
My goal is ultimate resolution, but not at the expense of the music. Transparent Audio cable has contributed significantly to that end.

Components Toggle details

    • Lamm Industries L2
    Model L2 Reference represents top of the line in LAMM hybrid and solid-state audio equipment. It is one of the best creations of its designer's professional career--a result of years of intensive research directed at attaining the most accurate reproduction of recorded music. Unique topology and application of the most advanced technological resources and processes bring the L2 near the threshold of excellence in sound reproduction. A main distinction of the L2 from any other comparable type of preamplifiers is its almost inaudible sonic signature. When connected to an appropriate type of power amplifiers, and especially LAMM amplifiers, it assures the extraordinary transparency of perceived sound and recreation of a three-dimensional soundstage in the home, recording studio, etc., without boundaries and limitations.
    • Meitner MA-1 DAC
    Meitner MA-1 DAC
    • Meridian Sooloos Ensemble
    Music Server
    • Lamm M1.2 Reference Mono Amps
    Hybrid (solid state/tube) Amps
    • Wilson Audio Sasha W/P
    Sasha W?P
    • Silent Running Audio Scuttle 3
    Isolation rack.
    • Silent Running Audio VR Series IsoBases
    Vibration & Resonance Control Amp Stands.
    • Transparent Audio PowerIsolator MM
    Power Conditioner. I have one per mono amp
    • Transparent Audio PowerIsolator 8
    Power Conditioner
    • Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 RCA IC
    This IC connects the Meitner MA-1 to the Lamm L2.
    • Transparent Audio Reference Balanced ICs
    Interconnects - 25' run. This IC connects the Lamm L2 to the Lamm M1.2 Ref Monos.
    • Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 Spkr Cable
    Spkr cable - 8 foot run.
    • Transparent Audio PowerLink Premium Power Cords
    Power Cord. I have a full suite of them, one for each component.

Comments 150

Okay folks!! I'm pretty sure that I'll be ordering an SRA Scuttle 3 this week. I'll be submitting pics real soon to chronicle to upgrades. CHEA!!


System edited: Took another HUGE step toward the goal - sonic bliss. The most recent upgrade includes, a TA PowerLink Super Power Cord, 3 TA PowerLink Premium Power Cords, 2 TA PowerIsolator MM Power Conditioners and a set of TA Ref XLMM2 speaker cables. Some of the items are still on order, which means I won't be able to give you a sonic impression until later. Additionally, I anticipate ordering an SRA Scuttle 3 - 3 shelf double wide rack or an HRS SXR 3 shelf double wide rack. Will update you all really soon (salivating). :)


Just purchased a second PowerIsolator MM.


Just ordered a second TA PowerIsolator MM. Can't wait to add this to the system.


As many of you know, I recently purchased a TA PowerLink Super power cord and a TA PowerLink Premium power cord. I immediately added the Super to the system by replacing the stick cord on the Meitner MA-1. I'm happy to say it made a pleasant difference. But I'd decided not to add the Premium until I received 2 more Premiums to add to each mono amp. Well last night, I broke protocol and replaced the Super with the 1st Premium on the Dac, then replaced the Lamm L2 stock PC with the Super. D_MN!! Where has my music been all these years. These evolutions are killing me. So, last night I ordered 2 more Premiums - as mentioned earlier - for the monos, AND I sold my beloved TA Ref Spkr cable and ordered TA Ref XL Spkr cable. I've gotta get closer to the music. If by just adding those two power cords have dramatically changed the sound of my music, then the future is going to be awesome & expensive. Btw, I'll either be ordering an SRA Craz2 rack or an SRA Scuttle 3 rack within the next 7 days. Whew! Not back to the music for another intoxicating round before work.


One for each mono amp.


Just purchased 2 TA Premium PowerLink Power Cords. YES!! Can't wait to get them into the system.


System edited: Just took receipt of the first of 3 TA Premium PowerLink Power Cords. I won't place it into the state until I receive the other, as each one will feed the mono blocs. I'll update you all soon.


Just a thought. You mentioned that you're looking to get a Powerisolator 8. If you're only connecting 2 or 3 components, you might consider the PI Reference instead. According to my dealer, the Reference has better circuitry, not just better vibration control. Cheaper too... Cheers!


hey awesome news on the transparent power cables and power isolators ! I suspect a good rack will offer similar improvements. Power and good racks make a big deal at your level.

congrats !


Thanks Bigamp. Hopefully this year's bonuses will allow me to do both. :)


That's awesome. Congrats on the upgrades!


I've got my eye on:

1. A second TA PowerIsolator MM
2. An SRA Craz 2 Rack - three shelf double wide

I sure hope Santa's listening, 'cuz I been a good boy this year.


System edited: So far, I've received a TA PowerLink Super (MM1) that I'm using with the MA-1. Made a pretty nice difference over the stock PC. I have a TA PowerLink Premium (MM2) on order now. I'll order another and place one each per mono amp, with the ultimate goal to upgrade them to Ref PLLMM2s over time. I also recently took receipt of a TA PowerIsolator MM. I plugged the MA-1 and the Sooloos Ensemble into it. WOW! That made the greatest difference. Subtle details are no longer subtle. They're there in their proper balance, but they are no longer hidden in the mix. I expect to order a PowerIsolator 8 and another PowerIsolator MM. The PowerIsolator MMs will be mated to their very own mono amp, while the PowerIsolator 8 will take care of the remaining equip. I must say, the PowerIsolator trumps the H_LL outta the Richard Gray Power Company 1200C it replaced.



HAHAHA. I suppose you're right. I guess the thought of finally being done was getting the best of me. :)


Many thanks. I don't think this the journey ever ends....




Thanks for the kind words. I started my TA PowerLink journey with a single TA PowerLink Super power cord. The results were so promising, I decided to switch gears and invest in the reference line of power cords. All my other cabling is Transparent Audio Reference or above. I've got my eye on a Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 speaker cable to match my Transparent Audio Reference XLMM2 IC that connects the Lamm L2 and the Meitner MA-1. Then, all I have to do is upgrade one remaining reference IC to XLMM2 and upgrade all my power cords to MM2x, and my cable journey will finally come to an end.



Thanks for the kind words. I started my TA PowerLink journey with TA A TA PowerLink Super. The results were so promising, I decided to switch gears and invest in the reference line of power cords. All my other cabling is transparent audio reference or above. I've got my eye on a transparent audio reference XLMM2 to match my transparent audio reference XLMM2 IC that connects the Lamm L2 and the Meitner MA-1. Then, all I have to do is upgrade one remaining reference IC to XLMM2 and upgrade all my power cords to MM2x, my cable journey will finally come to an end.


Congrats on an exquisite system. Glad you are enjoying the TA power chords. Which model did you get ? They have a range with the uber expensive Opus MM at the top.


;) thanks!



Thanks. And welcome to Audio Aficionado forum, too.


Big news!!! Congrats.


I'd like to thank everyone who's been following this thread and helping to keep it alive. In just a few more days, the system will change yet again. The Richard Gray Power Company 1200C is SOLD. The 2 Analysis Plus Oval 2 Power Cords that fed the Lamm M1.2s are SOLD. The RGPC 1200C is being replaced with a Transparent Audio Power Isolator MM2 (with a Power Isolator 8 & another Power Isolator MM2) and 2 Transparent Audio PowerLink Super Power Cords. CAN'T WAIT!!


Hi Philb7777,

Thanks for the kind words. If you're ever in the NYC area, lemme know :).


I bet the Lamm and Wilson combo is incredible. I would love to hear it!


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