
My goal is ultimate resolution, but not at the expense of the music. Transparent Audio cable has contributed significantly to that end.

Components Toggle details

    • Lamm Industries L2
    Model L2 Reference represents top of the line in LAMM hybrid and solid-state audio equipment. It is one of the best creations of its designer's professional career--a result of years of intensive research directed at attaining the most accurate reproduction of recorded music. Unique topology and application of the most advanced technological resources and processes bring the L2 near the threshold of excellence in sound reproduction. A main distinction of the L2 from any other comparable type of preamplifiers is its almost inaudible sonic signature. When connected to an appropriate type of power amplifiers, and especially LAMM amplifiers, it assures the extraordinary transparency of perceived sound and recreation of a three-dimensional soundstage in the home, recording studio, etc., without boundaries and limitations.
    • Meitner MA-1 DAC
    Meitner MA-1 DAC
    • Meridian Sooloos Ensemble
    Music Server
    • Lamm M1.2 Reference Mono Amps
    Hybrid (solid state/tube) Amps
    • Wilson Audio Sasha W/P
    Sasha W?P
    • Silent Running Audio Scuttle 3
    Isolation rack.
    • Silent Running Audio VR Series IsoBases
    Vibration & Resonance Control Amp Stands.
    • Transparent Audio PowerIsolator MM
    Power Conditioner. I have one per mono amp
    • Transparent Audio PowerIsolator 8
    Power Conditioner
    • Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 RCA IC
    This IC connects the Meitner MA-1 to the Lamm L2.
    • Transparent Audio Reference Balanced ICs
    Interconnects - 25' run. This IC connects the Lamm L2 to the Lamm M1.2 Ref Monos.
    • Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 Spkr Cable
    Spkr cable - 8 foot run.
    • Transparent Audio PowerLink Premium Power Cords
    Power Cord. I have a full suite of them, one for each component.

Comments 150

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It's hard to imagine how many people spend great money on world-class equipment never to actually experience this phenomenon because of a lack of proper isolation. And it's good to know that I can hang out in the same ball park as you. :)


Final impression:

The SRA Scuttle 3 has made an epic difference in my listening room. Many of you know that 2014 was a year of change. My whole system, for the most part, has completely changed. And every addition made a significant change, albeit incremental. The 2 MOST significant changes to the system were the Meitner MA-1 DAC & the SRA Scuttle 3. The latter takes first place by no small margin. It almost singlehandedly has lifted the music from the equipment to grant me an equipment free experience. In an almost ethereal manner, the music simply exists in my space. I can no longer identify the speakers as the point of origin. The music is free to hypnotize me as it should. I'm ever so pleased by this addition and expect us to live happily ever after.


Thanks Jfrech.


Second Impression:

In a word, liberation. I think for the very first time, the music is completely independent of the speakers. It simply exists in a very natural soundstage with lifelike and life size sound. Everyone and everything therein is as real as I've ever heard in my room. No more - is the very narrow sweet spot that held my head hostage. The music seems to have been liberated from the constraints of my former system. What's most intriguing is that up to this point, I never realized just how awesome and beautiful the "actual" music on CDs really was - until now. Kudos SRA Scuttle 3.


First impressions:

So, here's how it's been going. I unpacked and set up the Scuttle 3 rack 2 days ago. I decided to let it sit to allow it to acclimate to my environment. This evening I decided to cable the system and listen for a first impression. In a word, unrestricted. The soundstage has an ease that is foreign to my system and the music seems to have a flow that simply feels good. More to come.


The Scuttle 3 has landed. It should be delivered on Monday. WOW!! I can't wait!



I have a sneaky suspicion that you're familiar with this virus, yes?



I must admit, they've been revelatory so far. I can't wait to complete the suite. And once the Scuttle 3 is added, I should be able to listen for a while without the upgrade bug nibbling on my wallet. :)


Just ordered 4 more TA PowerLink Premium Power Cords. That'll round out the system with all TA Power Cords. Can't wait. The SRA Scuttle 3 was ordered 2 weeks ago & my TA Ref XL MM2 were all sent to TA for re-calibration for all the new equipment.


With the addition of a complete suite of TA PowerLink Premium Power Cords, 2 TA PowerIsolator MMs & a TA PowerIsolator 8, the soundstage has cleared up quite a bit, the sweet-spot widened quite a bit & the music is being presented in a far more natural fashion. I love what my system has become as a result of the TA additions.



I ordered an SRA Scuttle 3 to provide isolation to the whole system. I'll add SRA's IsoBases underneath each component that needs additional isolation. Can't wait until my TA REFXLMM2 ICs and Spkr cables get back from TA for re-calibration.


System edited: Just added the Transparent Audio Power Isolator 8 to the system. And although I haven't gotten to listen at length, my initial impression is quite favorable. I'll update you all soon.



Thanks for thew kind words. Yeah, I'm having a good time with it. :)


...use with the preamp, the dac, the Sooloos and the cable box.


System edited: Another step closer. Just ordered a TA PowerIsolator 8 to use with the preamp, the dad, the Sooloos and the cable box. This PowerIsolator 8 replaces the RGPC 1200C. Next up, the SRA Scuttle 3 IsoRack, and a Kaleidescape Cinema One.


Just purchased a TA PowerIsolator 8. Should be here next week. CHEA!!


...and thanks for the kind words, Kevinkwann. :)



You know I'm just chomping at the bit, right? The suspense is KILLING ME!! I can't wait. I also took the occasion to upgrade all my cables to TA RefXLMM2. It's gonna be an all new - top performing - world class system.


Okay folks!! I'm pretty sure that I'll be ordering an SRA Scuttle 3 this week. I'll be submitting pics real soon to chronicle to upgrades. CHEA!!


System edited: Took another HUGE step toward the goal - sonic bliss. The most recent upgrade includes, a TA PowerLink Super Power Cord, 3 TA PowerLink Premium Power Cords, 2 TA PowerIsolator MM Power Conditioners and a set of TA Ref XLMM2 speaker cables. Some of the items are still on order, which means I won't be able to give you a sonic impression until later. Additionally, I anticipate ordering an SRA Scuttle 3 - 3 shelf double wide rack or an HRS SXR 3 shelf double wide rack. Will update you all really soon (salivating). :)


Just purchased a second PowerIsolator MM.


Just ordered a second TA PowerIsolator MM. Can't wait to add this to the system.


As many of you know, I recently purchased a TA PowerLink Super power cord and a TA PowerLink Premium power cord. I immediately added the Super to the system by replacing the stick cord on the Meitner MA-1. I'm happy to say it made a pleasant difference. But I'd decided not to add the Premium until I received 2 more Premiums to add to each mono amp. Well last night, I broke protocol and replaced the Super with the 1st Premium on the Dac, then replaced the Lamm L2 stock PC with the Super. D_MN!! Where has my music been all these years. These evolutions are killing me. So, last night I ordered 2 more Premiums - as mentioned earlier - for the monos, AND I sold my beloved TA Ref Spkr cable and ordered TA Ref XL Spkr cable. I've gotta get closer to the music. If by just adding those two power cords have dramatically changed the sound of my music, then the future is going to be awesome & expensive. Btw, I'll either be ordering an SRA Craz2 rack or an SRA Scuttle 3 rack within the next 7 days. Whew! Not back to the music for another intoxicating round before work.


One for each mono amp.


Just purchased 2 TA Premium PowerLink Power Cords. YES!! Can't wait to get them into the system.


System edited: Just took receipt of the first of 3 TA Premium PowerLink Power Cords. I won't place it into the state until I receive the other, as each one will feed the mono blocs. I'll update you all soon.


Thanks Bigamp. Hopefully this year's bonuses will allow me to do both. :)


I've got my eye on:

1. A second TA PowerIsolator MM
2. An SRA Craz 2 Rack - three shelf double wide

I sure hope Santa's listening, 'cuz I been a good boy this year.


System edited: So far, I've received a TA PowerLink Super (MM1) that I'm using with the MA-1. Made a pretty nice difference over the stock PC. I have a TA PowerLink Premium (MM2) on order now. I'll order another and place one each per mono amp, with the ultimate goal to upgrade them to Ref PLLMM2s over time. I also recently took receipt of a TA PowerIsolator MM. I plugged the MA-1 and the Sooloos Ensemble into it. WOW! That made the greatest difference. Subtle details are no longer subtle. They're there in their proper balance, but they are no longer hidden in the mix. I expect to order a PowerIsolator 8 and another PowerIsolator MM. The PowerIsolator MMs will be mated to their very own mono amp, while the PowerIsolator 8 will take care of the remaining equip. I must say, the PowerIsolator trumps the H_LL outta the Richard Gray Power Company 1200C it replaced.



HAHAHA. I suppose you're right. I guess the thought of finally being done was getting the best of me. :)




Thanks for the kind words. I started my TA PowerLink journey with a single TA PowerLink Super power cord. The results were so promising, I decided to switch gears and invest in the reference line of power cords. All my other cabling is Transparent Audio Reference or above. I've got my eye on a Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 speaker cable to match my Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 IC that connects the Lamm L2 and the Meitner MA-1. Then, all I have to do is upgrade one remaining reference IC to XLMM2 and upgrade all my power cords to MM2x, and my cable journey will finally come to an end.



Thanks for the kind words. I started my TA PowerLink journey with TA A TA PowerLink Super. The results were so promising, I decided to switch gears and invest in the reference line of power cords. All my other cabling is transparent audio reference or above. I've got my eye on a transparent audio reference XLMM2 to match my transparent audio reference XLMM2 IC that connects the Lamm L2 and the Meitner MA-1. Then, all I have to do is upgrade one remaining reference IC to XLMM2 and upgrade all my power cords to MM2x, my cable journey will finally come to an end.



Thanks. And welcome to Audio Aficionado forum, too.


I'd like to thank everyone who's been following this thread and helping to keep it alive. In just a few more days, the system will change yet again. The Richard Gray Power Company 1200C is SOLD. The 2 Analysis Plus Oval 2 Power Cords that fed the Lamm M1.2s are SOLD. The RGPC 1200C is being replaced with a Transparent Audio Power Isolator MM2 (with a Power Isolator 8 & another Power Isolator MM2) and 2 Transparent Audio PowerLink Super Power Cords. CAN'T WAIT!!


Hi Philb7777,

Thanks for the kind words. If you're ever in the NYC area, lemme know :).


Hi Zephyr24069,

Thanks for looking. The Meitner/Sooloos combo is a dream come true. The Sooloos allows me to rip all my CDs in WAV format, while the Meitner up samples everything to 2xDSD. The result is utterly amazing.


Wow! Bells and cymbals have a ring to them that is almost chilling. The decay is so wonderfully natural. They just hang there suspended in mid air like low hanging fruit. And they're so palpable, I can grab them outta the air. Beautiful!!


System edited: Just added my very first TA PC. It replaced the stock Meitner MA-1 power cord. I was strongly contemplating using it with the Lamm L2 Ref Preamp, but I knew that the greatest benefit would be displayed with the MA-1 first. And boy was I right. Soundstage, although great before, is now just a little more solid with a little more detail becoming apparent therein. Can't wait to add more of the TA Power Cords. I wanna add Ref PowerLink PCs to the Lamm Ref M1.2 monos. This is the first of many updates. Stay tuned. :)


Got it. Awesome system, Lloydelee21.



I'd love to hear about your system.



Decided to go all in. So, I've listed my RGPC 1200C for sale here on AGon to finance the TA Power Isolator 8, with an eye on the PIMM2s for each mono. Hopefully the 1200C will sell fast so that I can move quickly.



Will do. :)


Just ordered my first Transparent Audio Power Cord. Due to current circumstances, I couldn't start out with the reference level power cords so I started out with a Transparent Audio PowerLink Super 2M Power Cord. Soon I'll be ordering my second.


Thanks everyone for your input. It's all been truly indispensable. Based on lots of research, your suggestions and the fact that I already have a system full of Transparent Audio Cable, I've decided to make it unanimous and add TA PCs too. Not as flexible as I'd like, but system synergy is critical to me. Thanks again everybody. I'll keep you all abreast as the system changes.


That strong a recommendation coming from you is significant. Adding them to the short list, along with Lessloss Signature DFPCs.



I decided to revisit the beginning of this thread just to reminisce. I realized that it was you who suggested that I try Lamm gear. It was you. I want to publicly thank you for doing so. The addition of the Lamm gear has been revolutionary. The Lamm gear, along with Transparent Audio, has found a permanent place in my system. And much of my sonic bliss can be directly attributable to you. Thank you :)!



Thanks for the kind words and support. It's taken some time, but I finally have a distilled direction; no ambiguity. The only area I'm unsure about is PC. I am toying with the idea of Shunyata or Lessloss PCs. I've never heard TA PCs, but have heard good things about them. I have never considered PAD. Can you tell me more about 'em?


I never thought my system could sound as good as it does now. Since beginning my audio journey, I've always chased the ever elusive notion of audio perfection. I've come to realize that this notion of perfection changes as our tastes change, therefore making it impossible to achieve. However, based on my current definition or understanding of audio perfection, I'm confident that I'm, at least, in the same arena. I no longer have to chase gear, I can chase the music I love. There are a few things I'd like to add/change to complete the system, but I can honestly say - for the very first time in my audio evolution - that I am satisfied.

Future plans:
Update the Meitner MA-1 with the latest firmware
Purchase SRA Ohio Class IsoBases for all my equipment
Purchase an SRA Scuttle 3 audio rack
Update all my TA Ref cables to XLMM2
Purchase TA Ref power cords for all my gear
Purchase TA Ref digital coax
Maybe upgrade the Sasha's to Alexias.


The Meitner MA-1 has forced me to reconsider my former statement, "Although I like the new DAC, and it'll take some aural adjusting to fully engage the new sound, I could've lived with the dCS stack and been happy." The MA-1 is leagues beyond my previous dCS Purcell/Delius stack. The spatial information that I'm experiencing now is unprecedented in my system. The height, width, depth and weight of each item in the soundstage is the closest to "real" that I've had in any of my previous efforts. This feels goooood, and it's getting better each day.


Thanks Jfrech. I've been up all night - literally - listening to the new set up.
The MA-1 sounds pretty incredible. No buyer's remorse here. It feels real
good knowing that my system is sonically in the same ball park as the
current SOTA. And, by the way, I recently found out that there's a firmware
upgrade that elevates the MA-1 even further. Can't wait to do that. But for
now, I'll just be listening. Ahhhh!!


The MA-1 is beginning to settle in and give up the goods. In a word,
"WOW"! It's 3:40am and I'm still listening. Check out Lizz
Wright's "Speak Your Heart." Beautiful!


Finally got a chance to listen to the new set up. There is far more presence with the Meitner MA-1 pulling decoding duty. The sweet spot seemed to grow - wider and deeper. Details are more apparent. This new realism allows me to see deeper into the musical event - and sometimes discover new sounds, accents or other treats that would otherwise remain hidden. It's a refreshing approach to the music that Ive been accustomed to listening to through the dCS Purcell/Delius stack. Although I like the new DAC, and it'll take some aural adjusting to fully engage the new sound, I could've lived with the dCS stack and been happy. What I liked about the dCS combo was the intimacy that was conveyed. This is just the first impression. The MA-1 was a dealer demo, and may take some additional breaking in. I'll continue to update you all as time progresses.


System edited: The Meitner MA-1 DAC, which replaced a dCS Purcell/Delius stack, will be connected to a Meridian Sooloos Ensemble to provide the most realistic psychoacoustic musical picture of a real event that I'v heard in my system to date.


System edited: The Meridian Sooloos Ensemble, which will be just for music streaming, replaced the ReQuest F2 Media server, which streamed both music and movies. It will be connected to a Meitner MA-1 to provide to most realistic psychoacoustic picture of a real event that I'v heard in my system to date.



Do you have a system listed here on AGon?


Okay guys,

The Meridian Sooloos Ensemble arrives tomorrow, and the Meitner MA-1 arrives Saturday. CHEA!!




:) I completely understand. They are obscenely expensive. I'd like to ultimately get an SRA Craz2 rack, but again, insanely expensive. Do u have any pics of your set up? I'd like to see what a sandwich looks like.


Hi Lloydelee21,

I'd love to see what it looks like. I wonder why you haven't purchased an HRS or SRA (or some other) high end isolation rack.


Hi Sanji,

As I mentioned in the thread just before this one, up until very recently, I was
planning to buy an HRS SXR rack. After much research, I decided to go with SRA.



I take it that you're using the HRS platform, right? Which model? I have read great things about it. In fact, up until very recently, I was planning to buy an HRS SXR rack. After much research, I decided to go with SRA. Question: the HRS platforms are shelf dependent?


What' s Lloydelee21,

Thanks for the kinds words. Your assessment is correct. I'm stepping up in
all 3 areas. The Sooloos should arrive late next week, along with the
Meitner MA-1. The SRA stuff may take a few mins longer, as I didn't get
nearly what I wanted for the components I sold. I may have been just a little
ambitious. Therefore, I'll start our with their IsoBases. When you say
placement, whaddya mean? I'm open for suggestions - always. Thanks.


System edited: Major over haul underway. Got rid of the dCS Purcell/Delius stack,
the Grand Prix Audio Rack, the ReQuest Media Server and two NAS devices.
Making room for Meridian Sooloos Music server, Meitner MA-1 Dac, Kaleidescape
Movie Server, SRA Ohio Class IsoBases and a SRA Scuttle 3. One small step for
man, one giant leap for my system. Stay tuned...


Hi Kevinkwann,

I didn't get a chance to audition the MA-1 before making that decision. Have you heard the MA-1? I have heard the dCS DeBussy and my stack can't hold a candle to it. All the reviews I've read compare the MA-1 to the DeBussy as well as others costing thousands more. This was more like a calculated decision. The only true mistake that I've made using this method was the Theta Casablanca II. It just didn't work for me. I should have the MA-1 and the recently purchased Sooloos Ensemble music server this weekend. I can't wait. And I'll be sure to keep you all updated.


A change is gonna come.

SOLD! - one Grand Prix Audio Rack
SOLD! - dCS Purcell
SOLD! - dCS Delius
SOLD! - ReQuest Media Server

Grand Prix Audio with SRA Scuttle 3 with VR IsoBases beneath components
dCS stack with a Meitner MA-1
ReQuest Media Server with a Meridian Sooloos & Kaleidescape Cinema One



Whenever you're in Westchester NY, you're welcomed!! :)


Thanks Lloydelee21. Much appreciated.


Jfrech, was running dCS direct. Boy, what a difference. The weight and size of each variable in the the soundstage grew substantially. Realism personified.


System edited: The level of realism took a GIANT leap forward with the addition of the Lamm L2. I absolutely love it. Now to have the Transparent Reference XLs tuned for the L2.


Ordered a Lamm L2 today! Can't wait to pair it with my Lamm M1.2 monos. The system is near completion. I'll be connecting the L2 via Transparent Audio Reference XL MM2 interconnects. It doesn't get much better than this. Stay tuned.


The Lamm L2 should be on its way sometime REAL soon. Can't wait.


Sanji, thank you ever so much.


Lloydelee21, ur input is invaluable. I'm currently running the TA Ref MM iterations. Updating to MM2 is the first step I wanna take before going to XLMM2s. I do own one 1M pair of TA Ref MM2 RCAs, which have to be calibrated for my system in time, in preparation for the Lamm L2 in my future, but is not being used for obvious reasons. So I'm a step beyond the XL technology, and a step before MM2.


Thanks for the insight Lloydelee21.


Lloydelee21, I love TA. I hope to upgrade all to XLMM2 some
time late this year. I also wanna add a Lamm L2 Ref Preamp.
We'll see. What has your experience been with HRS? I'm most
attracted to their SXR rack. Thoughts?


Jfrech, I'm in NY. Yeah, I've never replaced them. But I also have sold the top two shelves in prep for a new rack. Silverstone, 4 point rack? Let me check the site. I hadn't seen it there.


Hi Lloydelee21,

No digital updates yet. I've been happily living with the DCS stack. If my recreational funds free up, I'd probably get a Lamm L2 Reference Preamp and/or an HRS/SXR rack before I'd move on another digital front end. Anything new with you?


Hi Jfrech,

I've never swapped out the sorbothane pads - ever. I never knew that they would degrade over time. That was a brand new discovery. Secondly, I'm partial to the HRS SXR because it can grow or diminish with my system. The law of diminishing returns is ever present these days, but I want what I want. I know you know what I mean. Although I've investigated the Silverstone and think it is absolutely beautiful, I'd like to try a rack with a four point stance - instead of a three point stance. That back leg would sometimes impede the routing of thick cabling.


Hi Lloydelee21,

Thanks for keeping this thread alive. I so love my system these days. It is really giving me what I want. You GOTTA tell me about those TA XLMM2s. I wanna be like you when I grow up. One day within the year I'll upgrade all my reference cabling to XLMM2s. How much of a difference did the upgrade make?


System edited: Also added: SRA's VR Series isoBases for the Lamm monos. Made a noticeable difference in coherence, imaging, and rhythmic pace.


System edited: In the very near future, I'll be updating all cables from MM1 to MM2 technology. Thereafter, I endeavor to upgrade to Reference XL.


Also looking to replace my Grand Prix Audio rack with an SRA Scuttle or an HRS SXR rack.


Added Transparent Reference Balanced ICs & Ultra spkr cables to the system, and took another huge leap toward audio perfection. My soundstage became much more 3-dimensional, and warm. It feels like I'm being wrapped in a warm blanket, and my ear drums are being massaged. Transparent Reference Spkr cables are next with a Lamm L2 preamp to follow. Really nice!!


System edited: Switched out the WP8s for the Sasha W/P. It was a huge step forward.


Out with the old (PBN Sierra Denali Monos), and in with the new (Lamm M1.2 Reference Hybrid Mono Amps). The Denalis are PHENOMENAL amps, I must say, but the Lamms do everything better.


Really? My new/used Lamm M1.2s monos came in today, and I'll be purchasing Ohio XL isoBASES for them real soon. There's a review to be released any day on the Scuttle on I can't wait. I wonder how much of an improvement will it make in contrast to my current Grand Prix Audio Modular Monaco rack.


Also, I've run outta space & want to try the SRA products. The Lamm M1.2s came in today. Audio Nirvana? If not, awfully close. And, I'm purchasing the OHIO XL isoBASE for them. I like SRA's approach to equipment specific & future proof racks. So I wanna get a rack that accommodates more than 4 components. Have you read up on SRA? Marc Mickelson swears by their gear.


Unfortunately, I purchased it brand new from another Agoner.


I currently use a GPA Monaco Modular rack, but am out of space. I also read that sorbothane loses its ability to attenuate freqs as it gets older. ANyone have any experience with Silent Running Racks?


Switching gears...

My goal is ultimate resolution, but not at the expense of the music. Hoping to replace my beloved Denali amps with Lamm M1.2 Reference monos within the month, with the Lamms to be supported by SRA Ohio Class XL amp stands. Yeah, baby.



That is pretty interesting - the parallel paths. I'm told great minds think alike ;). You are currently running the Sashas with Ayres, right? Have you ever run digital direct into Lamms?


I have the DCS Purcell & Delius. I replaced an all Levinson system with the DCS gear. Wow, what a difference! You really don't know what you don't know until someone reveals it to you, and that's what the DCS gear did for me. After reading your response, which I took very seriously, I began research on Lamm. I'm looking at auditioning the Lamm ML1.2. I was this close to buying Halcro DM58s, but I couldn't get the resources together in time for the sale, and Halcro seems to have disappeared from the US altogether. Lamm may very well be the "end all" amp. Have you heard it with WP8s?


Thanks for your response. You're right. Spectral was on the short list. But I was told if I ran Spectral amps I'd also need a Spectral preamp & MIT cabling. If that is the case, I wouldn't be willing to forsake my DCS front end (which serves as my preamp) or add an additional component thereto. Thoughts? ARC might be worth looking into. Any experience with Halcro?
