SBurton's Audio

Looks great! I am not surprised to hear you're loving the F1 Cary preamp. As I know, the Berning is accurate, dynamic and vice-like in controlling bass, buy nobody would accuse it of tonal richness...

posted over 17 years ago

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new dimension

Lovely! Combining Proac with high quality tubed amplification - a recipe for goosebumps!

posted over 18 years ago

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Ear Candy & Occasional Eye Candy Too

Let me know if you erver have the chance to try the Epiphany X. It's very nice.Great looking room, btw. You are one lucky guy!

posted over 18 years ago

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A Woman's Perspective

I also love the HRS and have them under my Reimyo, preamp and amps. Well done!

posted over 18 years ago

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WOW! Love it. The person I bought my vaerity's drove them with Tenor OTL's then went on to the Karmas - ' a match made in heaven' was the term he used to describe that pairing. ENJOY!

posted over 18 years ago

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Sophia's Choice and Coup Devilles

Hi michael - I'm honored to be the first to post on your page. Those Sophias sure lookl lovely in your space!I am also a fan (and several time owner) of McCormack amps, and have also had CD...

posted over 18 years ago

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big horns

Hmmm, Im not sure how much more $$, since I dont recall what the HD's go for, or what you might be able to get used reference cables for...On the opther hand, the CDs# is am amazing player, so I ca...

posted over 18 years ago

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big horns

I like it a lot. Tubed amplification into horns, Naim digital and stereovox cables. One thought: I have the reference stereovox's (both IC and speaker cables) and you would be AMAZED at the...

posted over 18 years ago

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Hi Fred- Well there are many many fine cables out there. Do you have a local retailer that carries stuff you could take home and try, just to get a feel for the possibilities? I would borrow interc...

posted over 18 years ago

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Listening space looks nice. I can't say I have any personal experience with th speakers you have on your 'short list,' but have read nice things about them. I will say that if you are ready/willing...

posted over 18 years ago

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Welcome to the audiophilia nervosa support group! I also have had very good expereinces with isoclean fuses, and use them everywhere (as well as their 80A3 power conditioner), and also have some of...

posted over 18 years ago

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Ear Candy & Occasional Eye Candy Too

Looks LOVELY! After the wait, I bet you are enjoying being back in the saddle. Obviously the experience of moving into a brand new home is more than just the audio room, but having ready access to ...

posted over 18 years ago

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Sleepless in Seoul ^^*

I love it. I have similar amp/preamp (btw, have you rolled tubes, I highly recommend it), and my last speakers were SF Guarneri's. You must spend many hours of pure bliss in that sweet spot...

posted over 18 years ago

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What do I need to upgrade now???

Thanks for the tip. I will keep my eye open for a set, and will check out the other thread you mentioned.

posted over 18 years ago

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What do I need to upgrade now???

Thanks for the tip. I will keep my eye open for a set, and will check out the other thread you mentioned.

posted over 18 years ago

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What do I need to upgrade now???

Hi Nate. Even though I'm on a 12-step program for audio gear, I still allow myself to consider cabling changes, so I am very interested how you like the Dominus IC and PC, viz-a-viz others you've h...

posted over 18 years ago

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What do I need to upgrade now???

Hi Nate. Even though I'm on a 12-step program for audio gear, I still allow myself to consider cabling changes, so I am very interested how you like the Dominus IC and PC, viz-a-viz others you've h...

posted over 18 years ago

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Strapper211s all out effort at Nirvana

The legend was "6-8 weeks from production" in May as I recall. I guess you can't rush greatness.

posted almost 19 years ago

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Transparency with Grunt

I like it a lot! Im a big fan of Naim digital: snappy and tuneful as hell, yet never too harsh or agrgessive. Also, the balance of it with the tubed amp and Quad's is well thought out. I bet you he...

posted almost 19 years ago

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OLD SYSTEM: A musical journey & love

Yes, Kevin, we must take into account our better halves' wishes. As for the PX25, NICE MOVE. I'm obv a fan of tubes, and if not for the unsuitability of my Parsifals for SET's (ohms drop to...

posted almost 19 years ago

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OLD SYSTEM: A musical journey & love

Kevin - Just admiring your system, when I noticed a striking resemblance of our listening rooms - similar dimensions/shape, same couch and so on. I find my room challenging to get the best ...

posted almost 19 years ago

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Not so bad

Lovely system, and get a load of that rack!

posted almost 19 years ago

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All wood, all tube 845 SET

I'm a big fan of the 845 based on my experience in the Nagra VPA's I own. What type of 845's you got in that puppy? Also, do post some pics, please!

posted almost 19 years ago

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My Dream System - Not Virtual Anymore!!!

Whoah Nelly! Jim, I would be honored to have a listen if you're game. I could bring by a few goodies (isoclean power chords, conditioner, Reimyo CDP, stereovox cabling) just for kicks - or without ...

posted almost 19 years ago

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On the Quest of Audio Heaven.

your system is an analog-lover's wet dream! i once owned the AP siulver oval, and it owrks well, but only in very well-balanced systems. Silver gets a bad rap for being zippy, but when executed pro...

posted almost 19 years ago

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Showing 1 - 25 of 83 posts