
The system has evolved over a 20 year period and will probably continue to evolve. It is in a dedicated room that is approximately 19' by 27' by 10' with oak floors and oriental carpets. I also use a minimal number of diffusers on the wall behind the speakers and eight of the 16" ASC Tube Traps. The room has 5 dedicated circuits for the audio.

There have been a number of evolutionary changes over the last year, primarily with respect to the power cords, speakerwire and interconnect and one rather dramatic change, the replacement of the EMM Labs XDS1 with the Esoteric P-02/ D-02. This yielded lower noise and increased detail and bass control while maintaining the musicality of the EMM Labs. I would consider the Esoteric pieces breakthrough products. Funny how you sometimes deviate from your plans. My system seems to go through extended periods without major changes, then have a number at the same time. I do have my eyes on a new cartridge and perhaps a new preamp.

Components Toggle details

    • Rockport Technologies Sirius
    I purchased an early Sirius from Andy Payor thinking that I had purchased the ultimate turntable, only to spend the next five years updating. The updates have included the air isolation base, a series of different motors and tonearms, an outboard power supply for the motor, a 50# platter, new arm wiring and a variety of different belts culminating in a custom aramid fiber belt. As currently constituted, I think that it combines the high definition of the Sirius II without its tendency toward coldness.
    • Einstein The Tube Mk II
    Similar in many ways to the CTC Blowtorch but harmonically richer and more complex with greater dynamics and significantly better image density. Phenomenal bass, ultra quiet, very extended upper octaves.
    • Yamaha CT-7000
    Ebony with black faceplate. Particularly nice top end coupled with an ability under the best circumstances to recreate a three dimensional soundstage. After owning a number of Magnum Dynalabs, this has been a real eye opener.
    • Acapella Triolons
    The Triolons are an imposing sight. Two woofer towers, each 14" by 28" by 7' tall, each weighing 650# plus a cross piece holding a plasma tweeter attached to the woofers and a sword bearing two horn loaded speakers, one horn 30.5" in diameter, the other 18.5" in diameter. The Triolons can be driven by a single amps of 18 watts or higher power but must be triwired and have an efficiency of 97 db. Each side weighs 850# total. The crossover points are 200, 700 and 5000 hz. The sound from 200 hz up to 40,000 hz emanates as a spherical wavefront. The Campanile Highs are similar but crossover to their woofers at 700 hz, use the plasma tweeter plus a single horn and are much lower in efficiency (92 db). The Triolons are typically a 6 ohm speaker but have an impedance at 30 hz of 28 ohms. The same is true of the Campaniles. Neither is a particularly easy load for an amp to drive; however the greater efficiency of the Triolons does open up the possibility of driving them with the right low power amplifier. Unlike the ribbon tweeter of the Magnepans, the Acapella's tweeter does not over shadow the other drivers. Extremely dynamic.
    • Jorma Prime
    The Jorma Prime, either in balanced or single ended configuration is superb, particularly between amp and preamp but also on other inputs. I still use the balanced 7N Mexcel on the X01 and the Valhalla on the TT but otherwise have switched to the Jorma Prime.
    • Finite Elemente Pagode Master Reference
    5 shelf version installed as well as the amp stands. Again a nice and very audible improvement. Amazing the things that you blame on the equipment until you solve the resonance problems. Basically a no brainer. More improvement than changing a major piece of equipment.
    • Jorma Prime
    I have been mildly dissatisfied for a number of years with my JC-1 amps when used to drive the Acapella speakers but have yet to find something that combined the ability to drive the speakers and give me the other characteristcs that I desired although I have been much taken with some tubed amps (small, single ended or OTL within their power limits. Let's just say that the insertion of a combination of Bi-wire and single wire prime has cused me to re-think the amp question. The Primes are simply the most musical natural top to bottom cables that I have ever encountered.
    • Halcyonics Micro 40
    Isolation base
    • Audio Note Balanced Kegons
    transformer coupled, silver wired, balanced, SET mono pair, 23 watts output
    • Ortofon MC-90
    minimal body mass, excellent sound; more liquidity in the highs than the Titan i
    • Weizhi AC Line Filter
    6 outlet
    • Stage III Zyklops
    Power cord
    • Stage III Minotaur
    AC power cord
    • Ypsilon MC-16 Step up transformer
    Step up transformer for low output moving coil catridge
    • Ypsilon VPS 100 phono stage
    Tubed phono stage
    • Lurne Record clamp
    record clamp
    • Finite Elemente Cerabases
    german engineered isolation feet
    • Esoteric P-02
    Esoteric's next to top of the line transport.
    • Esoteric D-02
    Esoteric's latest thinking on D/A converters.

Comments 280


I recently had the pleasure of listening to a pair of Triolons in a buddy's system and all I can say is WOW! Looking forward to your new review.



My full review of the balanced Kegons with pictures will appear in the March 1 issue of Dagogo ( I had an interesting listening session over the weekend involving Synergistic Research's approach to power conditioning (their black box plus several of their AC cords including the T2 and one of their Halographs). This was in comparison to the Isoclean system including one of their Supreme Focus cords as well as several of their Super Focus cords.


I had the opportunity to hear a friend's Lindemann SACD player over the weekend in my system side-by-side with my Esoteric X01-D2. The two units were each excellent. Which was better depended in large part on the music that was being played and how that piece of music played to the strengths and weaknesses of the particular player; however, the point of this post was not the differences between the units or even which is better, but rather to talk about how important the cables are to such a comparison. As I wanted to switch between the units playing the same piece of music on each, I used slightly different cabling on each one. As it turned out this was clearly a mistake. In fact the cabling may have made more difference than the differences between the player. Initially, I used the top of the line Mexcel power cord and balanced interconnect on the Esoteric and an older Stage 3 power cord and Jorma Prime interconnect on the Lindemann. You might say that this choice accentuated the strengths of each unit. At some point, the owner of the Lindemann brought over a 1 meter piece of the Jorma Prime balanced interconnect so that we could hear the same wire on both units. The difference on the X01 was significant and allowed it to retain its strengths but moved it a good ways toward the Lindemann in the areas in which I had thought the Lindemann better. OK, I really should have known better, particularly since the remainder of my system was Jorma Prime. Lesson learned, if you are going to compare two pieces of equipment, make sure that all other variables remain the same.


Congratulations. YOur system will be only as good as the weakest link. And synergies are so important. It must sound like a phenomenal upgrade and the system must be at an entirely new level. Enjoy.


System edited: System edited: Parasound JC-1's replaced by Audio Note balanced Kegons; Synergistic research ART room treatment added.


The amps are now at 600+ hours and it is hard to imagine that they could improve dramatically. I have been able to answer several lingering questions: 1) yes, they have more than enough power to drive the Triolons in my room at anything less than painful levels; 2) they now have reached a point where their control of the bass and frequency extension at both frequency extremes are stunning; 3) they in conjunction with the plasma tweeters produce the most lifelike top end that I have ever heard. This is particularly evident on struck metallic instruments like cymbals and tophat where they do a phenomenal job of capturing the initial transient as well as the extended decay/tail. This is also true of rim shots on drums and the sound of wood blocks being hit against each other. I was initially somewhat afraid that the top end would be somewhat soft or rolled off. This is clearly not the case. The top is more extended than the JC-1's ever were and more natural. The mids have been extremely natural from the beginning. The funny thing is that these amps do not sound anything like my stereotype of a SET. If anything they are reminiscent of the best solid state amp that I have ever heard but with correct harmonics and image density. They are better than any amp that I have auditioned in my home system and it is hard to imagine that they can be significantly bettered.


hi Fcrowder, thks for the recommendation. will do some research on the Synergistic Research ART acoustic resonators.


Funny, but Saturday is often the night that friends come over to listen. Tonight, an acquaintance was kind enough to bring ten or twelve CD's over so that we could listen to a few outstanding/challenging tracks from each. The session was more interesting than is often the case as many of the tracks were unfamiliar and helped clarify some of my thoughts about the sound of the system in its current configuration. If there were ever two pieces of equipment that were made for each other it was the Acapella plasma tweeter and the balanced Kegons. This is particularly clear with respect to the reproduction of cymbals and snare drums which have to be the most lifelike that I have ever heard in an audio system. The combination does a superb job of capturing the initial strike as well as the prolonged decay of the cymbals. Likewise, the initial strike of a snare drum or rim shot in a manner that will literaslly cause you to jump. Strangely enough the KB's are also doing an excellent job of controlling the four 10" SEAS woofers in each speaker. Bass control, extension and dynamics is excellent. Again, you wonder how a 23 watt SET is capable of this degree of dynamics and control. Lest you think that everything is well in Toyland, some midrange sounds are again localizing on the horns. Hopefully this is breakin related as it seems to come and go. While harmonics and tonality are very accurate top to bottom, the horns are not quite as resolving as the plasma tweeters or bass units. To some extent this may also be a breakin problem. Time will tell. In the interim the system remains very emotionally involving.


I have tried the ground conditioner and find it indispensable on digital. I have also tried the resonance generator(?) and like much of what it does. You may also want to consider trying out the Synergistic Research ART acoustic resonators which debued at RMAF. I am currently auditioning a set with excellent results thus far. I do not understand how something this size can significantly impact room acoustics, but it does.


hi Fcrowder. glad to hear the KB's are settling in nicely. i completely understand what you mean by taking a rather long time to find the right match, & for everything to come together. i'm sure yr system must sound pretty amazing.

anyway, i've recently added some Acoustic Revive tweaks (ground conditioner, cable lifters, etc.) in my system. to be honest, i've no idea how all this hocus pocus stuff works, but if you like the RTP power strip, these might be worth trying out as well.


Strangely enough the initial inclination to try horns was driven in part by the desire to have a speaker that would allow me to use a low wattage tube amp. Unfortunately, it has taken a rather long time to find the right amp to drive my preferred speakers. I am beginning to think that I may have finally gotten it right.


I just noticed that there a lot of systems with horns lately on A'gon. I just wanted to say that I think this is wonderful and that horns are real classy. Your equipment list also reads like a "who's who" of classics!


I am now at about 400 hours and the sound seems to have stabilized or at a minimum, changes have slowed down. Last night, I did something that I had planned to do for several months. I inserted three Finite Element Cerabases under each of the KB's and resumed listening. Keep in mind that the amps are already sited on Finite Element Pagode Reference amp stands with four of the cerabases under each stand. The additional cerabases were installed betwqeen the amps and the Finite Element amp stands. The change was immediately audible: significantly tighter image focus; some improvement in depth; a major improvement in base control (think tighter, better defined and less bloomy) but at the expense of some warmth; much better definition of the leading edges of struck instruments; and finally a dramatic improvement in the ability not only to hear low level detail and ambient information but a general improvement in transparency. Initially, there was a slight exageration of sibilants and increase in high frequency energy which went away after the cerabases had the chance to settle in. I did try several dampers on the tops of the amps and generally found them to be detrimental to the sound; they tended to suck the life out of the sound. The sole exception was the use of a single Walker lead puck which softened the sound slightly but in an euphonic way. In the end I removed the Walker pucks but thought that it was more a matter of preference. It is always somewhat dangerous to play with after market isolation with products like the KB's which have been carefully voiced by the manufacturer. In this instance, the cerabases were a definite win-win. I still at some point want to play with power cords but am pretty happy with the Isocleans.


Sorry, it was a bad joke.


Ajahu, I gotta say what's your problem? I wasn't going to say anything but come on now this post, if you don't have anything constructive to say then don't post keep it to your self. Just go back to your own thread where you seem to mostly be the only one interacting.

I enjoy learning from people like Fcrowder which are a plus, I might not agree or buy but that's okay but your two posts seem to be sarcastic attacks with deeper issues which show basic characteristics of jealousy.

Yes he has expensive gear and that's okay, you have what you have and that's okay. Is anyone ridiculing you?


Given that you say that your system is dynamic with a natural sound which is non-fatiquing, "wonderful, close to live music, while lacking of coloration of so many high-endish product", I suspect that our sonic priorities are similar, so I am at somewhat of a loss to understand why you seem to be so critical of the equipment choices which I have made. My system is clearly voiced for analogue, particularly the classical and jazz recordings of the late 50's through the early 70's. Much of the basic technology has been around for more than 50 years, including the plasma tweeter, the horn loading and the Audionote amps. If your point is that something similar could have been achieved for a lower dollar outlay, who knows, perhaps you are right. I have been at this hobby since I was 12 and certainly have heard a wide spectrum of equipment over the years and would never say that other choices are not equally valid. I have not heard your particular set up but am happy to believe that it satisfies your needs. I would be curious whether you have even heard my equipment and what sonic criticisms you have of particular pieces that you have actually heard. I would love to have that type of dialogue with you; however, if your real issue is price, I do not think that we would have much to say to each other.

Thanks again for your comments.


Please, don't stop buying new things! The world is depending on your overconsumption!


Please check my review of the Triolon Excaliburs at It represents the evolution of my understanding of this speaker and is a good attempt at describing their sonic characteristics. As a bonus, there are summaries of my experienced of driving the Triolons with aa variety of amps including the KB's.


The amps are at about 360 hours of breakin which I suspect to represent about halfway there. They change less each listening session; however the changes are often in critical areas. The last 60 hours has highlighted the ability of the amps to contril the drivers, by this I mean to start and stop the motion of the drivers in a precise way that seems to much reduce distortion and the improve clarity. Keep in mind that I am not talking about tightening the sound of the bass or making it too dry and overdamped. The tonality of the bass remains excellent. I am going to try cerabases sometime before Christmas and perhaps other power cords. I find myself less inclined to tweak and more interested in listening.


Thanks for your comments, particularly the identification of the small clave. Although I enjoy listening to music, I am unfortunately not as sophisticated as I would like. Thanks also for the suggestions with respect to music that I might like. I am currently in London on business but will start tracking down the music you suggested as soon as I get home. The KB's are now at about 320 hours and continue to sound better as they break in. Unfortunately, I still have a long way to go.


Hey, it seems that somebody else has better resolution at lower cost!


Excellent observation Fred on the Weather Report (WR) recording.

That percussion sound is likely a small clave (wooden chunky sticks) made from Jatoba, Rosewood, Maple, or Pear wood. The timbers make a heavy to light tone with higher or lower pitch depending on size and wood selection. In this case, I'm assuming this will be a small clave with light pitch. Maple tends to have a higher pitch while Rosewood a heavier pitch.

In my components (mcintosh MC275 and C500) you definitely hear more cut from the sticks with that low level detail with warm tone at the end. Ensuring the sound has more air and space around the other instruments may also be an attribute to the KB. And the tubes.

Try Ayzmuth (Brazilian Jazz) Tightrope Walker CD or Vinyl. The cymbals and acoustic percussion on the sond "Broken Key" have outstanding drum and percussion with depth and dynamics.

Now. Go out and find the YellowJackets on vinyl.

Well done. Well done indeed Fred.


The KB's are now past 200 hours and although they continue to show the effects of breakin, the swings are more moderate and almost always in a positive direction. The bass seems to slowly but consistently be getting tighter and more controlled. Please understand that the KB's have bnever lacked for bass energy but that initially, the bass di sound a bit bloomy. The other area which has changed has been the midrange. It seems to be getting richer and slightly warmer with additional breakin. These comments should be taken in the context that the KB's do not fit the typical stereotype of a direct heated triode SET amplifier. Think instead neutrality and hyper transparency. I know that it has become cliche to say that "I hear things from familiar recordings that I have never heard on other equipment, but in this case, it would be true. I was listening to Weather Report's same titled album last night on vinyl. Keep in mind this was a pressing purchased at a local used records store and not some audiophile pressing. This is a particularly recording in that it contains a wealth of percussion instruments, is very complex and is one of those records that can image outside the walls of your listening room. There is a percussion instrument that I will refer to as a clicker that with most electronics you hear the initial click but not the complex harmonic overtones. With the KB's, you hear both which results in a very different perception of the sound. I think that when I say that the KB's are transparent in a way that few other amps can manage, it is both added low level detail and this ability to preserve the harmonic and dynamic envelopes around instruments. I would be curious to hear the thoughts of other owners of Audio Note gear as I would guess that this is a primary goal of the manufacturer.


Who would have thought that changing a single piece of equipment in my system could have made so much difference? Although the KB's are at 175 hours still a work in progress or should I say breakin, I have slowly begun to invite audio friends over for early listening so that they can help me track changes to the sound as the amps breakin. I think that it would be fair to say that the general reaction is quite favorable. All have commented on the significant improvement to the upper bass, the midrange and the lower treble. This is not to say that any feel that the JC-1's as modified by Bob Crump were not good, but only that the voicing of the two amps is very different. The two other comments that seem to surface with some regularity are 1)the level of transparency (in many instances, those who bring their own favorite software respond that they are hearing information that they previously had missed) and 2) "I never realized that this CD had so much bass. In one case, a female audiophile who plays violin brought an older recording of Etta James which she had felt was unlistenable on another sytem and found it quite lovely.

I am still unsure how a 23 watt SET can drive the Triolons but it is beginning to appear that the KB's can pull off that trick with much aplomb. At this point, leading edges are losing that slight softness initially heard but could still improve further and soundstage while exhibiting great depth and imaging could be wider with somewhat better image focus. Again Neli says 1000 hours of breakin are required.

Please feel free to ask any questions and to make any suggestions.


At this point, the KB's are in many areas a rather distinct improvement over the JC-1's: much more energy in the midrange and lower treble, a richer more complex tonal palette with greater texture and nuance, and the ability to give singers/ instruments a three dimensional body. At this point the soundstage is not as wide as that of the JC-1's but has great depth and better focus. The bass is well controlled with good attack but not as damped as that of the JC-1's but that aspect seems to be improving with continued break in. Their lower power has not yet been a limiting factor but time will tell. At this point, leading edges are subtly softened but again this seems to be another area where break in is having a noticeable effect. Voices both male and female are superb as are cello and other stringed instruments.

For those of you who heard the Triolons at RMAF with the Einstein gear, I would say that at 100 hours, the KB's have a very different tonal balance with the emphasis on the upper bass through the lower trebles.


Showing 126 - 150 of 280 posts