
I've been a beginner for a year now and I think my system is complete (maybe). If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to write. I also ran a power line from the breaker to my room in conjuction with a hubell receptical, hospital grade. All componets are placed on maple, hard wood stands 3"in. (see picture) Thank you to all Stereophile guys for all your help and suggestions for last year! Good luck and happy listening!

Components Toggle details

    • Sony SC-D777es
    sacd & cd player
    • cardas golden power cord
    1 1/2 meter
    • Conrad Johnson premier 17ls
    used 4 amperex 6922 or siemen 6922 or telefunken 6922
    • xlo reference 2 powercord
    1 meter
    • Cary Audio Design CAD-805b
    golden draron 211 tube western electric 300b tungsol 5692
    • custom audio golden reference powercord
    4 foot each
    • Proac Response 1.5
    2 way speaker ¾ inch soft dome 6½ inch diameter woofer
    • cardas golden reference speakercable
    1 meter good for mono
    • xlo reference 2 interconnect
    1 meter and 1 1/2 meter
    • Chang Lightspeed CLS-6600 ISO
    for cd and preamp only

Comments 41

Unfortunatelly new dimention is the problem of every audiophile. Simply because there is ALWAYS new dimention.
I also was a big Pro Ac fan for years, and owned Studio 100, and later Responce 2.5, also with Cary, but not with SET.
I noticed, with time, that I do develop listening fatigue from Pro-Acs.
My next step was Kharma Ceramique FE 3.2 with Tenor 75W OTL. That was different in all ways, with no comparison to any Pro-Ac speakers you audition, incl Responce 5, and to any Cary SET respectively. I do, personally, think that Tenor OTL are Best ever made monoblocks in the world.
FE 3.2 are Kharma most successfull desighn (and one of the cheaper ones), at least in Ceramique range. My search for preamp was painfull, long, and difficult, but finally I bought Wavac PR-T1.
CD player is Gamut CD 1, but this is due to change at some stage, as Gamut transport is not reliable, and, unfortunatelly, not fixable. What CD player I want?
At this stage, I am waiting for Zanden to make single CD player, but checking for Metronome or Audio Aero.
All above can be called ultra Hi-End system, but there are some recordings (especially small scale, and female Jazz vocals) that do sound amazing, but some (larger scale orchestral) are lacking (a bit).
Just recently we with a friend placed Kharma and Avalon Einolon side to side. Einolons did oposite to what Kharma did. They are big, but difficult to drive, even with your SET. The choice is the preference, but not quality of one over the other.
Soon I will post pics of my room, and some acoustic make-up I am trying (currently) to apply.
In re to your system, I think that Cary SET is your main component I will not change.
From there you can upgrade any way you'd like. Some found combo of Lamm SET with Wilson speakers to be the winner. You can try Watt Puppies with your Cary. Audition them, and you will notice how nice your Cary SET really are. In re to cables: I used Stereovox Ref interconects and speaker cable with Cary/Pro-Ac and results were very good, and I do keep them with my current system. Elrod ribons are usually paired with Tenors, but they are very good with any tubes. Both cables are not overpriced.
Stand wise. Fenite Elemente will make the difference at some stage. It is very hard to DIY the stand that will match FE.
If you do enjoy the music at present, then leave it as is for as long as possible, because sooner or later you must upgrade. That is how the new dimentions are born, and how it works in audiophile world.
Enjoy the music.


After looking at some of the other photos comared to yours, I must say you learn fast! I can tell that your system probably reprduces music more faitfully than most of the mega systems shown. Now you need to discover the world of analog. In closing, any one assembling a system needs to address vibration control as you have.
Rod Miller


Where the turntable?

[email protected]

all you need now is a Supratek preamp and you will be AMAZED


I think you followed good leads.CJ has really come intot it's won.Old stuff was just to ""tubey" to warm and noisy amps and pre's.But 17LS is great cary no question their.Have heard Pro ac and think if I were to swap one thing might be going up line in those speakers.I myselkf use EAR EL34 into a German Odeon Tosca ($6500 liist bought for much less) which is un-collored horn with 7" bass.Been thinking of many different speakers though.Overachievers at price points like gallor Reff 3's $3K) or Hyperion 938 at $4K might go into second sytem where have een thinking of alos upper end x-over less Reference 3A's etc.But I asm guy in 3 room apt who wants old schol rig,a slid state one,a modern Class D or T digital system,ubes and solid state etc.Porblem with me is I like too many things just change the weather or day of the week.But in main system might go into different amp and pre and will want to stick with other high eeficiency speakers that I have now with my 40 watts like The Silverline Sonatta.I mention because
that's a speaker, given what I have heard from buddy Pro-ac's, you might like as well as yours or more.But think you have super rig.Man those Cardas wires are great aren't they?You might eperiment with something more alive though.I have found that Cardas work great wih some tube rigs but most often with smoothing out solid state beasties (I sold krell for 6 years and they impoved many rigs that had toehr wires like XLO,MIT which we also sold.But thinkl you have great set set up as is and if a new formeat player doesen't grab you in next couple of years sending Sony to Modwright could be the one thing that keeeps same type sound just improves resolution.Nice work.


Hi there, we share the same loudspeakers. Am courious
to know how the Sony SACD perform. Both with CD and SACD.
Have presently a Meridian 506.24 and was considering to
buy a Saony SCD-777es



I have cutting boards that are exactly that thickness.

Does the amp sound better when it is overheated? Maybe you discovered a secret. I'm going to go cover all of my components with cloth and cutting boards to see if the imaging gets happier and more 4-D.

Your system even with the overheating modification is still incomplete. You have no turntable! How can a person be an actual audiophile and not hear the obvious superiority of analogue? Baffles the mind.

[email protected]

Your system is very close to mine :) I am using Cary CAD-805AE + ProAc D38 speakers. Very curious what yours must sound like.


Why not block the air holes?

Are you serious?

Because you don't want to overheat your peramp and ruin it.

Heck it may even catch fire and burn your house down.

Is that reason enough for you?


Why? Would it make more sense to spike the wood from the floor?

[email protected]

WARNING: Do not block off air holes on top of tube pre-amp!

I had more than just my eyes look at your set-up. Everyone thinks you have blocked off the air holes - very bad.

Reference thread/link:

I trust you will take the steps to fix this ASAP.


That wood blocking the center stage, it has to reflect sound like a TV would. This cannot be good for the center stage. I don't understand why it's there.

It may give me cause to experiment myself, although a wool blanket on the wall still works as well as anything I've tried.


Nice system, but I too have a question about the maple blocks on top of the c-j preamp - is it still able to dissipate heat appropriately? I guess if you're not experiencing any anomalies, it's ok, just curious.


What is up with that vertical maple block??? It looks like it's gonna fall over any moment and slam into your CD player or maybe smash the tubes.

Nice equipment - loose all the cheap looking foam hanging off the wall and get some real room acoustic treatment. Get a real audio rack and decorate the room at bit - looks like it's in a room of a mental asylum.

Nice system though.


in response to Chazzbo. Oy!!!


I guess I might sound like the 16 year old kid at Best buy (though I sold Krell,Mac,B&W etc for 6 years in my 30's in small shop) when he say's "GEt the MONOLITH MKI speakers because as wel know 75% of the sound is in your speakers".But really I am almost convinced that many ausdiophiles (and though a newbie your thier) do the counte intuitive thing by making each link in the chain eqaully strong when in fact some lemets are more important than others.The fact is that the speakers are the unltimate trnasducer in a suystem.Now I have read and heard for myself where inexpnsive speakers fed by superior electronics are a better combo than a mass market reciever serving highly revealing speakers that may laso have dificult oads but to set a to tal budget and have such excellent main components (Cary and CJ) thoiugh $3K speakers,even if they areProac seems out of joint.I follow chain from both ends.You can never have clean and resolving enough sources but then I put emphasis on the speakers match the power and load requirements (stability etc) when choosing amp and it's the pre you'd like the best but I guess I am one of the group that hates pre-amps but stays away from passive units because they lack dynamic drive.Your system is superb but when I felt bug that went beyond some isolation gear (like that new Ginko ssystem) or putting in dedicated lines look at big brothers of your proacs.Me I have ben impressed with new B&W 803 Diamonds which at $8K are touch to beat unless you spend twice that amount.Audio Physic etc.Butg if enamored by the Proacs which I have heard ina few cutomers set ups where we added sopme thing they are world class.Yoru room look big enough to support I'd look at new speakers which are in fact the unltimate tranmsducer and final arbiter of the sound.With the 805's you might like my $7500 German Odeon Tosca horns or at same price a used pair of Avantegarde horns just as long as you have enough power considering room size and speaker requirements.Don't get me wrong.Given my rig I am jealous with what you've got but think the size,cost percentage,and performance of your curent speakers as great as they are leaves something to be desire and would step up in their line or go on the hunt for a new thrill.But you have beauty of a rig and if this is your start it's an excelent one.


It's nice synergy with Cary and Proacs for sure... but what in GODS name are those wood cutting boards doing in your system?

If you want to add dampening, try Sorbathane and some heavy 1 inch graite slabs.


Very nice system.

CJ to cary to proac is a great combination.

My system is cj prem 16 to cary 805C to proac 2.5.


You could nicely improve your system by having your Sony 777 modified/upgraded by one of the modifiers such as Dan Wright at ModWright. It will make an INCREDIBLE difference.
Or even consider going to a modified DVP-NS9100ES. It's my understanding that that unit, when modified properly, outperforms (noticibly better) even the modded 777es AND the modded 999es that Dan has had such good experience with.
Everything else looks excellent and well balanced.
Happy Listening.


All that hefty expensive electronics going through those little 2 way scan speaks?
I guess you know what you are doing.
but I'd say the speakers are the weakest place in your system.



Lovely! Combining Proac with high quality tubed amplification - a recipe for goosebumps!


Your system really look great. From your choice of components, I guess you like the warm, soothing, smooth sound with full bodied vocals and instruments. Well, if I'm better financed, my choice of components wouldn't be much different from yours. Regarding your power cleaner, I think there're better choices out there (but more expensive). I've heard really good things about the Isoclean stuff. For tube amps, my dealer tells me they perform better with voltage stabilizer. The Exactpower EP-15A has this function. You might want to check it out. Good luck.


i already have some sound absorbing on back wall but they kind of ugly ( homemade ) you right they do improve the sound stage and 3d


There is ONE important factor which you have to introduce into your ROOM... room acoustic treatment. When it is done properly, the sharpness of imaging , 3-D perception will greatly enhenced !!!!! You may think you are highly satisfied NOW. After the installation of acoustic treatment, you will be speechless and wish you have done so earlier.There are countless ways of treating the room from mininum treatment to spending of thousand of dollars. THE FIRST area you have to treat is the REAR speaker WALL. Start from here gradually...Installing sound absorbing material on the REAR wall is the 1st step.TUBE traps type items are the 2nd steps but make sure they are at least 6 ft tall at a minimum. Somebody hates the look of sonex but go to their website , they have many decorative panel 24"X24" each. Putting wooden board like what I saw on the photo is NO USE !! Try to cover the rear wall 2/3 of it ...LISTEN ...and put tube traps at both rear corner ( min 6 ft tall each) and listen again. You will be amazed. Your system is NOT YET complete until you started room treatment.Good luck


Very nice pictures!! How long did it take you to assemble?


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