Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

LOL!!! Thats exactly what I need, someone else egging me on!!! :) Seriously, I am thinking about the Alto and Miles but both of these are also pretty pricey. I am going to have to really sit and th...

posted over 16 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Henry, your rack would look and sound good in ANY system!As for the a replacement for the BE-10, I am not sure yet. I only started to think about this. Since I dont listen at loud volumes, ...

posted over 16 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Stan, thank you for the kind words. Its been fun getting up to this point and trading emails with you.

posted over 16 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Marc, good to hear from you. I would really like to go crazy and look at some super high end speakers but I just cant imagine spending crazy money on speakers. If I did, I would like to listen to t...

posted over 16 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Thanks Mike! Good to hear from you again. Assuming you still have the Ushers, our systems are becoming more and more alike. I would love to hear your impressions of the 5011. I have tried H...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Cabasse + Chord Electronics + Nordost

Outstanding Rotti! I have been admiring the Chord components for some time. Out of curiosity, which component do you use with your Symposium Rollerblocks? What improvements did you notice?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

System edited: I think my system is ALMOST finally complete. I recently added the MBL 5011 preamp and the Ayre MX-R amps. These two pieces are much better suited to my tastes. My system has reached...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Evolution Acoustics and Brazilian Tubes

Wow...going to the APL NWO 3.0 is a SERIOUS upgrade!!! Very nice, neat looking room. Do you feel you have any issues because of the wood floor?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Chris, thanks for the kind words and for bringing over ALL those cables!!!! It really is much more fun having a friend over and getting their opinion. Sometimes when you listen to your own system f...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Apo...too funny! Thanks for making me laugh.Father Xmas better bring some new car keys for me!!!!

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Henry, LOL...considering how happy I am with the pieces I have assembled, I do believe my upgrades will slow down a bit. The only big question mark is the preamp. I should be getting my 5011 pre ne...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Main System

Billt1:your room looks great! I like your idea of listening to music in the morning before you leave for work. I wish I could do that but I would wake my wife and kids since I leave for work at...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Chris LOL!!!! U are probably right...I need to stay away from you. You are bringing the dark side of the force from two directions...MBL and vinyl. You are not good for my wallet! Looking forward t...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Hi Dev. You are such a stud! Those 101e's are stunning. I am going to have to look up those amps. As for cables I am in the process of trying to figure things out. I am also going to do true biwire...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

System edited: Just added the Ayre MX-R amps to my system. Without getting into too much detail, all I can say is that my system has never come as close to reaching my goals as it does now. The mus...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Thank you for the kind words Ray. I will check out those cds you mentioned. You may want to give HEM a try. Their singer is incredible!

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

hmmmm...if I sell all my audio gear that M6 wouldnt cost that much more. I think I can get the wifey to agree to that!

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Henry, I too have been on the autobahn...going VERY fast...even though Ferraris and Lamborghinis were still passing us in our "modest" BMW. A family vehicle is also in out future though I...

posted almost 17 years ago

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Beauty and the Beasts! (deceased)

Hi Gerry. Thank you for the kind words. I have in fact replaced my Pass amps with the MX-R. I am also waiting delivery of the MBL 5011 preamp. Even though the sound of the Esoteric is great direct ...

posted almost 17 years ago

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VAC, Vitus, and Montana

Arthur, one last question. Can the brightness of these lights be adjusted (i.e. dimmed)?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Audio Destination

Arthur, one last question. Can the brightness of these lights be adjusted (i.e. dimmed)?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Audio Destination

Thanks Arthur. I contacted the manufacturer direct last night. I guess I can buy it direct too. Gonna have to look into it.

posted almost 17 years ago

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VAC, Vitus, and Montana

Thanks Arthur. I contacted the manufacturer direct last night. I guess I can buy it direct too. Gonna have to look into it.

posted almost 17 years ago

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Audio Destination

Arthur, I checked out the chameledon website and noticed there is no US dealers. Where did your purchase your lights?

posted almost 17 years ago

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VAC, Vitus, and Montana

Arthur, I checked out the chameledon website and noticed there is no US dealers. Where did your purchase your lights?

posted almost 17 years ago

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Showing 251 - 275 of 415 posts