
I'm now big expert in DACs as I really tried many!

Lavry Black, Blue and Gold
Berkeley Audio Designs Alpha DAC
Emmlabs DAC2 and TSD1
dCS Scarlatti
Linn Klimax DS
MSB Diamond DAC
GTE Audio Trinity DAC
Latest Trinity DAC

I fall in love with horns and decided to deign my own speaker system!
So, here is my DIY story

And with this incredibly high sensitivity speakers I've ended up using low power SET amps.
Two 1.5Watt and one 18Watt for entire system!

Components Toggle details

    • Trinity DAC
    Just the best and this is very obvious after audition.
    • Lavry Gold
    I use it for rear speakers in my HT
    • Michell Engineering Gyrodec LE mkIV
    • SME V Gold
    One of the best
    • Tidal Preos
    Just magical with best phono ever! I compared it with: Aesthetix IO Eclipse Nagra PL-P
    • Shumm GM-70 18Watt SET
    Best amp I ever had
    • 7-way GOTO horn system

Comments 67

I think they are identical!
I never heard Wavac, but I believe it is also great preamp.
I love Tidal Preos so much that can't imagine anything better.


Thanks Murat!

Do you think the PLL could be better? Or the only difference is the absense of the phono stage? Since I do not have a vinyl rig maybe it is a better choice?
Have you heard a Wavac preamp? My first priority is neutrality!!

Thanks a lot my friend,



Hi Michael,

Nagra PLP is very good device!
It is also very neutral! It is much better than anything else I heard including Aesthetic IO Eclipse, but except Preos.
May be just a little bass control is not perfect, but device I heard was old and may be tubes was not perfect.
So, I think it is best choice for this price.


Hi Murat!

Awesome system my friend!!!You are a lucky man!

Can you please comment on the differences between the preos and the Nagra PLP? Is it night and day? Do you think someone can get away, losing only a few things, by using the PLP? Is it an acceptable solution? Is the PLP neutral enough for a high resolving system?

I am seriously considering the PLP as the Preos is way out of my budget right now.

Happy Listening!

Greetings from Greece,



Hello, Aaron,

I'm using ordinary PC with XP and Foobar.
I have compared Berkeley only with Emmlabs.
Tomorrow I'll have a chance to compare Berkeley with dCS Scarlatti!
This will be very interesting!


Hello Murataltuev,

Congratulations on a stunning line up of stellar components, particularly the Tidal Preos and Gryphon Colosseum. You must be very happy indeed. Can I trouble you for some more information on your computer music server? Specifically what hardware went into its construction and what OS/media player are you using?

Did you compare the Berkeley DAC to other units before making your final choice?

Enjoy the music,


System edited: I've changed DAC2 to Alpha DAC. This was difficult decision. I had both dacs during last 3 month and finally decided to live with Berkeley. Female voice and piano are so much better with Berkeley!


Thank you!
It is really incredible!
Nothing can come even close!
I've compared with Aesthetix IO Eclipse and fact that Tidal Preos is far better!


Congratulations for the Preos. If you don't count the Tidal Presencio that is in a different league it is one of the two best other preamplifiers in the world (with the phono stage as a bonus). The other one is the Sovereign Director that is in the same league with the Tidal...


System edited: I've installed Lynx AES16 card to my computer. It is now so much better than TSD1! Incredible! Best transport in the world! I'm now thinking: do I need custom digital cable to replace the one which came in the box?


Hello Juan,

Before Colosseum I had Gryphon Encore.
I've auditioned Antileon also, because Colosseum was too expensive for me too. But I found that Antileon is not much better than Encore.
And Colosseum is so much better!!!
It is 30% more expensive but for me 100 times better!!!
I suggest to save money and buy Colosseum when you'll have enough!


Hello, i have too the atlantis whit the diablo integrated.
do you recommended change for the antileon. the coloseum is two much for me.

please do you have photos of your system.

what speaker cable you used, i dont like the gryphon cables. at the momment i have Virtual Dynamics



System edited: I got Tidal Preos and now just happy! Music is life:)


Thank you, Gregadd.
Allnic looks cool, but 20k for Korean product is too much:)
I already auditioned Aesthetix IO Eclipse and found it not 100% natural.
Strange, but some records sound really bad.
Nagra PL-P was much better for me, but bass was not as good as Asthetix. I'll also audition Tidal Preos this week.
I hope it will be really good!


"I want this preamp/phono to be absolutely natural and transparent, may be just a bit warm."
Sounds like an expensive tube preamp to me. I assume you mean by preamp/phono line stage and phne preamp.
J&R Essential 3160
The Allnic is the latest rave. At around $20k kind of steep.
Good Luck


I'm looking for the phono with volume control,
so my short list is:
Klyne 7LX/P
Nagra PL-P
MBL 6010D
Sovereign Director
Tidal Preos

I'll try to get some of them to audition and post my opinion.


Manley Steelhead? You've got a serious setup so why skimp on the phonostage?


Showing 51 - 67 of 67 posts