Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

got it audphile. What I meant when I say "live" is at big open air concert. To me those situations sound horrible. I prefer smaller, intimate settings like a small jazz venue or bar. In these setti...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

audphile1, I do not take any offense to your comments at all. I think the problem is in the way I phrased my sentence. I guess what I mean to say is that I want to hear everything that is generated...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Calgarian, thanks for the kind words. I took at your system and it very nice as well! As for my amp upgrade, I went from Rotel RB 1080, to Parasound A21, to Pass XA160. Part of my upgrade was due t...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Your story makes me feel better. It can be an endless viscous cycle cant it?? But its sooo fun!As for the break in cd, I have never heard of it. Can you please enlighten me and let me know ...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Thanks Rich. My previous player was the X-03se. It is a fantastic player! I honestly thought I was done upgrading after I listened to it. But then I wanted to get a separate DAC for my digital musi...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Thanks Joey and great to hear from you. I think I am moving in the right direction. The longer I am involved in this hobby the better I understand my philosophy regarding building a system. For me,...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Audphile, then I guess I shouldnt tell you that I am using a cheapie Staples/Office Depot power strip???? Man I got a long way to go...champagne taste on a wine cooler budget!

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

audphile...that hurts!!!!! that best buy rack has served me well for the past 2 years...actually I am looking to buy the Symposium rack...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

System edited: I am such an Esoteric homer!!! I loved my X-03SE so much that I had to upgrade to the P-03/D-05 transport/DAC combo. The D-05 has the latest 32 bit DAC as well as integrated volume c...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Dgad, at this level, it really is about splitting hairs. The BAT, ARC, and VTL are all great preamps. I auditioned the BAT 52se in my system when it first came out after CES. The unit I demo'd was ...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Dgad, the Einstein is a GREAT preamp!!! I have yet to hear a preamp sound so lively, realistic, and full. It remains my reference preamp. I felt the BAT 52se had a great bottom end but was a bit da...

posted about 17 years ago

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kenscollick, may I inquire what brand of bass traps you are using?

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

audhpile1, what can I say, I am a nut!

posted about 17 years ago

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Audio Physic + Art Audio

monroe1, very nice, clean looking system. I have always liked the audio physic speakers. Do you close the drapes when you listen? Do you mind if I ask your opinion of the Basis TT? I am a total vin...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Chris, thank you very much for the kind words. You are right, it is a fine line between "better" and different. I am not sure if I am ready to spend the money required to get the ultimate. I guess ...

posted about 17 years ago

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Building around Wilson Alexandria

Bflowers, I noticed the same thing with my Pass amps. I have tried a bunch of different things like power cords, AC filter, AC regen but I still find they sound best plugged right into the wall. I ...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Dpac996, I wish I could take your advice but since that room is also our living room, the wifey would not really appreciate me doing that. As it is, the front fact of the speakers are about 2.5ft f...

posted about 17 years ago

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The Concert Hall

cincy_bob: thanks again. I will listen for myself later this week. Thanks again!

posted about 17 years ago

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The Concert Hall

cincy_bob: thank you for the detailed post. I did contact EA and they said the impedance is flat at 6ohms. They also told me the sensitivity is 91-92dbs which is good for guys like us with lower po...

posted about 17 years ago

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The Concert Hall

Cincy_bob...I am going to audition the prototype MM-TWO unit at the home of one of Evolution Acoustic's partners in San Diego. I am pretty excited. I am concerned that my Pass Labs XA-160 amps may ...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Peter, thank you for the kind words. My wife and I had a good time decorating that room. Right now, my system sounds very good to me. There is so much detail and nuance with just a touch of warmth ...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Thanks Joey...those lawn chairs had to finally go! I figure it was time to get rid of my college "furniture" and get grown up decor. Though I am not sure of the new chairs are more comfortable than...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

System edited: Added the Oyaide R1 ac outlet for my amps. Like my addition of the SWO-GX outlet for my cdp and preamp, this tweak has again raised the level of my system. This has brought a livelin...

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Thanks Ozzy...its great listening with the lights turned out with a light ocean breeze coming through rustling the curtain sheers...a very surreal and pleasant experience.

posted about 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

System edited: Added new pix of listening room.

posted about 17 years ago

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Showing 326 - 350 of 415 posts