Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

I appreciate that doc and my disdain for flying is no excuse.

posted over 16 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Love the pictures. No eating allowed?

posted over 16 years ago

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MartinLogan CLSIIz+McIntosh+Atma-Sphere

"This spring I will make some improvements to the MartinLogan electronics for the CLS's. Better wiring, caps, binding posts and coil -- no hurry."I took this to mean you were goin...

posted over 16 years ago

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MartinLogan CLSIIz+McIntosh+Atma-Sphere

Neil- I am very intereted in your xformer uprgrade to the CLS. Maybe you could start a thread on the matinloganowners website to document your efforts. That Could be fun.greg

posted over 16 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

looking forward to pictures of your new sub.

posted over 16 years ago

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My First Stero, Help needed

Shhh! come close I'll tell you the ideal amp for maggies.NYAL Moscode 600.

posted almost 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

for those looking for a chair-

posted almost 17 years ago

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I believe I have arrived...

You are the man. thanks for the music!

posted almost 17 years ago

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My First Stero, Help needed

power is good for maggies. power is expensive. then maybe have the phillips modified. while you can get away with low power the maggies continue to bloom with addition of power. In fact I always th...

posted about 17 years ago

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Equipment collectors are prententious people

"Equipment collectors are prententious people" So what's your point?

posted about 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike, I think someone said ..."life is what happens to you when you are pursuing your dream..."The speakers are beautiful.

posted over 17 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

I missed the Lamm exhibit. More importantly that is my first compliment to Wilson Audio.

posted over 17 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Doc, at the Stereophile HE show in NY this weekend the watt puppys were sounding glorious with the BAT electronics.

posted over 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

With all due respect I sat in the perfect chair at Circuit City the other day. It is an auto massager. I don't know the name of it, but I would consider marrying that chair. I hope I can get a seco...

posted over 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Terry Callier-funny you should mention him . I just picked his album up of the floor( being on the floor means it gets played a lot.)It is named "Turn You to Love"1979 Elektra/Asylum Records. One o...

posted over 17 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Despite alll our criticism of young people thier enthsiasim is infectious. They really want to do the right thing. Someone just nedds to tell them what that is. A law student called me "sir" yester...

posted over 17 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

...teachning may be an option?

posted over 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

For true bass fun try the soundtrack to the movie "Cruel Intentions".

posted over 17 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

All my firends listen to my system as background music. Anyone who has a friend who is willing to listen to album after album well into the night is lucky indeed. Making small, adjustment for vta, ...

posted over 17 years ago

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MartinLogan CLSIIz+McIntosh+Atma-Sphere

"I'm planning a move back to tubes next week (a new Mcintosh MC275 Mk IV and it wasn't terribly expensive.."The parents are always the last to know.

posted over 17 years ago

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APL-ILLUMI-FI Reference Audio System

Would it not be funny that you found a bigger market for your amp and speakers than your cd player?

posted over 17 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Ken I love to brag. So I am a Public Defender. I take partial responsibility for organizing what I consider to be one of the best systems for indigennt representation in the country. I was one of t...

posted almost 18 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

"where is all the money going that is stolen from me in the form of property tax????Nrchy-Too build bridges to nowhere!

posted almost 18 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

KFTOOL as a math major I must point out you have proved your teacher wrong. Public school is free yet it proved to be quite valueble to most of us.Sorry Albert. I return your thread to more ser...

posted almost 18 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

"My high school math teacher tought me two axioms that have stuck with me to this day. " Anything you get for nothing, is good for nothing." The second is, "You get what you pay...

posted almost 18 years ago

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Showing 76 - 100 of 199 posts