Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Doc- I hope to take you up on that visit one day. The Sterophile show is in LA in July. I am sure I will not be disappointed. You are in a growing club as more and more reviewers and manufactures o...

posted over 18 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

well doctor this of course remains one of my favorite systems to look at,but the jury is still out on the sound. It's fun to pick on Wilson Audio. When we spend this much we don't usually want neut...

posted over 18 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

ALbert, I ought to be quiet and let you talk. I am as big a fan of 60 watt tube amps as anybody. But...Audiophiles ought to listen to you. You got a 750 watt amp moving a little tiny ribbon. th...

posted over 18 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike- the Aussies have thrown down the gauntlet. My January Sterophile arrived witht the review of the Continuum arm table and stand. $87k. Uncle Mikey thinks it's better than your table. Happy hun...

posted over 18 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike- maybe it's time to turn you attention to source material? How about adding first class reel to reel deck and get some master tapes?

posted over 18 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I'll take you up on that.

posted almost 19 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

while I concur that a visit to Albert's house remains the most coveted invite on audiogon, I'm not sure it's for me. you see once I've been to heaven I can't go back to earth. Nevertheless ...

posted almost 19 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Eric, I'm sure no one in Texas says "positively yummy"

posted almost 19 years ago

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The room behind the racing library.

well while I love your nissan , I am much bigger grand prix open wheel fan. On your turntable search. there is an Austrailian turntable that looks like it is in a suitcase. I saw it a show but hey ...

posted almost 19 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

the song says...don't go changing...take your time.your intial rush may change over the long haul. I'm sure you know that. depending on how much time you can spend ,it takes professional reviewers ...

posted about 19 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

Mike, just based on a short listen at the NYC show, I give the vr9 my highest rating as a truly nuetral transducer. While hanging around the hotel room someone commented on the small room. they cla...

posted over 19 years ago

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On the Quest of Audio Heaven.

Raul!never doubted that you were an experienced audiophile. That is an impressive array of audio equipment. Maybe I will complete my system and post it by years end. Maybe? I visited a friend this ...

posted over 19 years ago

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Lampizator, Doshi, Joule, Teres, Audio Physic

Outlier-sorry I missed the zyx.

posted over 19 years ago

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Lampizator, Doshi, Joule, Teres, Audio Physic

when i was giving you advice on solving your turntable problems I had no idea you had assembled such a fine system.I must say the virgo is the pick of the litter when it comes to the audio ...

posted over 19 years ago

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Main (and only) System

I expect my cls in the next week or so. Expect to have to replace the panels at some point. Although someone had success with vaccuming the panels. The transformers seem to be problem free. For...

posted over 19 years ago

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Main (and only) System

see you have your new turntable. i have a line on cls. don't know what kind of sub i will get.

posted over 19 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

That's good Albert. You sounded a little down when you ordered the crossover. I thought your silence might mean the dali's had reached a plateau.

posted over 19 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

we know you have been busy with the show. we are waiting for an update on the progress of your speakers.

posted over 19 years ago

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Super swiss stereo system

Congratulations! Never thought the silver seven was a real product. Just a mirage for its" "t" function amps. Talk about old school. I remeber the bottom fell out at infinity just ab...

posted over 19 years ago

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Levinson Reference

Congratulations! You have chosen an expensive system that is not likley to draw much ohs and ahs from your fellow audiophiles. I bet yours is a very natural sound. Even though I like tube and elect...

posted over 19 years ago

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The room behind the racing library.

I overlooked your system because I'm prejudiced toward line source dipoles. The JM Labs Grand Utopia being a notable exception. Even if that turntable sounded like crap it is an industrial peice of...

posted almost 20 years ago

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I believe I have arrived...

Baby's angle. Speakers that come with thier own cute little critc.Good job!

posted almost 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

I think I would put Albert's System in the room used by Siriusly. I would add some absorptive chairs and couches.

posted almost 20 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Zaikesman-I posted the message in case I had mislead anyone about how to achieve LEDE. It is clear my mehtod was not LEDE. Thanks for clearing it up.

posted almost 20 years ago

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Mike Lavigne's System

I never thought it would happen. I am speechless.

posted almost 20 years ago

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Showing 151 - 175 of 199 posts