency, organic sound and inner detail. The Boulder's tonal balance is essentially neutral, but every so slightly on the warm side of neutral i'd say. The pair sound wonderful together, so I can only imagine how much better the Ayon Orbis will be! Btw, I posted my impressions of the Boulder/Ayon pairing in my review of the Boulder 1060 if you're interested. Let me know how the XP-20 pre works out! As that pre was voiced to match your mono blocks, the synergy should be excellent. Can't wait!



You make very good points about the balance within the system and so much of it is getting the right interaction that give us the resolution and transparency but not at the expense of midrange warmth. It is not about whether it is a tubed preamp or a solid state preamp but what fits into my system from the sonics standpoint. I decided to try the Pass XP-20 first for these reasons. The Pass XA100.5 Monoblocks are very rich and lush sounding with a wonderful midrange. They are full sounding and when I read about the qualities of the Pass XP-20, it sounded like it might be a better compliment in my system . The Pass Preamp was voiced to match with my amps and I am hoping I will retain all I am getting from the amps but also add greater dynamics, resolution, and bass response from the Pass preamp vs what I am getting now from the Rowland Capri. It will be interesting to hear and learn what kind of match it turns out to be.


As I think about trying the Pass preamp, I am wondering if it is going to be different than the Rowland Capri. Thinking about it is different than actually hearing it which should happen late next week. If I don't like the combination, I will probably try a tubed preamp. I have given some thought to a VTL or
VAC but they are expensive.


Steve, that's the real key. Boulder amps sound brilliant; very quiet, powerful, resolving & transparent. Feedback i've read from other owners seem to indicate all-Boulder set ups can sound a bit 'thin' sounding and overly transparent, especially with ceramic accutons. So although I can fully appreciate the extreme resolution and transparency of valve pre's like the VTL TL-7.5 & Vacuum State RTP3D, and even the ARC Ref 5SE, you can have too much of a good thing. The latter option tempted me (being a single chassis unit), but ARC are pushing the tonal balance more toward a neutral/thin sound. Actually i've read a couple of comments on the 'gon which sugggest the Ref 3 is a better match with the Boulder because of it's warmer/more lush sound. I'll give the Orbis a try anyway & see if I like it.



I think we are looking for the same things in that the synergy between the components is so important to achieve the sonics we want in our systems. It can take a good bit of work to get that right fit and the room also plays a decent part in all of this.


Hi Steve, I agree the newer ARC pre's have a leaner sound which leans toward ss accuracy as I related earlier. The earlier models up to the SP-10 had a warmer, bloomier sound but are really not SOTA now. For my own part, I am upgrading to an Ayon Orbis class A tube pre later this year. The Orbis is a superb valve pre & has a regenerator power supply. The Orbis will give me a nice combination of Austrian engineering, tube warmth, transparency/holography & sweetness which will balance out my Boulder amps & Martens well. I also plan to sell my Ayon CD-5s & upgrade to the (yet to be released) Vitus SCD-025. The Orbis pre will stay unless (and until) a Vitus SL-102 comes up for trade, otherwise i'll upgrade my vinyl deck next year. Happy days!



Thanks for your thoughts. I am going to try the Pass XP-20 and see what the synergy is like before I venture into tubes again. I have been doing a lot of reading about preamps and my thought is that a good preamp should let the sound of the amps really come through and be as transparent as possible. I really love the sound of my Pass Monoblocks and if the Pass preamp gives me more of them, then I should be pretty excited. If that match does not do it for me, then I would lean toward trying a tubed preamp. Its interesting thought. These days, some tubed products take on the traditional type of sonics of ss gear and the reverse can happen also. I have actually spoken to some folks who have used ARC preamps with ss amps and have told me that the sound was leaner than some of the match ups with ss preamps. I guess its all about the synergy.


Steve, it really depends on the type of sound you like. Those (like me) who like tube textures/warmth would miss having tubes somewhere in the mix, whilst others would be in heaven with all ss. See if you can get an XP20 on audition for a week & see if you like it.


I am leaning toward trying the Pass XP-20 Preamp in my system and comparing that preamp with my current Rowland Capri. I had toyed with the idea of an Audio Research or another Rowland but am thinking that the synergy between the Pass XA100.5 monblocks and the Pass Preamp would be worth listening to.



I do find that to be they case. For a large speaker, they image really well and have a very cohesive, musical sound.


I like the symmetrical driver configuration on those Tylers.

I would imagine that configuration would help the multiple drivers on larger speakers like these integrate better, especially in a smaller room or in a more nearfield type listening configuration, more like a smaller monitor than a larger full range.

Do you find that to be the case?


Hi Ernie,

They are very different loudspeakers. Give me a call and we can talk about it. My number is 978 877-9123. Call me anytime. I am available now if you like. Stephen


Hi Stephen,
Can you tell me what you experienced as the sonic differences between the Tyler D1's and the Woodmere's? Also what was it about the D1's that made you want to upgrade? I'm asking because I have the Linbrooks and was curious about a possible upgrade in the future.

Thanks for your perspective on this,


Hi Steve, I haven't had the benefit of listening to an ARC pre, but have read extensively about them in forums & reviews. By all reports, ARC changed direction after the SP-10 from a warmer, more lush sound to a leaner, more accurate one. In the single chassis ARC pre's, only the latest Ref 5SE has really addressed a perceived lack of bass. The LS-27 has wide bandwidth & a hybrid Jfet/6h30 output circuit. Output impedance shouldn't be a problem for your Pass amps at 700ohms balanced (350ohms SE), though my preference would be to run balanced and gain the benefits of common mode rejection & higher s/n. Overall, I would expect the ARC to sound less warm and leaner than a CJ or Ayon pre & offer good but not outstanding bass. If you can wait & save a bit longer, i've seen ARC Ref 5's on the 'Gon for $5k! That pre can also be upgraded in the future to 'SE' spec by ARC. That would be the way i'd go if I were in your shoes. The tonal balance between the ARC, your Pass amps & Woodmeres should be excellent, whereas with my Boulder amp & Martens, I need a warmer, richer sounding pre like Ayon. Regards, MG.


Showing 26 - 50 of 240 posts