
This is what I got so far including an onkyo SR304 as a receiver. Any suggestions on what I should upgrade? I'm probably more interested in my headphones compared to my paradigm speakers

Components Toggle details

    • Audio-Gd Compass
    An all in one DAC/headphone amp/preamp
    • Paradigm Titan
    Bought off craigslist
    • Paradigm CC-170
    Bought off Craigslist
    • Harman/Kardon Sub 1
    Bought off Craigslist
    • Little Dot Little Dot II+
    Headphone amp
    • Beyerdynamic DT990 2005'
    600 ohms customized manufaktur
    • Beyerdynamic DT990 pros 2005'
    bought off ebay
    • Audioengine A2
    Small computer speakers

Comments 2

hey you should deffinately consider the audio gd p-2 preamp. It not only is absolutely amazing in stok form but you can change out sound modules which clones other hi end brand sounds. they can range from marantz,mark levinson,accuphase, music fidelity, and the list goes on. I have the marantz and mark levinson modules and I am so impressed. I acctually own a mar levinson preamp and this sounds better well not so much sonicly. sonicly its identical but tha audio gd has more depth a bigger soundstage and its dynamics are incredable! so its just like my old mark levinson but better. this thing almost sound like tubes in it presentation.But you did want advice and for the money about 400$ it amazing! Oh plus it comes with easy to use jumpers which you plug in inside the preamp and can activate a soft/tube setting or solid state sound and 3db gain or 10db gain depending on if you need a hot signal it comes set as solid state and 3db gain set from factory and thats with no jumpers.I only use soft with my ribbon hybrid Piegas 15,000$ speakers to tame the highs and make them sound more forward. if you want a great platform this is it. Infact its so good that I only bought it to try it out with no intention of really taking it seriously nor keeping it but now its replaced my Diva audio m-7 preamp and my mark levinson! I now use it on my reference stereo and the mark levinson is in my bedroom with a luxman amp and decware rl-3 speakers. One issue is that it literally takes about a month to fully break in seriously. I almost got rid of the thing because it sounded so harsh at first but it started to warm up and well you alresdy know the rest. 6 stars out of 5 for this piece.


Nothing wrong. At your age music is more important than equipment, Take Susie to a concert. Get a music server when you can afford it. Download some free music. Visit the local High End store. Go to RMAF. When you learn more and get more cash, then you can upgrade.IMO


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