
Active Equalizer/crossover Open Baffle dipole Speaker system designed by Seigfried Linkwitz of Linkwitz-Riley fame [url][/url]. Manufactured and distributed by Audio Artistry [url][/url]

Two-way system requires seperate amp for main panels and woofer seperates. Woofer channel has 12dbl variable.

Main panel consists of (2) 8" open baffle dynamic driver mids, and tweeter (xo at 1500hz).

Woofers are (2) 12" dynamic drivers, also open baffle, in push-pull configuration (xo at 100hz).

Each driver, with the exception of the 2) mids, which are wired in paralell, is powered by its own 60w distortion free amp (400)

(4-60wpc ATI stereo amps) 2 stacked each side. I used their AT6012 12 channel 6ow amp (leaving 4 amps unused) when amp was located at center rack.

RadioShack 16awg Megawire soldered to each driver, with dual banana plugs at amps (all of which the cable snobs with jeer at :-) to which I laugh at all the way to bank, or the dealer to upgrade any system's weakest link, the speakers.

Components Toggle details

    • Sony SCD-333es
    For Shuffle / 5-disk changer / disappointed in SACD/DVD-A, and so-called tech upgrades: HDCD, 20bit, etc., which just serves the labels to resell their entire catalog again, and again. I have had as many as 3 versions of the same album before I felt like a dummy :-) Now I use direct digital connection to the Lexicon DC-2 and use its 24bit DA conversion so the Sony serves as transport only.
    • Lexicon DC-2
    I consider top end gear (especially cables and tweaks) of less significance and focus on the speakers/setup and a distortion free amp to power them.
    • Audio Artistry 'Dvorak'
    A 2-way Active EQ/XO open baffle design by Seigfried Linkwitz, of Linkwitz-Riley fame.
    • DIY Phoenix
    Open Baffle / pair 12" Shiva dynamic driver in push-pull configuration per woofer / 1-60w amp channel per driver / see /Phoenix / woofer
    • ATI AT602
    (4) 60wpc Stereo Amps. Each of (8) drivers to a seperate amp. Total of 480w for system.

Comments 60


Posse suggests an informed group seeking/searching a bad guy/person (not to be confused with "lynching mob").


What did the Frued say, 'what you acuse others of you are probably guilty of yourself. Otherwise what you perceive, real or imagined, you would not characterize as a fault'.


I think so.

At any rate, what we say has more to do with us than anything, or anyone, we may be speaking about.

And all that is fairly elementary, but I guess if you do not get it, there is not much you can do with it.

Oh, well.


Perhaps if you were credibile, I could take your opinion seriously.

BTW what was it that Frued said about people who refer to themselves in the third person? 'They have great credibilty, so take seriously what they say.' No? It must have been something else then.


If Didactically wants to protect his ego, he needs to shut off his computer and walk away..Tom


I don't want you to change. All I've been stating in very subtle words is that you've been making an ass of yourself. You think you know enough to teach others when your 'knowledge' just falls short.

I'm no leader--I've been here long enough to know who's who (and who's a wannabe). The Psychic is *authentic* everywhere he goes...



Yea, I am going to change because a stranger, who obviously has other than my best interest at heart, on an intenet forum instructed me to. Isn't that what everyone does.

BTW you inadvertanly acknowledged there is a posse. You just sent them an instructive messasge. Are the chief?


Guys, leave the teacher alone! I really want to know if he has *internallized* my post/feedback...


Tireguy posts that he's dissapointed with the system's front end on 10/09/04 and it's then updated/upgraded within 48 hours. Quite impressive.

Tim wins the "Mr. Bullwhip" award, hands down.


Man, it's almost not even worth the effort. But since I'm here........

Is that it! Is that all you've got! Oh my god how disappointing. You've spewed more crap then a backed up septic tank and this is it. You've got to be kidding me. Where's the Halcro, Classe Omega or Tenors. And the front end, jeez. Where's the DCC2 or at least an Audio Aero Cap II. I was expecting something more then an outdated 5 disc carousel. As for the the Pre/Pro, Lexicon is notorious for making the most un-musical processors for 2 channel playback ever. Well, if that's your reference system, you need to get out more. Maybe you can get someone to let you out and we can set up so you can stop by and listen to the systems of some of the members here at the 'Gon, myself included of course, so you can hear something different to get yourself a better point of reference. As for making your list, I'm not much for long winded acceptance speeches, so I'll just say thanks.......John



I understand what you mean by starting with speakers that will be transparent, fit a room and interact with it as little as possible. That's what I started with when I wanted to take my system into real high end. However, there's many ways to skin a cat and I chose Swans M1 mini monitors, which Dan Wright extensively modded. The Swans are designed to interact with a room as little as possible. The system uses a 24 dB/oct Marchand electronic x-over (also modded by Danny Boy) and stereo subs powered by fast, high current monoblocks (they're not distortion free). There's much more to amplification than "distortion free". If you could hear my Forté class A amp driving the mini monitors you'd understand...

This is your system's thread and I don't want to be rude nor improper. I have NO electrical knowledge whatsoever (that's why I say I don't know how to read) but guess what--it's not needed. You are making some assumptions which are erroneous and are attempting to 'teach' (hence your moniker). In the end, your system is really wanting in performance. You have started by addressing something most people overlook--the speaker/room interaction--but it ends there.

If you read my posts you'll see I'm a strong advocate of running power off a 30 amp, 220V dedicated line with 220V/110V islolation transformers plus other filters, such that each line level component's filtration is individual and balanced (filtration of hot and neutral). You'll also read that I'm heavily into vibration control, using non resonant, Caribbean Moca wood boards and effective (yet expensive) Goldmund cones and other stuff (includes Audiopoints...the cultists like to hear that). You'll also read that I'm a big fan of the naturally insulated silver, handcrafted Ridge Street Audio cables (yes, Robert *makes* the cable). And you'll read that my digital source is a belt drive transport Danny Boy modded (the analog source is a story all to itself).
In essence, you have a lot to travel. You're not there yet--and with your current mindset you'll never make it. You must empty your teacup before it can be filled with the new brew.

With psychic power and primal intensity,


What I don't understand is why Fatparrot is in the same bag with the cultists.


I am so honored to have made the list, I've prepared a few short words:
"I would like to thank the acadamy and the fluffers who helped me along the way- I couldn't have done it with out you{tireguy holding back tears}THANK YOU ALL!"

Hey at least I am not listening to a circa 97 CD changer and a mid-fi HT processor for "the truth"- heh heh I couldn't resist. As long as dida. keeps spewing garbage into the forums I will be there ;)


He may just need sudden exposure to someone with a for REAL system.His sudden head movement and REM like reaction to audible visual images provided by products that are dynamically coherent would be a sure wake up call..And his physical reaction to this new audible reality could not be denied ..even by him..or Siegey..Tom


Aw Psychicanimal, you're just upset because you didn't make it onto Didactically banned reading list! Keep telling it like it is Bro', and I'm sure that you'll make his revised list.


Before studying the arts, a punch was just a punch.
While studying the arts, a punch was more than a punch.
After studying the arts, a punch is just a punch.

--Bruce Lee.



I do not read:

or Theaudiotweak

Nor do I understand why they continue to read mine, only to rail about what I say, or even how I say it. Then read some more, rail some more, accuse me of being redundant, only to read still more (as though they did not know what to expect from my redundancy), rail get the picture.

I do not get it. Though I have found on every Forum I have visited there is always extant a handfull of veteran participants, who form a clique and act like they own the place. Typically to the extent of criticizing personal expression, and even policing content.

Of course you cannot talk to them about it. They just rail at such inferences.


You cannot get to it from there. That is the whole point.

Once you have transparent speakers, appropriately sized for the environment in which they will operate; setup to get the most out of what they have to offer in that space; and powered with a distortion free amp, you will be there.

Not that you will not be able to discern differences with various top end gear, cables, and tweaks, but so will you from whether a window is open or closed, moving a major piece of furniture, or even the degree of humidity if you live in an area where it changes.

I had 8) 24x42 bass traps, and as many 2'x4'x8" wall panels for room treatment, which I have place in a hundred different configurations in conjunction with a pair of PSB Stratus Gold's.

After replacing them with Audio Artistry 'Dvorak' active EQ/XO BiAmp Open Baffle system I continued the room treatment experiment. Even with a ToneBurst CD evaluating the various specific frequencies below 200hz.

Then I took them all out, and gradually back in again in various confiurations. And all out again. Suffice it to say, they have all since been disposed of. It is just as the system designer suggested, 'normal room furnishings is probably all the acoustic treatment you will need'.

And that is with woofers consisting of 2-12" dynamic drivers per woofer, also open baffle, in push-pull configuration ('bass is about moving air').

Unlike enclosed cabinet dynamic driver designs, which radiate in 360 degrees, reaching and exciting any and all of those pesky room modes, open baffle dynamic drivers radiate in a figure 8 pattern, front to back. Off axis at about only 30 degrees.

So, though I have tried even various side wall reflection devices with them, from subtle, to stop everthing, I presently use none.

Its been a couple of years now, and I do not see an upgrade in my future, unless I end up with a significantly larger space. Then larger units, perhaps needing more amplification, may be in order.

The designer is Seigfried Linkwitz, of 'Linkwitz-Riley' fame, the father of Stereophile's 1998 Speaker of the Year, the Audio Artistry 'Beethoven' who offers truth in all things audio at his web page

Check it out. There are even papers on theory by various experts in the field, at the LINKS link.


When you finally aquire transparent speakers suited to the environment they will operate in, finally get them setup to get the most of what they have to offer out of them, and power them with a distortion free amp, one cable or another, whether the window is open or closed, the heater or refrigerator is running or not, is so subtle that it is hardly worth the trouble, let alone the enormous expenese it can involve.


Dude, you have a lot to travel. Room acoustics, vibration, power delivery/noise control, cables--and vinyl.


Read it. It's insightful and might actually lead you to an improved relationship with others here at Agon! What are you afraid of? Actually, I'm sure that you've already read it!

YOU were the one that made reference to Hitler's totalitarianism. And yet, you now want to censor my speech on this website. Mmmm...very strange, indeed!


At this point do you really expect me read such a long post from you?

I am considing reporting you for that business of the mulit posts.


No, I think that it is you who needs help.

I, as well as other members of Agon, have been trying to help you since you first started posting here last month! You used the term, and I quote, "Seig heil" to imply that one's preferences should not be mandated. Being of Jewish heritage, I know full well the dangers that a totalitarian approach brings! Music should be an experience that lifts the soul, and beautifies one's life. Perhaps this understanding is what separates audiophiles from the masses who cannot appreciate the rewards of a satisfying audio system.

Unfortunately, you Didactically, seem to be the one who advocates a totalitarian approach! Anyone who doesn't subscribe to the principles of Siegfried Linkwitz has an inferior system, "masters of coloration", I believe is your term. Here at Agon, we discuss, ask questions, refute or substantiate claims and theories, and yes, we do even argue! In the end, we hopefully have been enlightened, and have LEARNED by thoughtfully considering all positions. We may arrive right back at our original position, but we can justify this by using careful evaluation and further research. This is especially important for people just entering the often intimidating and confusing world of high end audio. Unfortunately, you seem to be incapable of the mental exercise necessary for learning, which subsequently leads to growth and maturity.

You have answered none of the many questions posed to you by others. We have also noted that you will not discuss any of your previous audio experiences, equipment owned, or equipment auditioned. Your responses are a rote regurgitation of theories espoused on the Siegfried Linkwitz website. You use catch phrases that sound like political sound bites ("masters of distortion", "true to the original"). I have pointed out flaws in your approach and reasoning. I then followed by asking specific questions. Your response was simply that I am angry.

Since your recent arrival here at Agon, we have observed the behavior similar to that of a child "holding his breath until he turns blue" rather than a mature individual having an intelligent exchange of ideas in a freewheeling debate. It appears that your postings here are not related to audio, but instead, you are trying to fulfill some other unmet need in your life. I truly hope that someday, you will "get it together", and then be able to look back at your postings, seeing them for what they really are.

Best of luck to you, and I hope that you continue to enjoy audio and music.


So he 'erupts' again.

No one is trying to make you like what you do not (at least I hope not, 'Seig heil', you know).

Do you want my help with something?


Tireguy, Grrr, growl, bark! Watch out...mad dog...I mean, mad parrot! :-)

Hey, I have to call a Vegas bookie to get the line on Didactically ever answering a question. There's some SERIOUS money to be made on that bet!


Fatparrot- Its clear your an angry person who is incapable of composing some form of coherent response- tsk :o)


Interesting that you NEVER directly answer questions that have arisen concerning your statements, some of which are contradictory in nature! My observations were not an eruption, but an illustration of why you have zero credibility when it comes to things audio. You have insulted EVERYONE at this sight who doesn't agree that your philosophy is the only way to THE HOLY AUDIO TRUTH! It appears that even you yourself are unable to clarify your own (Siegfried Linkwitz's) position. So here are some simple questions:

1) How is it possible for a Sony TCD-D3 Digital Audio Tape Walkman, that doesn't even use a 20 bit super mapping module, to ever possibly produce a master tape that is "true to the original"?

2) One of your dogmas states that ultra-low distortion is the only way one can get sound that is "true to the original". Is a linear frequency response also necessary for "true to the original" reproduction? How can your "reference" Shure Earbuds, which have 3 noticeable frequency peaks (according to Siegfried Linkwitz) possibly be "true to the original" if the reference transducer's output does not match the input?

3) You keep telling us about your listening experiences. What equipment have you previously owned, or auditioned, before discovering the "Great Audio Truth'?

4) You don't appear to own a turntable. What is your opinion of analog vinyl?

5) In your system photo, you appear to have placed electronic components DIRECTLY on top of one another, instead of using a separate and stable shelf for each piece of gear. Do you feel that this practice denigrates the sound, or that this is, in fact, the proper method to set up audio gear?

6) Can you give a coherent and direct answer to even ONE of these questions?


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