Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Doc IMO you have the best digital system on paper at least.Far be it from me to start another digital vs vinyl debate.A certain dealer says that not only is vinyl better(he declined to name...

posted about 15 years ago

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Tubes & Stats - Front Row Perspective

"...Intuitively you want to get that first wave launch at your ears before any room reflections can muck it up..."Quote from Gregadds' system post.I guess great ears hear alik...

posted over 15 years ago

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Phil's System


posted over 15 years ago

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Tubes & Stats - Front Row Perspective

In this world we take ourselves far too seriously. Truly God has a sense of humor. We should too.Your whole system and DIY projects are a finger in the eye of the audiophile establishment. Not ...

posted over 15 years ago

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Tubes & Stats - Front Row Perspective

Bruce the more I look at your system the more strange I see you are.

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Doc I actually got to see and hear two Gotham subs today. They are a beast to look at but they were totally in sync with the main speakers.

posted over 15 years ago

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Tubes & Stats - Front Row Perspective

That first wave is the one you want to hear.I hope one day soon to have a deuce of Moscode 402au. We can compare notes on the old and new. Right now I am doing fine with just one.Gregadd

posted over 15 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert-hope you don't mind if I use your thread for this. For those who are not inclined to or are unable to pursue a Lenco or Technics turntable, might want to consider the Teres 450 or 460. It ha...

posted over 15 years ago

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Cheap College Setup

Nothing wrong. At your age music is more important than equipment, Take Susie to a concert. Get a music server when you can afford it. Download some free music. Visit the local High End store. Go t...

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

You'll need to scroll down the page. Mybe someone more computer savy can post it here.

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Sorry Doc.I got those of the Audio Federation site and thies 2009 CES coverage.One more try. lack of comp...

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

C:\Users\Accuphase\Pictures\IMG_2614.jpgnice picture of Wilson Lamm3

posted over 15 years ago

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Turntables Classics Tournament

I don't know how your system sounds but the equipment you have assembled is fantastic. I am sure you are having a lot of fun. You clearly don't mind departing form conventional wisdom.

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5 out these pictues of thier singled ended 300B amps.gregadd

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

The line stage appears to be all tubes from the pictures I have seen. They are advertising on this site under tube preamps.Gregadd

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Albert Porter has sold his Aesthetic. Mike Lavine is evaluating it but is still committed to his Dartzeel.It is quite the rage. Reasonably priced if all you need is a line stage.Approximately $9k. ...

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

Go ahead Doc you know you want to. It's calling you. Al & Mike have already. Bill Johnson wont mind. You know what I'm talking about. If you don't like it you can always sell it to me.The A...

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

" ...tough ACT to follow..."I'll just assume that's a reference to a certain champagne colored preamp.

posted over 15 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Albert you keep pushing the envelope. We'll stay as close as we can.Gregadd

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

I was kidding. I'm not as bad as Madden. If I had to fly for work I'd just do it. Keep those drinks coming.I've owned the Sp-9,MKI and II and a modified SP-14. Both hybrids. All worthy of t...

posted over 15 years ago

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Doctor's Rx-Wilson X-2, Lamm, PDS MPS5

So Doc how's the retirement going. I am looking for a preamp. (ARC REf 3)So tell us again how good it is. Maybe I can afford a good used one.I promise. I'm gonna get out there someday. Maybe I ...

posted over 15 years ago

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Equipment collectors are prententious people

wow. you are pretentious.

posted almost 16 years ago

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Albert Porter's System more thing the Denon is another fine direct drive tt complete with tonearm. This represents quite a value for the hobbyist. As I...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

Your ears determine what audio choices you make. Your choice is validated by the fact that you made it.It is just that I was expecting a choice from the set of new products e.g. your choice of ...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Albert Porter's System

"Enquiring" minds want to know?Did Albert dish the Walker for the SP-10 SME combo?Is the SP-10 better than the Walker?Or is the SP10 /SME just a better match for the Airtight ...

posted almost 16 years ago

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Showing 26 - 50 of 199 posts