
My system feels and sounds "done" to me, 14 yrs after I started. 2 channel and movies are better than I ever dreamed possible - the synergy is just remarkable. I have very fortunately been able to assemble a system that I will never grow tired of listening to. This is not in a dedicated listening room, but in my living room, complete with dogs, TV, open doorways, etc., etc. It really shouldn't sound any good, but it sounds GREAT!! Go figure... It has definitely been a learning experience and I've made my share of missteps along the way, as I expected to do.

My original goal was to be able to close my eyes and have the performers in the room with me. I have finally gotten there and actually beyond, to the point where the speakers disappear in the room. A pretty big deal considering the size of the speakers (BIG!) and the size of the room (19' x 20') I now just listen to the music and smile.

The latest additions - VAC Statement linestage, Focal Grande Utopia EM speakers and Critical Mass Systems Maxxum rackage made a huge impact to my system, both aurally and visually (as well as to what USED to be my savings.) :-). I finally have my DREAM system and couldn't be happier, as it sounds as good as it looks (some say even better). (edited 12/2014)

Room Details

Dimensions: 21’ × 19’  Large
Ceiling: 13’

Components Toggle details

    • Valve Amplification Company STATEMENT 450 IQ Monoblocks
    Great amps. IQ Continuous Automatic Bias System and Auto-Sentry System added on recent trip to VAC. Very good sound became off-the-charts sound. Literally best tube amps I've heard anywhere, at any price. With addition of the FOCALS, I can really appreciate the amps.
    • Valve Amplification Company STATEMENT Linestage
    Added Seimens 7308s for break-in; will be installing CCA Telefunkens in several weeks. :-)
    • Esoteric P-02 Transport/D-02 DAC
    SOTA digital. Phenomenal combination.
    • FOCAL Grande Utopia EM
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Rhodium and HelixPowrCds
    Each run from wall to a P-10 power regenerator, which supply my system. They are "game-changers" for my system - the detail, imaging, separation and musicality are great. Helix goes to transport.
    • Critical Mass Systems Maxxum Rack and Amp Stands
    Merlot 9-position filtered rack, with 2 Merlot filtered amp stands. Installed by Joe L. and my local dealer. All are movable for cable access, etc., a Maxxum first. System got even quieter, imaging improved and sound stage got both wider and deeper. They also make my living room look much better. :-)
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Power Cable
    Ridiculously excellent power transmission. Powers Esoteric P-02 transport from PS Audio P-10 power regenerator. Best I've ever heard.
    • Master Set Speaker system Tuning
    Performed by Rod Thompson of Soundings (here in Denver). Took speakers to a much higher level than I thought possible in my room. Well worth the money for this system to perform to the level he got it to.
    • High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Speaker cables
    SOTA for speakers
    • High Fidelity Ultimate IC's betw preamp and amps
    Final piece of the puzzle. Entire system opened up tremendously.
    • High Fidelity CT-1Ultimate ICs from D-2 to preamp
    New design with magnetic influence. Amazing low level detail with excellent musicality. Best cable yet between Esoteric D-02 DAC and Vac preamp.
    • Purist Audio Custom DC umbilical cords 4 Focals
    Connects DC woofer external control modules to the Focal speakers. Custom made for this application (thanks to Albert Porter).
    • PS Audio P-10 Power Regenerator(2)
    System protection as well as clean, steady power to all gear. Silver.
    • HighFidelity Ultimate Reference Helix Digital
    Great digital cable clocking the p-02 and D-02 together using internal clock.
    • Hi Diamond P-4(4) and P-3(2) power cords
    P-4s from wall to 2 P-10s, and from P10s to each amp. Also from P-10 to CD player and wall to sub. P-3 from P-10 to preamp and from Oppo to P-10. Extremely quiet, resolving and organic cables that get out of the way of the music. Macro and micro details in abundance, without any harshness or loss of musicality. Best PCs I've heard, at any price.
    • Pro ELITE 70 inch LCD w/full Local Dimming
    Motorized wall mount allows TV to come forward and down for viewing. Retract to wall for critical listening.
    • Integra DHC-80.2 HD Processor
    All the latest codecs for movies.
    • Legacy Audio Focus 20/20 rear speakers
    Full range and great for movies
    • Oppo BDP-105
    Video processing to 3D plus all latest Audio Codecs
    • Digital Systems Ultrabit Platinum Disc Treatment
    The best I've found to help my CDs sound their best and remove scratches.
    • Dedicated 20 amp lines
    One of my best investments

Comments 502

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I just realized today that there is no power conditioning or surge protection whatsoever in the SR Powercell that my entire system is plugged into. That was a bit unnerving considering the investment I have made into my system. As a result, I will be trying PS audio's p-10 on 1 of my home amplifiers this weekend. It is currently in my office system.

It is a regenerator as well as surge protector, etc. I've heard both that it limits dynamics and that it improves dynamics. I'm not an engineer, but when I see it can hold 70 amps in storage ready for instant usage, that seems better than just 15-20 amps out of the wall. I could be wrong - this weekend should tell.

If the p-10 works, I will get 2 with 1 for each amp. The amps draw 450w each, with peaks to 900w. Each p-10 will do 1250w w/peaks to 1500w, so there is enough room to plug in all my components and TV within the 20 outlets. Undecided whether to keep the Powercell - if the p-10s work as I think they will, the Powercell will belong to somebody else in the near future. If not, Plan B.


Thanks Darrin. I prefer the friendliness and intelligence of the Von Schweikerts as opposed to having to deal with the Magico braintrust. BY FAR.


I tried to post some info on the CT-1 cables performing better than the SR CTS in my system at less than 1/2 the price on the SR thread, but somehow it hasn't been posted. Too bad - guess they're just afraid of a little competition. I have no connection with High Fidelity cables - it just works much better between my CD player and preamp than the overpriced SR cables I demoed. No exaggeration, just fact.


Rick sent me his phono cable prototype version of the CT-1. Faster, much more detail, better bass, even lower noise floor. Pretty impressive and no active cables or ridiculous prices! My eyes have been opened yet again. :-) Thanks Rick!


Glad you got a chance to do this upgrade. I was also pretty impressed, as it pretty substantially improved everything!


High Fidelity CT-1 from Rick S. replaces SR CTS interconnect between APL NWO-M and VAC preamp. No contest - not even close, and SR retails for over 2x more $$. CTS going back to Cable Co Tuesday. If they had offered me a better deal, I wouldn't have looked elsewhere. Fortunately for me, I did, and found a much better cable for my system and application.
Thanks Rick!!


Rocky Mtn Audiofest is coming up in October and I live about 15 minutes from the venue. That will be your best chance :-)


At about 400 hours now, the speakers are finally showing what the rest of the system can do. Not doing any more overnite break-in as the midrange drivers are finally blending seamlessly with the rest of the presentation.

I can now run the system without a sub and not miss the bass - its there from the speakers, especially at higher volumes. The Statements really control the bass very well and add a 3-dimensionality that wasn't quite there with my old 300.1s. There is more detail as well as more musicality than even a week ago - its got to be the combination of the Black Treasures as well as the speakers and amps finally through the majority of their break-in. It sounds pretty good for a living room... :-)


Test from Audiogon support


A small investment for a substantial return.. :=)


Hi Dev-
The plastic backer on the back of the TV was to save weight if it is hung on the wall. I haven't gotten around to calibrating mine, as I find no flaws whatsoever with my picture - its just amazing. I've had the TV almost a year and am still impressed every time I turn it on.

My 108T will only take rca's, so I've been using SR Apex with SR hologram PC. Sound rivals CDs sometimes, as it also has the DAC- pack on it. I've been listening to SeriusX radio in my car a lot - may try to bring this into my audio system, altho I've heard the quality suffers considerably in a home system. That means I'll probably be selling the MD before too long.


Yes, totally aware of the change. I bought a pair of backup tubes that are the psvane version. I would get those - they are "supposed" to be even better - you won't know until you put them into your system. I think the people at GF will put your mind at ease. Rachel (her real name is Chinese and pretty un-pronounceable - I tried)was very helpful.

If you have the same TV, you will discover that even with the crappy power cord, the pictures are amazing, especially HD and 3-D!! I love mine, especially for sports and movies.


Hi Dev-
Good to hear from you. My sound is probably not as good as yours, but its getting there!!

Yes I got 4 for each from Grant Fidelity and had used them in my 300.1s. I got the other 2 from a frequent Black Treasure seller here on A'gon - trella I believe is his name. As far as placement, the furthest left as you face the amp is the key tube, according to Brent at VAC. It biases the 4 others and is the input tube to the 4 others, which are drivers.

I knew something was missing, just couldn't put my finger on it - it was the Treasures!! They are making a big difference in my system - not sure what they might do for yours. Mine were matched so I can't say whether there would be a difference here if they weren't matched. Common sense would say maybe, but I don't really know.

Let me know what happens when you get the Treasures. Did you ever get the preamp tubes we talked about? What was the result?


Aw, shucks...... thanks again. You will have the chance to hear it if you go to the Rocky Mtn Audiofest in October - I live 15 minutes from the event.


Thanks Lloyd - I'm pretty happy :-).


Finally put the Black Treasures into the front 5 slots of each amp. I should have done this weeks ago. Pretty dramatic change for the better - more bass extension, sweeter mid-range and more extended highs. Very noticeably better - so much so that I will probably stop the overnight breakin after tonite. So far I've got about 350 hours on the new amps/speakers.

The Statements drive the Treasures to much higher performance levels than my 300.1s did - another way of putting it is that the Treasures really let me hear and appreciate how much better the Statements and the newly-modified VR-7s are than their predecessors.


UPDATE - talked to 1 of my old buddies at Velodyne. After going through a bunch of variables, we both finally realized that with the use of the dd-15+'s volume control and slope setting, I can in effect have the sub cut in as much or as little as I want between 15-40hz. The mains will play full range REGARDLESS of where the sub low pass crossover is set in my current setup - it just SOUNDS louder and deeper with the sub on. The 7's are playing just as deep, but don't have 1250/3000w driving the woofers as is driving the 15" sub. That's why it SOUNDS cut off. but really isn't. If I crank the system, I get a bunch more bass out of the 7's, proving the above.

SO, I got to thank Kevin of VAC, Rob of Velodyne and Lloyd above for helping me figure this out before too much irreversible drain bramage! So, no additional external crossover needed at all - it should all work well together.

The mids are also going to be forward for the next 500 hrs or so until full breakin, according to AVS, which will make the bass sound recessed in comparison. That is another factor at work here. Time to hook my sub back up - hoorah!


After talking to Kevin at VAC, it looks like my cross-over problem solution lies in a variable outboard electronic x/over between the preamp and sub to roll off some of the signal below 40hz.


Thanks. Musically, my modded VR-7's sound much better running full range and driven by the pair of VAC Statements than they do with the sub involved. I will still need a sub for movies - it would also be nice to be able to set the low pass to say 25hz for music, but the flawed software won't allow it.

I just wish Velodyne hadn't sabotaged the DD-15+ software. It would seem pretty simple to increase low-pass filter adjustability down to 15 or 20hz, yet they are refusing to do this, ignoring me and instead making really lame excuses. Poor service and lazy engineers, I guess. Too bad - it cripples the DD-15+ for my uses and they really don't seem to care.


Getting confused. There is 1 preamp with 2 pair of balanced and 2 pair of rca outs. New amps are connected to 1 pair of balanced outs, sub is connected to the 2nd pair(2 cables).

When they were still hooked up, I could turn the sub on and off. With the sub off, I lost some bottom end that I got back with the sub on. My speakers go down to 17hz.
When I took the sub totally out - disconnected from the preamp, I got back the bass the sub was providing, now thru the main speakers, plus more.

3 yrs ago, using the DD-15, AVS turned the low-pass up to 80 hz, unbeknownst to me for 1 year. For 1 year, I had no bass coming out of my speakers, whether the sub was on or not!! I didn't realize he had done that and once I discovered it, I changed the crossover down to 25hz and got my bass back. Velodyne said that's what should happen, so its not a huge concern, since I can make allowances if I know what's going on - I've just disconnected the sub's balanced cables from the preamp.

After breakin, I'll probably put the DD-15 back in and sell the dd-15+. Life is was too short to be dealing with this garbage... :-)


That is exactly what I am doing, but the preamp listens to the sub crossover in not sending a full signal to the speakers. It cuts off at 40hz. You would think it wouldn't, but it does. Even if the sub is off, all the mains get is down to 40hz

We'll see if Velodyne contacts me about a "fix". Thanks for your comment - at least I am not alone.. :-)


Took my Velodyne out of the system, since it was diverting all signal below 40hz from the speakers. Huge difference - much better dynamics, jump factor and low-end musicality.

Unfortunately, Velodyne apparently can't figure out how to write software intelligent enough to allow consumers to adjust the low-pass filter below 40 hz. Consequently, I had to PHYSICALLY DISCONNECT THE XLR SUB CABLES FROM THE BACK OF MY PREAMP AND SHUT THE PREAMP TO RESTORE FULL BANDWIDTH TO MY SPEAKERS.

Although I like the sub's other features, the software for the DD-15+ has taken a giant step BACKWARDS so that the low pass can't go below 40 hz, an apparently arbitrary number picked by some suit 5 years ago. Ridiculous for a $6K subwoofer. My prior Velo sub, the DD-15, allowed the low pass to be set as low as 15 hz. Since I still have that sub, it will be replacing the more "advanced" DD-15+ any day now. Its a crying shame Velodyne can;t get its stuff together - I've had their subs for 25 years and been very happy, UNTIL NOW.


Thanks Lloyd - I appreciate the kind words. Amps and speakers now have about 200 hours on them and are opening up nicely. Both micro and macro dynamics are improving daily, as more inner detail gets revealed and bass authority improves. The bass is now considerably deeper than 100 hours ago, but still very fast and tight, with no audible distortion, regardless of volume level.

As the internal wiring and new mids continue to break in, the speakers are now starting to really disappear from the soundstage, a pretty good feat for 400 lb speakers! I know they aren't fully broken in yet - the sound put out by the VACs is just so "right" that the jump factor is already off the charts for a lot of music. I'm sure smiling a lot when the system is playing.. :-)


Hi Dev-

Yes, there was music playing. I like this feature, as it gives me an instantaneous readout of how the tubes are performing. Plus it LOOKS COOL... :-)

I need to catch the speakers up to the amps - Albert VS says 500 hours needed on the new wiring and midrange. Should be able to narrow this down to about 200 using a specific song he recommends that particularly "exercises" the drivers, esp bass and mids("Night train" by Christian McBride). That is what I am playing overnite for 10-12 hours each nite. SO far, I'm 3 nights in. The anps have about 100 hrs so far - speakers as well.

I heard the power of the amps for the few days before doing the speaker upgrades, so I know what those amps can do. As I said, the frustrating part is getting the speakers "caught up" without having to buy my own utility company...!

May also be playing with the ICs between the APL and VAC preamp. Its an all-SR system - currently using a Cable Co demo of the Element C-T-S single ended, but its much too pricey to buy new from them. I also have an SR APEX which I own, plus Rick S's new ICs to try. Before I start trying any different cables, however, the system really needs a lot more "settling in".


New pics


PMD = Pretty Much Done



Seems like its probably time for some new pics, as almost everything is different now.. Hopefully this weekend.


Took us what seemed like FOREVER to replace all the internal wiring of the 7's, as well as the mid-range drivers. There were a lot more connections to be made than we had anticipated.

Initial sound was pretty rough as everything was new, so I ran the system overnite and again this am - total of about 12 hours so far. Sound seems cleaner with less "grunge" - there will apparently be a bunch more break-in required, especially in the wiring going to the bass drivers. Seems like I have lost some of bass "slam" - hoping that's due to the new, heavier gauge wiring to the bass drivers that has to break in? On strong bass tracks, bass is tighter, but not quite as energized as before. Since that is one of the characteristics I really like about the 450's, I hope it comes back QUICKLY!!

The midrange driver seems to be a big improvement over what I had before, and even though they were broken in a bit by Damon, system breakin will definitely be required. At first the midrange really stood out, but with every passing hour, its blending better with the other drivers. There is more info coming out and better imaging already, as well as soundstage depth, which is encouraging at this early stage, if I understand the break-in process correctly.

Overall, I am pretty pleased with the results so far, with the expectation that as the wires and mids break-in, the hints of greatness I'm occasionally hearing will become a regular occurrence. I'll probably continue to run the system overnite as there appears to be a pretty substantial positive effect by doing so.

Any comments or advice welcomed.


Sorry... :-)


450's arrived 2 days ago. WOW. System has been off for 3 weeks - nice to hear music again. Different league than my 300.1s already - more power(obviously), clarity, detail and finesse. Musicality is pretty much off-the-charts and break-in has barely started. Bass slam has also increased noticeably, but in a good way. My VR-7s are happy and about to get a bunch happier ........

VR-7 internal re-wire with VSA SOTA Delta wire and mid-range upgrade/replacement scheduled for this Sat. :-)


In addition to rewiring my 7's with Delphi wire from VSA, Albert called today and suggested I change out the midrange drivers as well. They have come up with basically a plug-n-play version of their new midrange driver that goes into the Mk2 upgrade for the VR-9's and VR-11's. It doesn't involve any more crossover mods than I've already done and when combined with the wiring upgrade and bypass caps already done, will in effect give me 99% the MK2 upgrade for my 7's. (He said MK2 badges would also be included)

Needless to say, I said yes and should have the VSA wire and mids, etc. within 2 weeks. This should to address my growing concern that my speakers would become the weakest part of my system with the arrival of the 450's. These changes will basically upgrade my speakers to the best of current VSA technology, according to Albert, which should sound pretty decent. :-)


Roscoeiii - Thanks for the response. While I'm sure the other VSA speakers are quite nice, my Legacy center and rears as well as a Velo dd-15+ give me all the HT performance I could possible want and I am not looking to replace any of them. It has taken literally years to come up with this combination that I really like. Thanks anyhow and good luck.


Thanks Sam and Dev -
I can't wait to hear how they control my VSA VR-7se's with the bypass caps mod. I will also be replacing the internal speaker wire with the new Delphi high-end wire VSA is now using.

I ordered a silver pair as I liked the look better than black for my room. I will keep your suggestion in mind Dev, but please don't hold your breath!! :-)

Thanks again for your comments. "The Wait" continues.... :-)


Both 300.1s sold to good homes and I know the buyers will love them. 450s probably ready to ship to me next week. Definitely a "Christmas in July"-type feeling! I still can't believe I am actually getting these..... hope I like them :-)


Getting calls on the 300.1s, however they are still available as of tonite, 6/13. Will probably sell this weekend - thanks for your interest and support. 450's are about 3 weeks out.


All REASONABLE offers considered :-)


Well, I've FINALLY done it -- Statement 450's ordered. My Pristine VAC 300.1's are now for sale to a good audio home. Please pm me if interested.


Had lunch w/ Kevin and Brent in Sarasota yesterday. Very close to ordering a pair of Statement 450's. :-)


Jeff - ThAnks for the kind words. I recently, very reluctantly, traded my DNA to another a'gon member for a bunch of high- end cables. He got a great deal. If you find 1, you won't be disappointed! Sorry about that....


Are you asking about the Speaker cells?


Hi Bob P -
Congrats on your VAC. There are tons of places to get tubes - I have always gotten mine from Brent Jessee at Phone is 847-496-4546. Its very easy to get overwhelmed when you start out with tube rolling - Brent made it very easy for me and I couldn't be happier with the tubes he has recommended and i have gotten from him.

He will also explain to you the 7308's come in all flavors and price ranges, so in most cases, you get what you pay for. I'd give him a call see what he says. Please stay in touch so we hear what you end up doing.

Take care.




Newest meaningful change - replaced SR Apex 1m ic between Esoteric source and VAC preamp with SR CTS ic (copper-tungsten-silver), gray bullets. WOW.

Sound stage immediately got wider and deeper. Imaging got noticeably better and the system got more musical. One of my audio friends heard the exact same thing. Bass changed a bit as well, becoming more clear but less pronounced. In other words, the entire presentation got more balanced. The PRAT factor also took a big jump up.

I was concerned about losing some bass, an area where the Apex excels, but so far that has not been the case. Its still there, but its faster and better defined - the notes are more true to the actual presentation and more 3-dimensional.

This CTS ic is just a demo, but I will be getting 1 for real shortly from John at the Cable Company. It has made a very positive difference in my system, much more so than I could have ever imagined, as I finally incorporate some of the new technology from the SR Element Series. No desire to add more CTS cabling - it would definitely be overkill at this point, IMHO. I would quantify this change as about a 1.5 component upgrade, literally. Didn't think I would get such a profound, positive result from this cable - a very pleasant surprise. I guess you never know until you try. :-)


OTOH, those Seimens 7308's continue to improve with more hours on them - probably the best "bang for the buck" I've ever done to my system, by FAR... :-)


Oh well - another bright idea bites the dust. What looked promising on paper didn't pan out as well as expected - at least now I know....


McCormack not hooked up yet (tomorrow?). I have the signal from each 300.1 amp going through a Galileo Speaker Cell and into the upper module only of each speaker. Mids and highs are as effortless and three-dimensional as I hoped they would be by this experiment. There is an obviously something missing that will hopefully be addressed tomorrow. Stay tuned... :-)

BTW, as the new preamp 7308s are breaking in nicely, the system sounds better than it ever has. Part of me says to leave things alone, but the adventurous part is glad I am experimenting with this passive bi-amping, as someone labeled it in an earlier thread.

Still haven't been able to edit my system - functionality just isn't there yet with this new web-site.


Correction - McCormack is AB, not A.

Additional cables are on their way - hope to get the re-arrangement of my system done Sunday.. :-) BTW, the 7308s continue to improve in the Ren SIg IIa, now with about 15 hours on them - can't believe I didn't do this sooner, but who knew?


Correction - my friend's name is Duayne.


Lots of changes, for the much better, about to happen. First, replaced failing Golden Dragon 6Dj8's in preamp with Siemens 7308's NOS from the mid-1970's. Much better, with more air, better imaging, deeper bass, etc., etc.

Secondly, upon the urging of my local friend Duawye, I've decided to introduce my old MCCormack DNA-500 into my system, to drive the bass units of the VR-7se's. It will pump 750+ watts of A power into each bass cabinet(4-6 ohms). Each of my current VAC 300.1s will drive the top module of each speaker. In other words, going from 300 tube wpc to in excess of 1000 wpc, properly allocated, per speaker. Should be quite a difference... I cant wait!! :-)


Wow - that's the first I've heard about the 12au7. I specifically asked Brent at VAC about those - he said it didn't matter since they weren't in the line stage(As I recall). From a "keeping myself sane" standpoint, I'll probably put the 7308s in first and see what I think of them. I don't want to be messing around with too many variables or I won't be able to accurately figure out what I like. I'm guessing the 7308s are a much more dramatic improvement over stock than ANY replacement tubes for the 12au7.

What amp(s) is/are you using with your VAC pre? I love my 300.1's :-) I put Black Treasures 181's in the front 4 spots of each amp - made a nice, positive difference.


Kevin- Thank you for the compliments. Your system, especially the room treatments, is amazing. I wish I could do more with my room like you have, or even a fraction of wht you've done. However this is my living room, complete with with big dogs, sloped ceiling, sliding glass door, lots of openings, etc. In a nutshell, the room shouldn't sound any good at all, but amazingly its "not bad" as they say.

I know I am losing some depth of the center image due to the TV - (AVS suggested throwing a blanket over it last time he was in the room), but the layout of the room, complete with all the furniture you can't see in the pics, pretty much precludes me from doing very much experimenting with placements. So I haven't really been able to try moving the "boxes" due to spatial constraints.

I've toyed with the idea of putting the TV on the wall, but as my eyes get older I'm not so sure.. :-)

In an attempt to quiet some tube noise out of the speakers, I tried the balanced version of my SR Precision Ref cable between my preamp and amps, but it didn't work. Instead, my music got BETTER - lower noise floor, better resolution of quiet passages, etc. I accidentally fixed a problem I didn't even know I had!! Lots of cables running behind my gear, so balanced would have been a no-brainer, had I given it any real thought. Additional benefit is that the VAC gear is truly "balanced" and was voiced that way, so I am now maxing out the performance. Who Knew?

Brent at VAC then told me it was the tubes in the preamp that were making the noise I was hearing. So. I am trying to upgrade to a pair of 7308 Seimens NOS tubes to replace the stock VAC tubes in the preamp. They are supposed to be several steps up from what I've been using and will hopefully take the system up a notch or two. That would be terrific, once again "fixing a problem I didn't even know I had"!!

I've been very fortunate to be able to put together my system such as it is, and one of my greatest pleasures is sharing the music with friends, both old and new. If you come through Denver, shoot me an e-mail and we'll see if we can arrange for a listening session. Thanks again for your kind words.


Installed the Integra DHC-80.2 to replace my DTC-9.8. Money well spent. The sound is noticeably better (actually pretty amazing) as well as the room calibration/steering by the Audyssey 32 and other advanced DACs, etc.. Its close to a night and day difference - even greater than I had expected.

I'm still using the video out of the Oppo, which is quite nice, although I'll probably experiment as time goes on with the 80.2 video. For now, couldn't ask for a better solution - had no idea this was such a no-brainer until doing the upgrade... :-)


Oppo in - wow. Discs load in 30 seconds, as opposed to the 5 minutes with the Sony (a/k/a the new "boat anchor"). Oppo's video is considerably better than what I was getting from my Integra 9.8 as well. 2nd HDMI out into the Integra for audio works flawlessly as well. For now, this is meeting my HT needs quite well, actually exceeding what I thought I'd have to settle for due to system conflicts.


Spent past week integrating front end with HT. Thanks to Brent and Kevin at VAC, was able to eliminate a very problematic ground loop issue so now everything plays well together. Oppo BDP-95 arrived yesterday and will replace my Sony "antiquated" (and slow) Blue-ray player. I'll be running 1 HDMI out to my TV and the other HDMI out to my Integra processor. I may still upgrade the Integra at a future point, but really should not have to anytime soon if the Oppo performs as advertised.

So far, I am very happy with the results and the Oppo isn't even in the system yet. All the tube power now being used, as well as the sub, both warms my living room (its cold outside) and very well complements the already movie-like experience presented by the new TV. The dogs aren't sure what to make of all this, as they track sounds and voices moving all around the living room, but I'm sure they'll get used to it.... :-)


The Pro-Elite 70" TV arrived yesterday. WOW!! Lots of adjustments possible to really tweak whatever kind of picture you want. Very bright, but that is easily adjusted, and nice to have it there when/if I need it. Out of the box, has a similar picture to my 46" Sony XBR-4, only bigger and more detailed. So far the TV is exactly what I'd hoped it would be. I'll probably try 3-d over the weekend. Sound much better than I thought it would be from a TV.


Making a large upgrade to the Video portion of my system. VAC 450 monos may just have to wait.... PRO ELITE (Pioneer/Sharp 2.5 yr SOTA joint venture) 70" LCD/LED on its way......


GGGRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... ;-) How about finding someone whose life would be dramatically changed for the better by owning a pair of 300.1's? Much better use of your time....... :-)


I would prefer to sell my great-sounding VAC 300.1s(with the cool dials) domestically within the next 4-6 weeks. My appetite has definitely been whetted by Kevin for the 450 Statement monos, HOWEVER I won't upgrade without having the 300.1's sold first. If that doesn't happen, my sound with the existing amps is wonderful already, so not much downside here. I also got a bit more of an analog sound out of Alex's tweaks to the NWO-M - its all good!!


Leaning closer to moving up to the VAC Statement 450 monos. In order for that to happen, I'll probably be selling my 300.1s sometime in November/December. (INDICATIONS OF INTEREST CURRENTLY BEING ACCEPTED - all VAC QC KT-88s are new, quiet and dependable with under 400 hours on them). Good home needed! :-)

Also getting a few more tweaks done to my NWO-M by Alex who is in Cali for a few weeks. Promises to be a significant improvement - will report back once I hear it.


Leaning closer to getting the Statement 450 monos. In order for that to happen, I'll probably be selling my 300.1s sometime in November/December. (INDICATIONS OF INTEREST CURRENTLY BEING ACCEPTED - all VAC QC KT-88s are new, quiet and dependable with under 400 hours on them). Good home needed! :-)

Also getting a few more tweaks done to my NWO-M by Alex who is in Cali for a few weeks. Promises to be a significant improvement - will report back once I hear it.



That is EXACTLY why I am staying off this particular merry-go-round at this point. Its a VERY fluid landscape. I can only vouch for Alex's player and Esoteric's Transport/DACs. I do know there seems to be a synergism, totally unintended I'm sure, between VAC and Esoteric gear. Those are usually my starting places when I look to add a piece to my system - its also how I ended up with my VR-7s - Kevin and Albert have won a number Best of Shows together - it seemed like a logical place to start(and I am reaping the sonic benefits!).

If there's one thing I know for sure, its that everything will continue to change. For that reason, I would probably wait on a high-dollar player/DAC and just get something you like for now that meets your current and immediately foreseeable needs. Its pretty hard to go wrong if you stick to major brands that have a good following. Unfortunately, that means you will probably also be demoing a bunch of players in your system. Sorry I couldn't be of greater assistance...


Yes, but NOT in my system. I've heard both and they were very good, but again in other systems. Digital is developing more bells and whistles very quickly now - my current NWO-M is the right "flavor" for me currently(and it has a USB input). As I later get into mac-servers and the like, I will re-evaluate at that time to see which has the feature set I need along with the sonics I enjoy most. While there are a growing number of players coming to market that sound quite nice, my focus is not there right now. 2nd choice would still be the K-01 at this point.


Sam + Dev -
I am at least to the stage of measuring my available space for these new toys. It didn't hurt when Albert VS told me yesterday that the Statement 450's were the best amps he had ever heard, when describing a VSA/VAC system they upgraded for an audiophile in Manilla. This is of course 2nd-hand info, but it pretty-well echoes everything I've heard about these from listeners and/or owners.

SO, while this would NOT be an "impulse" buy, it is definitely more of a possibility in the not-to-distant future than a mere pipedream, which is was prior to RMAF. I would first have to part with my 300.1s, which I really don't want to do, in order to make a possible purchase work. It is important to me that they go to a good home and that I get a fair price for them - hopefully that will be doable. As you guys know, I take extremely good care of my gear, so they are pristene. Please keep your ears open over the next 3-4 months if you could.

Thanks - will write more as I recall more rooms in a day or so. It seemed like there were more people this year than last.


I was impressed with the K-01, although a little less so when told it was using a standalone rubidium clock as well(which I already own). I'm sure it also has a pretty good internal clock as well. Advantages over the NWO-M that I saw were filtering ability and and ability to play SACD in native DSD. Its also over-engineered re: power supply and dual mono construction. I've also dealt with Esoteric before and they are good, friendly and responsive people to work with. IF I had more SACD's, I might consider a move in the future. If I was in your shoes, I would definitely get your hands on a K-01 for an audition. PM me if you'd like a good dealer.. :-)

Nolas threw a pretty wide stage, but didn't image as well as I had hoped they would. Given the speaker construction, I'm not surprised, however. They no longer have the outboard crossover boxes; boards now contained within the speakers. I never heard the first version, so can't make a comparison. Carl says they are an improvement.

AS far as impressed - VSA has a new VR-44 out that was pretty impressive at its price point($20K list). I also got to meet and spend some time with Guido from Austin both in the Esoteric room and outside which was also pretty cool.


I've resisted so far..... Closest I've come is a discussion about the VAC Statement 450 monos with Kevin Hayes. That will DEFINITELY NOT be an impulse buy, if I EVER get them .. :-)


Great to see old friends at RMAF this weekend as well as making some new ones! Already heard Nola Baby Grand speakers and Esoteric K-01 SOTA CD/SACD player/dac, both on my short list to hear this weekend. Each was excellent and sounded much better than I thought they would, given the hotel room constraints. I'm sure I will listen more over the next several days. Not planning any purchases at this time, as my system currently sounds better than it ever has. But, you never know....... :-)


That's great news! I had a hunch it would be something "simple" - the tough part is figuring out which "simple" thing it is!! Sometimes THAT takes weeks/months.... :-)

This is another handy "fix" that may benefit other VAC owners. Thank you for sharing it.


John - Glad you hit upon a solution that works for you. As you point out, different pieces have different effects in different systems. That is part of the joy of this hobby, but also a source of frustration when all doesn't go according to plan. It also points towards the importance of being able to try something in your system before you are obligated to purchase it.

Marten makes excellent speakers - I was very impressed with the new Momentos(?) I heard a few years back in the Vitus room at CES, but I'd have to sell my system or my house to afford them at this point......


Sorry you are having a problem. What I did was replace the 2 center fronts with the Treasures first, followed by the outsides several weeks later. I have no experience at all with the Psvanes, so can't help much there. I would try just the 2 centers first, with your old tubes at the ends, and see if you can recreate the problem. It may be a characteristic of the Psvanes - I just don't know. I would then try switching out the tubes until you hopefully find 2 that "work".

I believe they guarantee their tubes, so worst case they should work with you to find tubes that work. Mine definitely didn't close in the highs at the beginning. How many hours do you have on them? It shouldn't take 150 for them to sound "right" - mine was immediate, especially the bass. Talk to Rachel - she was helpful to me. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.


Despite your attempt to blame ME for how great your tube system sounds now, you need to accept the fact that it is all YOUR fault, since you made the buying decisions. :-)

I'm glad you are enjoying your system - in mine, those Treasures made a noticeable difference for the better and are still improving after about 120 hours.

I got a MUCH greater than expected sonic result when I added the second amp. My room is 19x20, which is not "large" by any means, and it easily handles both amps.

What is your room size and what are your speakers?

P.S. - You're welcome - glad I could help :-)


System still improving as Black Treasures start to break in - apx 80 hrs so far.


System edited: Added 4 Shuguang Black Treasure CV-181-Z to each amp. So far, sound is noticeably more organic, open, extended and true to the music. Changed the center 2 first, per VAC, and got about an 80% change for the better. Added the outside 2's yesterday for the final 20% of improvement. 15 hours on the centers, 3 on the outers. I'm told full break-in may take as long as 300 hours or as little as 150 hours. In either case, I've got a while before these tubes are operating optimally - they are already considerably better than the stock VAC front tubes at this point. A very pleasant surprise, to be sure. They are not at all inexpensive, as I got the Premium grade from Grant Fidelity, sent directly from China. All that's left on the agenda is to integrate the new Velo DD-15+ when it arrives in 3-4 weeks and just take the summer off to listen to music (I wish!!).


Well, so much for "waiting for winter"... I will probably be purchasing a new DD-15 Plus in San Diego in a few days. Delivery expected at month end. Still don't have the Treasures yet - they are apparently being sent directly from China, something new from Grant Fidelity. Not happy about this new procedure and probably wouldn't have ordered had I known this ahead of time - there's definitely something to be said for having an accountable person screen your tubes,especially if you are paying a premium for "A" graded tubes. Stay tuned....


Seeking a bit more bass, I experimented last weekend with re-integrating my Velodyne DD-15 sub in with my system. To be brief - Holy COW!! I have the sub coming in at 33hz with a slope of 24. The change in sound is nothing short of amazing. This sub has finally been replaced by Velodyne in their line with the DD-15+ which is more user friendly, a bit bigger and a 39# magnet. While tempting, it is not a critical upgrade NOW. I have neither the time nor inclination towards experimenting at this point with the myriad of setting choices presented by the setup program of the Velo. If such an urge were to ever hit, it will be in winter when I have more time to devote to it and at that point I might upgrade to the DD-15+, which is designed to do a lot of auto-configuring without brain damage.

The 7's bass drivers have even more slam, both due to the sub plus the fact they are no longer having to drive anything below 33hz. Moral of the story - if you have speakers without a sub(s),in most cases you will probably benefit more than you could ever imagine by integrating a good quality, fast sub into your system. I had no idea how much additional low bass information I was missing - it has now been found! This was a real "AH-HAA" moment for me, so I thought I would pass it along to others who might be considering a sub for 2-channel. As always, YMMV...

I've also ordered several pair of Shuguang Treasure CV-181-Z black bottle tubes to replace the small driver tubes in my VAC amps. Its my first foray into anything resembling tube-rolling and I should hopefully be receiving them within the next several weeks. I've never heard them, but they come very highly recommended, so I am looking forward to their arrival.

The NWO-Master CD/SACD is mostly broken in now and sounds even better than I hoped it would, especially with the integration of the sub. The only downside is that with the warmer months coming up, I won't have as much indoor time to be listening to my system. Definitely a "problem" I can happily live with. :-)


Update: Redbook breaking in nicely with the aid of an Isotek burn-in disc. CD side has the equivalent of about 200-250 hours. Not sure if there is a SACD burn-in disc around anywhere, or whether I've just got to put the hours on it. Also starting to itch for better/different speakers......... we'll see.....


SACD also benefits from the asynchronus upsampling at 195KHz/32 bit. While I don't pretend to understand even a fraction of the engineering that went into this piece, I DO know what I'm hearing, which is quite nice, even at this very, very early stage.

There is also now a facility outside of Chicago that has done and will do repair work for APL, both in and out of warranty. I've talked to them to confirm this and they do lots of warranty work for the major brands, so they are real. This helped my decision to finally do the 1 Box ultimate APL NWO upgrade. So far, this seems to be a very wise decision :-)


System edited: Added Esoteric/APL NWO-M to system. Totally unbroken-in, out of the box, big step beyond my 3 box Esoteric Transport/ Esoteric rubidium clock/APL prototype NWO-4.0 Super-DAC. Not really even close - voices and instruments have an even more palpable weight - as lifelike as I've ever heard, anywhere at any price. Pretty special, since I know its just going to get lots better as the different formats break-in. Won't be doing any critical listening for weeks, but it sure is fun to listen to NOW!!


CES plans cancelled; still awaiting delivery of NWO-M. System sounds surprisingly excellent with my APL-modded Denon in the meantime - I guess this means I've finally achieved a pretty balanced system with no glaring "weak links".

Its a pleasure to listen to music for the music's sake, not trying to critically analyze what needs "improvement". I do hear weaknesses in the Denon compared to the Esoteric/DAC combination I had, but I'm pretty sure the new APL NWO-M will handily trump what I had. There have been some very strong reviews of the M, so I'm looking forward to finally having 1 in my system.


Thanks for the kinds words Glen - I appreciate it.
I actually had Albert VS, Damon and another dozen people or so over during the RMAF here in Denver. We listened to my system for several hours with a variety of music, the common denominator being LOUD!! People seemed to enjoy the system and I received a number of nice compliments at that time.

There is only 1 more change that I am contemplating to put this system "over the top" for me and it concerns my digital front end. After his bugging me for years, I am finally going to let Alex Peychev combine my APL Super-DAC prototype with my Esoteric upgraded UX-1. This will yield an APL NWO-M, which at this time is as far as ALex is taking his digital front end. There are several people who already have this version and there is a review up with comments under Digital Audio Reviews on this site. Apparently what I have is at least 2 iterations behind what is now available, so I hope to have this transformation completed before x-mas. At that point, I am finished with upgrades for the forseeable future, I hope.

Going to be at CES in 3 weeks to see old friends and the latest toys, etc. Also plan on playing a little poker. :-)


I'm guessing you are his dealer and that the 2 of you live in India?


Manjy - those speakers look pretty impressive. Which ones do you have and where did you get them? Do you not live in the US?


Hi Manjy-
You have quite a system - I've never even seen, let alone heard, those speakers. I look forward to getting more info on them - strengths, composition, etc.

As far as the APL Super-DAC prototype I've got, I love it. It is NOT the one he has the picture of on the APL website, but the one he talks about under "news" as "cost-no-object". As an early prototype, it doesn't have a display, nor many inputs/outputs. What is DOES have is 20 2nd generation 32-bit AKM DAC chips per side connected in dual mono mode, a super low-jitter clock, as well as a transformer-coupled tube output stage featuring 2 vintage E182cc tubes.

I've heard probably 15 other DACs, including all the name-brands, although not in my system, but at CES 2010 and other shows. None has performed close enough to what I've got to interest me at all. The data retrieval is nothing short of amazing, while the musicality is also there in spades thanks to the Class A output stage and some of the other design features of the DAC.

What I have is NOT the final version of the Super-DAC, and from talking to Alex recently, he has made further improvements. The DAC APL is currently selling is solid-state and will give you SOME idea of what is possible and I'm sure will hold its own against anything anywhere near its price point.

What I have, however, is in another league entirely. I was hopeful for a finished version by RMAF, but that may not happen. I live in Denver, so if you're going to RMAF, try to find me and maybe we can arrange for you to hear my system.



UPDATE: Keeping the Synergistic Research Speaker Cells -

They are providing a bit better imaging and detail as well as tighter bass and a bit better lower-volume resolution. The presentation is also a little more organic. These are not all huge differences, but there is enough of an improvement that the system sounds better to my ears with them than without.

At first I had some problems getting them to work properly with my bi-wire speaker cables, but Eliott and Ted helped me get things sorted out. I really didn't think these speaker cells were going to improve my system - it was a pleasant surprise that they did.


Preamp is great, Caps worked wonders, sound is sweet...


I'm still "evaluating"... ;-) Leaning towards keeping. Definitely worth trying in your system.....


Thank you Sam. I am honored by your compliment, and confess I'm a little jealous of your Dalis. Your system must sound great!!

It sounds like you live near Art S. - I have yet to hear his system and he mine, but we're working on it...... Many similarities, but some important differences.

I just put SR's speaker Cells into my system, more out of curiosity than anything else. Surprisingly, they are providing even better imaging and air around the instruments, although are also moving the soundstage back about 8 feet. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep them yet - they are almost like baby Powercells for your speakers. Since Art also got the SR Powercell, I would be curious how the speaker cells would sound in his system. If you talk to him before I do, you might mention this.

Thanks again for your kind words.



Glenfihi - Thank you very much. Its been a constant learning adventure as new products come out and different synergies reveal themselves. I will next be trying Synergistic Speaker Cells, not because I feel my system is lacking anything, but more out of a feeling of curiosity. That probably won't happen until the end of the month.

I have a very good SR dealer that has taken good care of me along this journey, as well as exceptional manufacturers like Kevin Hayes of VAC and Albert von Shweickert of VSA, as well as Alex Peychev of APL and the people at Esoteric(Mark and Carl). Most have become friends and all have contributed their time and energy towards helping my system get to where it is and for that I am extremely grateful. All have shown exemplary service both before and after "the sale", making the journey to this point a real pleasure.

It is all too easy to take this sort of service for granted, which is why I am taking the time here to publicly express my appreciation. Others who have been particularly helpful along the way include Rick Schultz of Virtual Dynamics, Carl M of Nola, Steve McCormack and David Elrod. There are a number of others, but these folks stand out,at least to me.


Caps have about 300 hours on them and the preamp about 375. The caps have yielded more extended highs and mids with more depth and body to them. The VAC Sig has gotten pretty astounding after break-in to this point. I have lots more low level detail and much better imaging than before, as well as a weight to the bass and low mids that was missing before (but I didn't realize it).

The noise floor is lower and the dynamics, both macro and micro, are to a level I've never heard before. At the risk of using an oft-coined phrase, I really am now hearing my CD collection for the first time. Ambient and spatial cues are now clearly present, (especially at lower listening levels where they were mostly absent before) and I am very easily becoming immersed in the music. I'm no longer critically listening for system weaknesses, because the music just won't let me. I never thought my living room could ever sound like this - its become incredibly satisfying, finally!!


My tech and I installed new V-Caps into my 7Se's yesterday. We ended up putting 5 additional bypass caps on the tweeter, supertweeter and ambient rear driver crossover, with 2 additional on the midrange crossover. Took us about 4 1/2 hours to do the first speaker when we were figuring out the best ways to do things, and 2 hours for the 2nd.

I have recently done a number of things in my quest to improve the low level resolution of my system. First, my Super-DAC prototype finally opened up after about 475 hours, lifting a veil or 2. I also got a new preamp several weeks ago - Vac Signature IIa, which now has about 100 hours on it (4-500 to really open up, I'm told) and added a better powercord for the preamp yesterday when we had the speakers all moved (Synergistic Hologram A into an all SR system)).

This combination, along with the change the new caps have made, has left me pretty speechless. Its very difficult to apportion responsiblity for the significant increase in low level detail, airiness and imaging. I would guess 50% caps, 40% preamp and 10% PC, leaving aside the DAC. I'm pretty surprised that I'm hearing this big a difference this quickly with the new caps, as they are brand new and should take 4-500 hours to fully open up. My tech, the Skiing Ninja, says if I leave the system on 24/7 for 3 weeks, the caps will be broken in. I laughed.... not going to happen.

My 7's sound like new speakers after only about 5 hours! The mids and highs are considerably more open, detailed and extended and I know they are just going to get even better! Low volume level detail is there in spades - I've been listening to a Keith Jarrett CD while reading the Sunday paper this morning and I had to put the paper down. I had never heard this CD sound like it now does.

If I can just snap my fingers now and have 500 more hours put on the system immediately.....

System reconfiguration put on hold until at least summer - I really don't want to mess with it since its only going to sound even better over the next several months as the preamp, PC and additional V-Caps break further in!!


New VAC Signature Mk2a preamp replaces Phi 2.0, which I was very happy with. Didn't really want to sell it, but economic realities set in. Way too soon to compare, but seem to be getting a slightly fuller sound with better bass, and even improving a bit on the famous VAC midrange. I'll report back after a few hundred hours, if anyone's interested.

Next upgrade will be piggybacked V-caps on mids and highs of my speakers, probably in a few weeks. After that, I expect to rearrange the system to more easily get to cables, etc. The active SR cabling is a jumbled mess right now - it needs straightened out, but 1 thing at a time....


After measuring cables, etc., looks like a System reorganization as described above is probably in my future sooner rather than later. First want to let the new preamp break in more and probably upgrade the VR-7se midrange and tweeters with some additional caps.

The "new pictures" which are probably 3 months away, will show a markedly different setup, if all goes as planned.


Upgrading preamps this weekend. System due to be reorganized with TV table used for amps and probably preamp. Won't happen until summer at earliest, since it will be lots of brain damage and some additional cable expense, neither of which I have to deal with now. Since the cabling is SR active, there are 4 cables connecting each component, not just 2. It looks like several digital cables would need to go from 1M to 2M as well as several pairs of interconnects. That will get expensive very quickly, even when offset with the cables I would no longer require. So far this is not in the "budget"

There is also the canine consideration - not sure about the wisdom of putting those amps at snout/tail level out in the open for the pooches. Currently, even though the system looks just thrown together, the amps are pretty well protected from the dogs. Also, this is my living room and I'm not yet convinced it "needs" to be re-worked. It will look a lot nicer, but might not be as functional. Any brilliant input is always appreciated, as well as contributions to the "new cables" fund.


To be honest, I no longer use the DD-15 for 2-channel. My speakers are full range to 17hz(according to the spec). What I've discovered is that with the addition of the 2nd VAC amp, the additional power gives me plenty of bottom-end for 2-channel listening. I do still use the DD-15 for movies, however, and it works extremely well for that.

Before the 2nd VAC amp, the DD-15 worked well for 2-channel, but I had inadvertantly allowed my crossover settings to be set at 80hz, a huge mistake, Therefore, the speakers never played below 80 hz for almost a year, so all I heard was the sub below 80hz. WHen I fixed the crossover, I discovered with the addition of the 2nd amp I no longer needed the sub. Getting much better imaging, etc from the full range speakers than the sub, obviously.

Thanks for your question.


APL DAC has FINALLY opened up after about 450 hours - the "magic" has finally happened. I now have a very good idea of why the APL owners with NWO-4.0SE do not sell their players - WOW is about all I can say. It will probably still get a bit better, but right now its quite impressive.

I actually have a few more upgrades planned which I initiated during and right after CES (the DAC hadn't gotten to the "magic" stage eyt). They still make good sense to me, so I will proceed with them and update this and my other system accordingly.


Perrew- I do not have the wifi option yet, as Alex was scrambling just to get me the DAC before I imploded. I am also not using a music server, yet. I talked at length to Enno of Meridian at CES, who filled me in on the Sooloos system, which he invented and sold to Meridian. I may end up with one of those after a while.

I've just posted a few impressions on the APL forum as well.


Thanks - I appreciate it!


Sherod- I won't be getting the preamp for another week or so. However -

- In the meantime, when I got back from CES, a VSA dealer on a forum told me there is a cap upgrade for my 7's!! I asked AVS about this and he gave me the cap values and told me where to place them. It won't be replacement, but a "piggyback" on top of the existing Hovland caps. According to both AVS and the dealer, the upgrade yields noticeably more detail, air and 3D imaging, especially at low volume levels, which is exactly what I am seeking. I've already bought the caps and have a few pros in the area that should be able to do this upgrade quite easily.

Hopefully, the combination of the new VAC preamp (even better detail and imaging, according to Kevin at VAC) and the speaker cap upgrade should preclude any desire to change speakers, at lest anytime soon.

The other thing that has been happening with my system is that the 32-bit APL Prototype Super-DAC is finally pretty well broken-in at about 450 hours. The sound has gotten incredibly better, in spite of the speakers' apparent shortcomings, to the point that the upgrades might now actually be overkill. However, that's never stopped me before....

To answer your first question, the tubes have solid plates - didn't see any holes.


Mribob - Thank you for the gracious compliments on my system.
I haven't found the need to use the Velodyne at all, even for movies, as the 7's pretty much go down low enough for me after adjusting the crossovers(long story, but happy ending).

The next thing you need to know is that the 7se's are no longer being made, so the only way you could get a pair would be to find them used. They rarely are seen on Agon, but as luck would have it, there is actually a pair there now as I write this, for a ridiculously low price. The 7s have often been called the "purists'" 9Se - in other words, lots of the performance but no artificial sub-woofers. The 7's have a lot more "authority" to my ears than the 5's, which I'm sure comes from the bass integration and cabinet size of the 7s.

Wilson, MBL and Magico have recently focused on their larger, more expensive speakers, which is NOT where Albert has chosen to focus thus far. People are constantly searching for the "latest and greatest" which is what generates buzz and causes comparisons. I understand the new 5 Annis and several of his new smaller speakers are also achieving that same buzz and collecting good reviews.

My 7's didn't really start to sing until I added a 2nd VAC amp about 6 months ago and fixed a crossover setup issue in October. They love power and I'm partial to tubes. Now with 300w of tubes going to each, the sound is really nice as you can imagine, and as I said above, there is really no longer any need for the Velodyne. I tried my McCormack DNA-500 with the 7's with some success, but didn't come anywhere near the musicality, finesse and ease of the VACs. The VACs with the 7s are truly an "iron fist in a velvet glove" and very impressive, at least to me. VAC and VSA actually used to show together until recently. To my ears, the tubes just sound a lot better than solid state, in my system. The performers sound like they are literally in the room with me, which was my goal when I started all this years ago. There is no listener fatigue, ever. Just really nice sound.

Also, FWIW, I NEVER HEARD the 7s before I bought them either!! I had heard the 9s and 5s - the 7s actually turned out a bit better than I thought they would - a lot closer to the 9s than the 5s. You might at least check out the pair on Agon, if its still there and you're interested...
Good luck, thanks for your comments and Happy New Year!!


System edited: Pics added


Replaced my APL modded Denon 32-bit DAC a few weeks ago with as APL stand-alone SUPER-DAC-SE prototype that has 20 second generation AKM 32-bit dac chips, double tube Class-A output stage, etc., etc.

Only have about 100 hours on it, but its already a bit better than the Denon in Dynamics, depth and musicality. Apparently the "magic" won't really start to happen until 400-500 hours. As it is now, its still better than any other DAC I've heard, so this should be interesting.

For some reason, my semi-identical post yesterday did't get posted....


I had been growing increasingly perturbed at my VR-7s because for the past year, when played without my Velo sub, I had very little bass, despite adding a 2nd VAC amp. I went to RMAF looking for some speakers to replace the vr-7's since I couldn't manage to get any bass or dynamics out of them without the sub. When I heard a number of speakers pretty much blow mine away (espec the newest JBL K-2's's with the horns), I got annoyed and decided to do a bit of sleuthing on my system.

WHat I discovered - The Velo sub had been crossed over, for the past 12 months, at 80hz!!! AVS had come over at RMAF 2008, tuned my sub to the speakers and I never touched any of his settings. I didn't know where the crossover was set, obviously. I lowered the crossover to 15hz and now don't need a sub, as the speakers spec to 17hz, supposedly.

Now instead of getting all sound below 80hz from the 15" Velo, it comes from the 4 11" woofers of the 7's. Needless to say, imaging, dynamics and musicality have improved tremendously and its like having new speakers. I'm now getting everything I was missing and am finally able to take advantage of the extra power from the 2nd VAC amp.

I'm posting this as a notice to others with subs in their systems to be sure your crossovers are set where you think they are and not to assume ANYTHING!!


To all my friend on A'gon - thanks to a bit of a problem with Audiogon, my username has been changed from Fplanner2000 to Fplanner2010. That is the way to reach me for comments, e-mails, etc. I'm not going to re-invent the wheel by reposting my system, etc. Thanks.
