
My system feels and sounds "done" to me, 14 yrs after I started. 2 channel and movies are better than I ever dreamed possible - the synergy is just remarkable. I have very fortunately been able to assemble a system that I will never grow tired of listening to. This is not in a dedicated listening room, but in my living room, complete with dogs, TV, open doorways, etc., etc. It really shouldn't sound any good, but it sounds GREAT!! Go figure... It has definitely been a learning experience and I've made my share of missteps along the way, as I expected to do.

My original goal was to be able to close my eyes and have the performers in the room with me. I have finally gotten there and actually beyond, to the point where the speakers disappear in the room. A pretty big deal considering the size of the speakers (BIG!) and the size of the room (19' x 20') I now just listen to the music and smile.

The latest additions - VAC Statement linestage, Focal Grande Utopia EM speakers and Critical Mass Systems Maxxum rackage made a huge impact to my system, both aurally and visually (as well as to what USED to be my savings.) :-). I finally have my DREAM system and couldn't be happier, as it sounds as good as it looks (some say even better). (edited 12/2014)

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 19’  Large
Ceiling: 13’

Components Toggle details

    • Valve Amplification Company STATEMENT 450 IQ Monoblocks
    Great amps. IQ Continuous Automatic Bias System and Auto-Sentry System added on recent trip to VAC. Very good sound became off-the-charts sound. Literally best tube amps I've heard anywhere, at any price. With addition of the FOCALS, I can really appreciate the amps.
    • Valve Amplification Company STATEMENT Linestage
    Added Seimens 7308s for break-in; will be installing CCA Telefunkens in several weeks. :-)
    • Esoteric P-02 Transport/D-02 DAC
    SOTA digital. Phenomenal combination.
    • FOCAL Grande Utopia EM
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Rhodium and HelixPowrCds
    Each run from wall to a P-10 power regenerator, which supply my system. They are "game-changers" for my system - the detail, imaging, separation and musicality are great. Helix goes to transport.
    • Critical Mass Systems Maxxum Rack and Amp Stands
    Merlot 9-position filtered rack, with 2 Merlot filtered amp stands. Installed by Joe L. and my local dealer. All are movable for cable access, etc., a Maxxum first. System got even quieter, imaging improved and sound stage got both wider and deeper. They also make my living room look much better. :-)
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Power Cable
    Ridiculously excellent power transmission. Powers Esoteric P-02 transport from PS Audio P-10 power regenerator. Best I've ever heard.
    • Master Set Speaker system Tuning
    Performed by Rod Thompson of Soundings (here in Denver). Took speakers to a much higher level than I thought possible in my room. Well worth the money for this system to perform to the level he got it to.
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Speaker cables
    SOTA for speakers
    • High Fidelity Ultimate IC's betw preamp and amps
    Final piece of the puzzle. Entire system opened up tremendously.
    • High Fidelity CT-1Ultimate ICs from D-2 to preamp
    New design with magnetic influence. Amazing low level detail with excellent musicality. Best cable yet between Esoteric D-02 DAC and Vac preamp.
    • Purist Audio Custom DC umbilical cords 4 Focals
    Connects DC woofer external control modules to the Focal speakers. Custom made for this application (thanks to Albert Porter).
    • PS Audio P-10 Power Regenerator(2)
    System protection as well as clean, steady power to all gear. Silver.
    • HighFidelity Ultimate Reference Helix Digital
    Great digital cable clocking the p-02 and D-02 together using internal clock.
    • Hi Diamond P-4(4) and P-3(2) power cords
    P-4s from wall to 2 P-10s, and from P10s to each amp. Also from P-10 to CD player and wall to sub. P-3 from P-10 to preamp and from Oppo to P-10. Extremely quiet, resolving and organic cables that get out of the way of the music. Macro and micro details in abundance, without any harshness or loss of musicality. Best PCs I've heard, at any price.
    • Pro ELITE 70 inch LCD w/full Local Dimming
    Motorized wall mount allows TV to come forward and down for viewing. Retract to wall for critical listening.
    • Integra DHC-80.2 HD Processor
    All the latest codecs for movies.
    • Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 rear speakers
    Full range and great for movies
    • Oppo BDP-105
    Video processing to 3D plus all latest Audio Codecs
    • Digital Systems Ultrabit Platinum Disc Treatment
    The best I've found to help my CDs sound their best and remove scratches.
    • Dedicated 20 amp lines
    One of my best investments

Comments 502

Whoa! Sounds amazing! Enjoy! Thanks for continuing to keep us all posted! A lot of fun to watch the evolution of your great system!


Thanks Lloyd - I appreciate the kind words. Amps and speakers now have about 200 hours on them and are opening up nicely. Both micro and macro dynamics are improving daily, as more inner detail gets revealed and bass authority improves. The bass is now considerably deeper than 100 hours ago, but still very fast and tight, with no audible distortion, regardless of volume level.

As the internal wiring and new mids continue to break in, the speakers are now starting to really disappear from the soundstage, a pretty good feat for 400 lb speakers! I know they aren't fully broken in yet - the sound put out by the VACs is just so "right" that the jump factor is already off the charts for a lot of music. I'm sure smiling a lot when the system is playing.. :-)


Congrats on the new amps! I have heard they absolutely incredible...truly a new generation of amplification. Look forward to reading more about your comments as you get to enjoy them!!!


Hi Dev-

Yes, there was music playing. I like this feature, as it gives me an instantaneous readout of how the tubes are performing. Plus it LOOKS COOL... :-)

I need to catch the speakers up to the amps - Albert VS says 500 hours needed on the new wiring and midrange. Should be able to narrow this down to about 200 using a specific song he recommends that particularly "exercises" the drivers, esp bass and mids("Night train" by Christian McBride). That is what I am playing overnite for 10-12 hours each nite. SO far, I'm 3 nights in. The anps have about 100 hrs so far - speakers as well.

I heard the power of the amps for the few days before doing the speaker upgrades, so I know what those amps can do. As I said, the frustrating part is getting the speakers "caught up" without having to buy my own utility company...!

May also be playing with the ICs between the APL and VAC preamp. Its an all-SR system - currently using a Cable Co demo of the Element C-T-S single ended, but its much too pricey to buy new from them. I also have an SR APEX which I own, plus Rick S's new ICs to try. Before I start trying any different cables, however, the system really needs a lot more "settling in".


Great to read you are enjoying :-), they truely are amazing and will only get better.

Qustion for you, I noticed on your pics the LED's were lit up. I take it you had music playing?


New pics


PMD = Pretty Much Done



Seems like its probably time for some new pics, as almost everything is different now.. Hopefully this weekend.


Took us what seemed like FOREVER to replace all the internal wiring of the 7's, as well as the mid-range drivers. There were a lot more connections to be made than we had anticipated.

Initial sound was pretty rough as everything was new, so I ran the system overnite and again this am - total of about 12 hours so far. Sound seems cleaner with less "grunge" - there will apparently be a bunch more break-in required, especially in the wiring going to the bass drivers. Seems like I have lost some of bass "slam" - hoping that's due to the new, heavier gauge wiring to the bass drivers that has to break in? On strong bass tracks, bass is tighter, but not quite as energized as before. Since that is one of the characteristics I really like about the 450's, I hope it comes back QUICKLY!!

The midrange driver seems to be a big improvement over what I had before, and even though they were broken in a bit by Damon, system breakin will definitely be required. At first the midrange really stood out, but with every passing hour, its blending better with the other drivers. There is more info coming out and better imaging already, as well as soundstage depth, which is encouraging at this early stage, if I understand the break-in process correctly.

Overall, I am pretty pleased with the results so far, with the expectation that as the wires and mids break-in, the hints of greatness I'm occasionally hearing will become a regular occurrence. I'll probably continue to run the system overnite as there appears to be a pretty substantial positive effect by doing so.

Any comments or advice welcomed.


Sorry... :-)


Congrats! I guess I won't be buying those of you darn it :)


450's arrived 2 days ago. WOW. System has been off for 3 weeks - nice to hear music again. Different league than my 300.1s already - more power(obviously), clarity, detail and finesse. Musicality is pretty much off-the-charts and break-in has barely started. Bass slam has also increased noticeably, but in a good way. My VR-7s are happy and about to get a bunch happier ........

VR-7 internal re-wire with VSA SOTA Delta wire and mid-range upgrade/replacement scheduled for this Sat. :-)


In addition to rewiring my 7's with Delphi wire from VSA, Albert called today and suggested I change out the midrange drivers as well. They have come up with basically a plug-n-play version of their new midrange driver that goes into the Mk2 upgrade for the VR-9's and VR-11's. It doesn't involve any more crossover mods than I've already done and when combined with the wiring upgrade and bypass caps already done, will in effect give me 99% the MK2 upgrade for my 7's. (He said MK2 badges would also be included)

Needless to say, I said yes and should have the VSA wire and mids, etc. within 2 weeks. This should to address my growing concern that my speakers would become the weakest part of my system with the arrival of the 450's. These changes will basically upgrade my speakers to the best of current VSA technology, according to Albert, which should sound pretty decent. :-)


Roscoeiii - Thanks for the response. While I'm sure the other VSA speakers are quite nice, my Legacy center and rears as well as a Velo dd-15+ give me all the HT performance I could possible want and I am not looking to replace any of them. It has taken literally years to come up with this combination that I really like. Thanks anyhow and good luck.


Very nice system. I am new to the Von Schweikert family. Got a pair of VR-4 Gen IIs in a big 7 speaker Von Schweikert HT package. No room for the other 5 HT speakers though. Add @gmail to my username and shoot me an e-mail if you might be interested in a full VSA HT set-up to go with the VR-7SEs.


Thanks Sam and Dev -
I can't wait to hear how they control my VSA VR-7se's with the bypass caps mod. I will also be replacing the internal speaker wire with the new Delphi high-end wire VSA is now using.

I ordered a silver pair as I liked the look better than black for my room. I will keep your suggestion in mind Dev, but please don't hold your breath!! :-)

Thanks again for your comments. "The Wait" continues.... :-)


Congrats! You are going to be very happy indeed :)

What finish did you get? Would love to hear my speakers bi-amped with these :)so if you got a silver pair and don't like them let me know


Congrats! Sounds like a positive development all around :)



Both 300.1s sold to good homes and I know the buyers will love them. 450s probably ready to ship to me next week. Definitely a "Christmas in July"-type feeling! I still can't believe I am actually getting these..... hope I like them :-)


Getting calls on the 300.1s, however they are still available as of tonite, 6/13. Will probably sell this weekend - thanks for your interest and support. 450's are about 3 weeks out.


All REASONABLE offers considered :-)


Well, I've FINALLY done it -- Statement 450's ordered. My Pristine VAC 300.1's are now for sale to a good audio home. Please pm me if interested.


Had lunch w/ Kevin and Brent in Sarasota yesterday. Very close to ordering a pair of Statement 450's. :-)


Jeff - ThAnks for the kind words. I recently, very reluctantly, traded my DNA to another a'gon member for a bunch of high- end cables. He got a great deal. If you find 1, you won't be disappointed! Sorry about that....


Hi Fplanner. Great system. I don't know how to contact you directly, so please excuse me for jumping in here. I am very interesting in finding a DNA 500 for new newly acquired (used) Revel Salon 2 speakers. If you have any interest in selling yours, I am a very interested buyer!!! Thanks much. Also, curious if you've heard the Cary 500mb or Levinson 532h along your path (an enviable path indeed)? Best regards...Jeff


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