Yellow means go faster........

Good to hear.Do you still have the Compli. I encourage you to get a better transport.Even the new Compli Blu is much better for audio than the original Compli.

posted about 14 years ago

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MikeTabor's Toy Box

Mdtabor,why did you replace your 20T´s with Montana Compact ref.?

posted over 14 years ago

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GOTO Ultimate Horn System

Murataltuev,very nice system. I can see from other posts that you also considered MBL or Burmester preamp. What made you choose the Tidal? And did you also compare it to Gryphon Mirage? What we...

posted almost 15 years ago

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My Slowly Evolving System

Very nice system you´ve put together.How do you like your new preamp, the Vitus SL-101?Do you find it to be a good combo with you Burmester amp?Regards,Cappuccino

posted almost 15 years ago

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Remodel complete, now dialing it in

Very well done! You really have a nice setup and room.But you have one sub ONLY? You should add a couple more! :)

posted almost 16 years ago

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System ca. 2008

Shadorne, very well done. I guess those ATC speakers produce very good surround sound. I like your furniture, you seem to have good taste!

posted almost 16 years ago

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Ikarus' system

Ikarus, nice system!How do you like SR Tesla together with Burmester?Have you tried other cables in your system?

posted almost 16 years ago

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MikeTabor's Toy Box

I have been using the speaker level input on my SW12s and used them for music only. The downside with this is that the speaker level input can not be combined with LFE because it will produce a hug...

posted over 16 years ago

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MikeTabor's Toy Box

Nice system!I also love Aerial speakers. Do you use for SW-12 for movies only or also with music?

posted over 16 years ago

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Nice picture with the Trios! Congratulations!What are your impressions so far when you compare them to your previous setup with Aerial?

posted over 16 years ago

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Skutelos,I guess you will come to the conclusion that the 20T's and the Trio's are two different kind of animals. 20T's with resolution, slam and authority. Trio's with focus on mids and a bit soft...

posted over 16 years ago

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Very cool. Congrats with the Accuphase gear.I can see you still have the Bryston amp. Does that mean that you use the A60 for the head unit on the 20Ts and the Bryston for bass? How do you like...

posted over 16 years ago

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