
Active Equalizer/crossover Open Baffle dipole Speaker system designed by Seigfried Linkwitz of Linkwitz-Riley fame [url][/url]. Manufactured and distributed by Audio Artistry [url][/url]

Two-way system requires seperate amp for main panels and woofer seperates. Woofer channel has 12dbl variable.

Main panel consists of (2) 8" open baffle dynamic driver mids, and tweeter (xo at 1500hz).

Woofers are (2) 12" dynamic drivers, also open baffle, in push-pull configuration (xo at 100hz).

Each driver, with the exception of the 2) mids, which are wired in paralell, is powered by its own 60w distortion free amp (400)

(4-60wpc ATI stereo amps) 2 stacked each side. I used their AT6012 12 channel 6ow amp (leaving 4 amps unused) when amp was located at center rack.

RadioShack 16awg Megawire soldered to each driver, with dual banana plugs at amps (all of which the cable snobs with jeer at :-) to which I laugh at all the way to bank, or the dealer to upgrade any system's weakest link, the speakers.

Components Toggle details

    • Sony SCD-333es
    For Shuffle / 5-disk changer / disappointed in SACD/DVD-A, and so-called tech upgrades: HDCD, 20bit, etc., which just serves the labels to resell their entire catalog again, and again. I have had as many as 3 versions of the same album before I felt like a dummy :-) Now I use direct digital connection to the Lexicon DC-2 and use its 24bit DA conversion so the Sony serves as transport only.
    • Lexicon DC-2
    I consider top end gear (especially cables and tweaks) of less significance and focus on the speakers/setup and a distortion free amp to power them.
    • Audio Artistry 'Dvorak'
    A 2-way Active EQ/XO open baffle design by Seigfried Linkwitz, of Linkwitz-Riley fame.
    • DIY Phoenix
    Open Baffle / pair 12" Shiva dynamic driver in push-pull configuration per woofer / 1-60w amp channel per driver / see /Phoenix / woofer
    • ATI AT602
    (4) 60wpc Stereo Amps. Each of (8) drivers to a seperate amp. Total of 480w for system.

Comments 60

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Well, if Dida does his homework he'll reallize what's really going on here. He can further enhance his musical enjoyment beyond what he EVER thought was possible. Then he'll be in a position to share his perspective on speaker/room interactions just like I'm into power delivery/noise control, Redkiwi and vibration, TWL and vinyl playback, Lugnut and racks, DeKay and budget yet highly effective tube systems, Jahaira and DIY room acoustic treaments, etc.



Dida, here's a thread started by Redkiwi:

...and another where his input teaches a lot:

Since you don't like me taking you to school, I'll let the Kiwiman teach you about vibration control. He's extremely well versed in the subject--and works on different products than yours truly. I have found non-resonant, Caribbean Moca wood to fill a niche in my system. Since this is an area you lack any knowledge, take it easy. Be open minded and perhaps one day you'll ask for forgiveness...

With psychic power, primal intensity & boogie factor,


Dida, it's back to school days...and I *took* you to school! Have you done your homework?



Maybe Dida & Freud have the same girlfriend. This morning one of my best friends came out of detox for the third time because of her...

Oh, I understand what Dida is trying to say:

1) I don't have credibility (he does).
2) The post I wrote is about me (there must be better ways of establishing credibility then).
3) Frued knows what he said--and his teachings said that what I posted has to do with guilt on my behalf. What I'm accusing his system of lacking mine does (and my personality).
4) Frued said people who refer to themselves in the third person lack credibility.
5) Dida knows about the human psyche because he read--and understood Frued.

The Psychic speaks with an accent but doesn't think with one...



It's Freud, not Frued. His girfriend was Miss Caína...


I don't want you to change. All I've been stating in very subtle words is that you've been making an ass of yourself. You think you know enough to teach others when your 'knowledge' just falls short.

I'm no leader--I've been here long enough to know who's who (and who's a wannabe). The Psychic is *authentic* everywhere he goes...



Guys, leave the teacher alone! I really want to know if he has *internallized* my post/feedback...



I understand what you mean by starting with speakers that will be transparent, fit a room and interact with it as little as possible. That's what I started with when I wanted to take my system into real high end. However, there's many ways to skin a cat and I chose Swans M1 mini monitors, which Dan Wright extensively modded. The Swans are designed to interact with a room as little as possible. The system uses a 24 dB/oct Marchand electronic x-over (also modded by Danny Boy) and stereo subs powered by fast, high current monoblocks (they're not distortion free). There's much more to amplification than "distortion free". If you could hear my Forté class A amp driving the mini monitors you'd understand...

This is your system's thread and I don't want to be rude nor improper. I have NO electrical knowledge whatsoever (that's why I say I don't know how to read) but guess what--it's not needed. You are making some assumptions which are erroneous and are attempting to 'teach' (hence your moniker). In the end, your system is really wanting in performance. You have started by addressing something most people overlook--the speaker/room interaction--but it ends there.

If you read my posts you'll see I'm a strong advocate of running power off a 30 amp, 220V dedicated line with 220V/110V islolation transformers plus other filters, such that each line level component's filtration is individual and balanced (filtration of hot and neutral). You'll also read that I'm heavily into vibration control, using non resonant, Caribbean Moca wood boards and effective (yet expensive) Goldmund cones and other stuff (includes Audiopoints...the cultists like to hear that). You'll also read that I'm a big fan of the naturally insulated silver, handcrafted Ridge Street Audio cables (yes, Robert *makes* the cable). And you'll read that my digital source is a belt drive transport Danny Boy modded (the analog source is a story all to itself).
In essence, you have a lot to travel. You're not there yet--and with your current mindset you'll never make it. You must empty your teacup before it can be filled with the new brew.

With psychic power and primal intensity,


What I don't understand is why Fatparrot is in the same bag with the cultists.


Before studying the arts, a punch was just a punch.
While studying the arts, a punch was more than a punch.
After studying the arts, a punch is just a punch.

--Bruce Lee.



When you finally aquire transparent speakers suited to the environment they will operate in, finally get them setup to get the most of what they have to offer out of them, and power them with a distortion free amp, one cable or another, whether the window is open or closed, the heater or refrigerator is running or not, is so subtle that it is hardly worth the trouble, let alone the enormous expenese it can involve.


Dude, you have a lot to travel. Room acoustics, vibration, power delivery/noise control, cables--and vinyl.
