
My goal is ultimate resolution, but not at the expense of the music. Transparent Audio cable has contributed significantly to that end.

Components Toggle details

    • Lamm Industries L2
    Model L2 Reference represents top of the line in LAMM hybrid and solid-state audio equipment. It is one of the best creations of its designer's professional career--a result of years of intensive research directed at attaining the most accurate reproduction of recorded music. Unique topology and application of the most advanced technological resources and processes bring the L2 near the threshold of excellence in sound reproduction. A main distinction of the L2 from any other comparable type of preamplifiers is its almost inaudible sonic signature. When connected to an appropriate type of power amplifiers, and especially LAMM amplifiers, it assures the extraordinary transparency of perceived sound and recreation of a three-dimensional soundstage in the home, recording studio, etc., without boundaries and limitations.
    • Meitner MA-1 DAC
    Meitner MA-1 DAC
    • Meridian Sooloos Ensemble
    Music Server
    • Lamm M1.2 Reference Mono Amps
    Hybrid (solid state/tube) Amps
    • Wilson Audio Sasha W/P
    Sasha W?P
    • Silent Running Audio Scuttle 3
    Isolation rack.
    • Silent Running Audio VR Series IsoBases
    Vibration & Resonance Control Amp Stands.
    • Transparent Audio PowerIsolator MM
    Power Conditioner. I have one per mono amp
    • Transparent Audio PowerIsolator 8
    Power Conditioner
    • Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 RCA IC
    This IC connects the Meitner MA-1 to the Lamm L2.
    • Transparent Audio Reference Balanced ICs
    Interconnects - 25' run. This IC connects the Lamm L2 to the Lamm M1.2 Ref Monos.
    • Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 Spkr Cable
    Spkr cable - 8 foot run.
    • Transparent Audio PowerLink Premium Power Cords
    Power Cord. I have a full suite of them, one for each component.

Comments 150

Hi, I'd be careful swapping out your grand prix rack. I know the SRA and HRS
stuff is very good also. But you might be spending money here with little
return. have you replaced the pads on your grand prix rack recently? They
need it about every year (it's a big deal sound wise). If you want a better rack,
please consider the grand prix of the best for sure...

Congrats on the cable! Fantastic how that worked out !


Hi Saint,

Wow! Some big changes! Congrats! I just upgraded my 10-yr old Transp Ref speaker cables to Reference XLMM2...still burning in...about another 100 hours to go per Transparent. Big improvement! Enjoy yours and pls post when you do your upgrade!


System edited: Also added: SRA's VR Series isoBases for the Lamm monos. Made a noticeable difference in coherence, imaging, and rhythmic pace.


System edited: In the very near future, I'll be updating all cables from MM1 to MM2 technology. Thereafter, I endeavor to upgrade to Reference XL.


Also looking to replace my Grand Prix Audio rack with an SRA Scuttle or an HRS SXR rack.


Added Transparent Reference Balanced ICs & Ultra spkr cables to the system, and took another huge leap toward audio perfection. My soundstage became much more 3-dimensional, and warm. It feels like I'm being wrapped in a warm blanket, and my ear drums are being massaged. Transparent Reference Spkr cables are next with a Lamm L2 preamp to follow. Really nice!!


Congrats! Enjoy! Great speakers.


System edited: Switched out the WP8s for the Sasha W/P. It was a huge step forward.


We heard the DAC at the show as well, and the feature set and build quality looks very promising.

Audio Doctor is going to meet with the light harmonic folks to see if we will add the dac to our other roster of high end dacs, including Esoteric D02 and the new EMM Labs DAC 2XSE.


Out with the old (PBN Sierra Denali Monos), and in with the new (Lamm M1.2 Reference Hybrid Mono Amps). The Denalis are PHENOMENAL amps, I must say, but the Lamms do everything better.


Really? My new/used Lamm M1.2s monos came in today, and I'll be purchasing Ohio XL isoBASES for them real soon. There's a review to be released any day on the Scuttle on I can't wait. I wonder how much of an improvement will it make in contrast to my current Grand Prix Audio Modular Monaco rack.


Also, I've run outta space & want to try the SRA products. The Lamm M1.2s came in today. Audio Nirvana? If not, awfully close. And, I'm purchasing the OHIO XL isoBASE for them. I like SRA's approach to equipment specific & future proof racks. So I wanna get a rack that accommodates more than 4 components. Have you read up on SRA? Marc Mickelson swears by their gear.


Unfortunately, I purchased it brand new from another Agoner.


I just received an SRA Scuttle rack which replaced the discontinued EquaRack product. Honestly, I primarily purchased primarily for aesthetics and convenience but have been pleasantly surprised by the improvement in sound. The SRA rack lowers the noise floor and cleans up lower level information. Low frequncy extension and articulation are improved. None of the improvement is mind blowing -- but the rack has definitely advanced the ball down the field...


If you purchased your GPA from a dealer, he should replace the sorbothane pucks on about ayearly basis for minimal to no charge. Mine does.


I currently use a GPA Monaco Modular rack, but am out of space. I also read that sorbothane loses its ability to attenuate freqs as it gets older. ANyone have any experience with Silent Running Racks?


nice...very nice. That should be great. Nearly got a pair of Lamm 2.1 monos myself. Enjoy!


Switching gears...

My goal is ultimate resolution, but not at the expense of the music. Hoping to replace my beloved Denali amps with Lamm M1.2 Reference monos within the month, with the Lamms to be supported by SRA Ohio Class XL amp stands. Yeah, baby.



That is pretty interesting - the parallel paths. I'm told great minds think alike ;). You are currently running the Sashas with Ayres, right? Have you ever run digital direct into Lamms?


Hi TS519,

I have heard the wp8s. i have heard them with ARC, Krell, Pathos, MBL but never with Lamm. IMHO, i never heard the wp8s sound as good as when we had ARC Ref 3 and MBL REf monos...frankly, it was stunning...and a surprise. No one was looking to pair these just happened in the store because they were setting up an audition.

The naturalness and tonality of the wp8 improved dramatically over the Krells which were more crystalline...transparent...but almost in a ghostly way as compared to the mbl monos. All the guys working there (seasoned veterans) were equally surprised. the scheme of things, the word on the street is that Lamm and Wilson have a particularly good synergy, along with ARC REf monos.

I suspect the very clean, very high quality sound from your dcs will match well with lamm/wilson or arc/wilson. good luck and pls keep up us posted.


Interesting, we seem to have traveled down the same evolutionary path. I stated that my electronics were ML, but so was my digital front end. I went from a ML 390s to a dCS P8i to my current Puccinni.


I have the DCS Purcell & Delius. I replaced an all Levinson system with the DCS gear. Wow, what a difference! You really don't know what you don't know until someone reveals it to you, and that's what the DCS gear did for me. After reading your response, which I took very seriously, I began research on Lamm. I'm looking at auditioning the Lamm ML1.2. I was this close to buying Halcro DM58s, but I couldn't get the resources together in time for the sale, and Halcro seems to have disappeared from the US altogether. Lamm may very well be the "end all" amp. Have you heard it with WP8s?


Hi TTS519,

I do not have experience with Halcro, but i have read that Spectral does need to be used with i understand why you made your decision. The DCS stuff is very good...which unit(s)?

As for ARC, yes i have heard ARC with Wilson...a very strong combination. Depends on your tastes. i find it very natural...though with the big, big wilsons, i will say that power is something they like, and perhaps the older ARC 210 could have delivered the ARC 610 apparently does (for obvious reasons).

The preamps (Ref 3 and 5) work really, really well in the systems i have heard with ARC and Wilson. Worth a listen.


Thanks for your response. You're right. Spectral was on the short list. But I was told if I ran Spectral amps I'd also need a Spectral preamp & MIT cabling. If that is the case, I wouldn't be willing to forsake my DCS front end (which serves as my preamp) or add an additional component thereto. Thoughts? ARC might be worth looking into. Any experience with Halcro?


nice system!!! If you are still considering amps (you may not be by the sounds of it), then you may also wish to try Spectral if you are looking for great resolution and very good synergy with Wilson. you will often find Wilson demonstrates their products with spectral, ARC, Lamm. I believe all are great...for detailing and your mention of Halcro, i would have guessed Spectral might be interesting to you. good luck and pls keep us posted! nice system!


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