
My goal is ultimate resolution, but not at the expense of the music. Transparent Audio cable has contributed significantly to that end.

Components Toggle details

    • Lamm Industries L2
    Model L2 Reference represents top of the line in LAMM hybrid and solid-state audio equipment. It is one of the best creations of its designer's professional career--a result of years of intensive research directed at attaining the most accurate reproduction of recorded music. Unique topology and application of the most advanced technological resources and processes bring the L2 near the threshold of excellence in sound reproduction. A main distinction of the L2 from any other comparable type of preamplifiers is its almost inaudible sonic signature. When connected to an appropriate type of power amplifiers, and especially LAMM amplifiers, it assures the extraordinary transparency of perceived sound and recreation of a three-dimensional soundstage in the home, recording studio, etc., without boundaries and limitations.
    • Meitner MA-1 DAC
    Meitner MA-1 DAC
    • Meridian Sooloos Ensemble
    Music Server
    • Lamm M1.2 Reference Mono Amps
    Hybrid (solid state/tube) Amps
    • Wilson Audio Sasha W/P
    Sasha W?P
    • Silent Running Audio Scuttle 3
    Isolation rack.
    • Silent Running Audio VR Series IsoBases
    Vibration & Resonance Control Amp Stands.
    • Transparent Audio PowerIsolator MM
    Power Conditioner. I have one per mono amp
    • Transparent Audio PowerIsolator 8
    Power Conditioner
    • Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 RCA IC
    This IC connects the Meitner MA-1 to the Lamm L2.
    • Transparent Audio Reference Balanced ICs
    Interconnects - 25' run. This IC connects the Lamm L2 to the Lamm M1.2 Ref Monos.
    • Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 Spkr Cable
    Spkr cable - 8 foot run.
    • Transparent Audio PowerLink Premium Power Cords
    Power Cord. I have a full suite of them, one for each component.

Comments 150

Excellent...thanks for responding so quickly!


Hi Zephyr24069,

Thanks for looking. The Meitner/Sooloos combo is a dream come true. The Sooloos allows me to rip all my CDs in WAV format, while the Meitner up samples everything to 2xDSD. The result is utterly amazing.


Very nice system,...thank you for your post on my listing as well! How are you finding the Meridian Soloos and Meitner DAC combination to work together and how do they sound?


fantastic...great to hear that...good luck with more! Enjoy!


Wow! Bells and cymbals have a ring to them that is almost chilling. The decay is so wonderfully natural. They just hang there suspended in mid air like low hanging fruit. And they're so palpable, I can grab them outta the air. Beautiful!!


System edited: Just added my very first TA PC. It replaced the stock Meitner MA-1 power cord. I was strongly contemplating using it with the Lamm L2 Ref Preamp, but I knew that the greatest benefit would be displayed with the MA-1 first. And boy was I right. Soundstage, although great before, is now just a little more solid with a little more detail becoming apparent therein. Can't wait to add more of the TA Power Cords. I wanna add Ref PowerLink PCs to the Lamm Ref M1.2 monos. This is the first of many updates. Stay tuned. :)




Got it. Awesome system, Lloydelee21.


Hey Thesaint519,

PM sent!



I'd love to hear about your system.


Good luck! I use the Power Isolator 8...I did not compare to too many things, as few were available. But it works well, and I needed the outlets.



Decided to go all in. So, I've listed my RGPC 1200C for sale here on AGon to finance the TA Power Isolator 8, with an eye on the PIMM2s for each mono. Hopefully the 1200C will sell fast so that I can move quickly.



Will do. :)


Good luck and pls post when they're in!


Just ordered my first Transparent Audio Power Cord. Due to current circumstances, I couldn't start out with the reference level power cords so I started out with a Transparent Audio PowerLink Super 2M Power Cord. Soon I'll be ordering my second.


Thanks everyone for your input. It's all been truly indispensable. Based on lots of research, your suggestions and the fact that I already have a system full of Transparent Audio Cable, I've decided to make it unanimous and add TA PCs too. Not as flexible as I'd like, but system synergy is critical to me. Thanks again everybody. I'll keep you all abreast as the system changes.


Hi Thesaint519,

I do hope you get a chance to listen to it. Again YMMV but also I would say I do not know Lamm and would want to make sure those two work together well. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!


Just my two cents...I agree completely with Lloydelee21 regarding Purist. I have used several Purist cables throughout the years and definitely agree with his take on it. I am listening to their Aqueous Aureus Luminist digital cable right now comparing it to the High Fidelity CT-1. The Purist in comparison sounds "heavier" and "meatier". I am not sure if I am missing any resolution though. The sound is relaxed, perhaps too much so for the gear I have now which is already on the warm side of neutral.


That strong a recommendation coming from you is significant. Adding them to the short list, along with Lessloss Signature DFPCs.


Always happy to help, Thesaint519...;)

As for Purist Audio Cables, I can say they are:
- extremely quiet...super dark background
- detailed but perhaps not the most detailed
- extremely 'solid sounding' presentation
- some say warm, I say 'organic'
- As you go higher, the clarity improves and the organic qualities remains but those who say 'warm' might say...'now more neutral' (ie, better)

I preferred the PAD clarity to TA (in my system) and the powerful presentation (strong, 'dense' signal).

They were enough of an impact that I discovered them 'by accident'. I walked into my local store...heard a mid-fi system and realized 'this cannot be the quality of sound coming from such 'mid-fi'...I was stunned and changed the CD thinking it must be an audiophile recording. No such thing...I switched to a 'regular CD' and the sound was still remarkable...full, solid, dark background. The Manager had no idea what could have been different until I made him come in and go thru the system one piece at a time. Eventually, I asked 'what is THAT thing going into the wall?'. It was the PAD Dominus PC...we took it out, and 'bingo' the sound was mid-fi again.

I came back the next weekend and bought the cable...and over the years now have Dominus, Canorus (flagship from few years ago) and 25th Anniversary (their current flagship).

YMMV! Particularly with Lamm which may work better with other cables...I know Oneobgyn (Lamm owner) is going to try Shunyata and I think he is using Nordost maybe? Cannot recall.



I decided to revisit the beginning of this thread just to reminisce. I realized that it was you who suggested that I try Lamm gear. It was you. I want to publicly thank you for doing so. The addition of the Lamm gear has been revolutionary. The Lamm gear, along with Transparent Audio, has found a permanent place in my system. And much of my sonic bliss can be directly attributable to you. Thank you :)!



Thanks for the kind words and support. It's taken some time, but I finally have a distilled direction; no ambiguity. The only area I'm unsure about is PC. I am toying with the idea of Shunyata or Lessloss PCs. I've never heard TA PCs, but have heard good things about them. I have never considered PAD. Can you tell me more about 'em?


Great stuff Thesaint519,

I also like where you are going in the future. Only question is: have you heard/auditioned Transparent power cables? I ask only because I have been a huge fan and continuous owner of Transparent Cables (from old Ref to today's RefMM (MM2)...just below Opus and XL (MM2) speaker cables.

Somehow, I did not love their powercables as much. Just my two cents. I like PAD 25th Ann/Canorus/Dominus power cables. I also like/have Sablon Audio Q-Gran Corona PC.


I never thought my system could sound as good as it does now. Since beginning my audio journey, I've always chased the ever elusive notion of audio perfection. I've come to realize that this notion of perfection changes as our tastes change, therefore making it impossible to achieve. However, based on my current definition or understanding of audio perfection, I'm confident that I'm, at least, in the same arena. I no longer have to chase gear, I can chase the music I love. There are a few things I'd like to add/change to complete the system, but I can honestly say - for the very first time in my audio evolution - that I am satisfied.

Future plans:
Update the Meitner MA-1 with the latest firmware
Purchase SRA Ohio Class IsoBases for all my equipment
Purchase an SRA Scuttle 3 audio rack
Update all my TA Ref cables to XLMM2
Purchase TA Ref power cords for all my gear
Purchase TA Ref digital coax
Maybe upgrade the Sasha's to Alexias.


The Meitner MA-1 has forced me to reconsider my former statement, "Although I like the new DAC, and it'll take some aural adjusting to fully engage the new sound, I could've lived with the dCS stack and been happy." The MA-1 is leagues beyond my previous dCS Purcell/Delius stack. The spatial information that I'm experiencing now is unprecedented in my system. The height, width, depth and weight of each item in the soundstage is the closest to "real" that I've had in any of my previous efforts. This feels goooood, and it's getting better each day.


Showing 51 - 75 of 150 posts