
I finally got around to hook up the trio's. A totally different sound compared to my 20T's. I can't really say better or worse. The trio's need more burning in and adjustments, before I'll pass judgements. Electronics in use, are not my best, due to restrictions in space and to small rack Thank you hifi enthusiasts.

Components Toggle details

    • Cary Audio Design CD-306
    • Audio Research LS-15
    Mine is in black
    • Bryston 14B-SST
    2x600W of pure music
    • Aerial Acoustics 20T
    20T in limited version Sappele pommele
    • Thorens TD-520
    • Thorens LP90
    • Ortofon MC-30 Superii
    • Ortofon M2 Black
    • Theta Digital DSPro Gen V
    • Theta Digital Jade
    • Wireworld Eclipse III
    • Wireworld Eclipse 5
    • Accuphase A 60
    Solid state class a 60W
    • Accuphase DP-85
    Sacd Player
    • Audio Research Audio Research REF 3
    reference pre amp

Comments 22

System edited: Upgraded the ls pre with ref 3


Hi Cappuccino, Thank you.
I really like the Aerials due to their fantastic presence and ability to reproduce human voices. Their thight and powerful low end another great feature. Trio's seem to have slightly "bigger" soundstage and more forward tonal characteristics, without putting a strain on my ears.
The "Sweet spot" is not as defined as they are with the Aerials. I think both have a similar holographic sound. It is going to be hard to decide what to keep.


Nice picture with the Trios! Congratulations!
What are your impressions so far when you compare them to your previous setup with Aerial?


Yes, I am a fan of acoustic music, so maybe the trio's will surprise me positively. I reckon the 4 subs will povide loads of control and slam i the lower region. I am hoping to start packing down the 20T's tomorrow. Time will tell if they ever gets unpacked again. To be continued...


Skutelos,I guess you will come to the conclusion that the 20T's and the Trio's are two different kind of animals. 20T's with resolution, slam and authority. Trio's with focus on mids and a bit softer in presentation. To determine which is better will be more a question of personal taste.


Cpk, Thanks for your input. There are hope in the near future, It looks like I might move house soon. I will then get my own designated listening room. Jippi. Really looking forward to compare the 20T's vs Avantgarde Trio's.


Thank you Cappucino. Thats right. A60 for the head and Bryston for bass. I definitely got a more thight bass and more "air" in the midrange. I really like the A60. Both for build quality and it's musicality.


I'll echo what othersÂ’ have lamented. You have not really heard the full potential of what you have due to how you have your gear placed in your room. Being able to set it up properly will be a revelation performance wise, much more so then any equipment change.


Very cool. Congrats with the Accuphase gear.
I can see you still have the Bryston amp. Does that mean that you use the A60 for the head unit on the 20Ts and the Bryston for bass? How do you like the A60s?


System edited: Recent upgrade Accuphase A60 and Accuphase DP 85 Sacd. More to come....


He He Yes maybe I should consider it. You obviously encountered the same problem. Thanks for advice. Rgds Lars


Move speakers out into room for serious listening. Put them on gliders if needed for quick changeover when you-know-who leaves. If she gets back unexpectedly and demands an explanation, then you might have to demo the improvement to her...


Unfortunately I am somewhat resticted in my living room space. Tried to improve system by replacing the rack. Headphones are definately something I am considering.


System edited: Just bought a new rack


Outside of better speaker placement if possible. I would relax and buy some music before I get into changing such a nice system. Might consider good headphones should not always be able to play your music out loud. Upgrade or not, you have assembled a sweet system.


Improving the room/speaker interface is essential but have you ever tried those Echobusters Cornerbusters ($190 for 4.) They really do smooth out shoutiness & harshness like you wouldn't believe...they can also fix a good deal of timing issues related to over-exaggerated midrange echoes. Nice're on the right track!


I am looking to rearrange my listening room. Need to sweet talk you know who. :)


speakers to close to the rack - any chance to place them at sides?

nice system


I'd upgrade the preamp first.


Thank you for your advice. In your opinion, where would I get the most improvement. changing the pre or the power?. At this point i can only afford one or the other.
I have to say I feel that the power amp is a very capable one. I will spend some time and check out reviews and prizes on your suggested gear. Thank you again.


Very nice system, I would add to the preamp considerations the ARC LS-5 mkII or mkIII


Pretty darn nice system you've got going there. I'm not sure what you consider to be "limited funds", but if your looking to upgrade, I think you will get more out of your awesome speakers with an amp / preamp upgrade. Maybe consider some high powered tube monoblocks (VTL, ARC, Conrad Johnson, Atmasphere) or a Class A SS amp (Plinius SA 250).

Preamp considerations:
ARC Ref 1 or 2, LS 25MKII
Conrad Johnson 16LS
Aesthetix Calypso
Lamm LL2 Deluxe (not sure if this is the correct model)

I'm holding off on my next upgrade until I have "adequate" funds to make a noticeable difference.


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